New SDK Beta (World Builder, etc.)

no such beta is listed for me, no betas at all in fact. i can get into WB but I cant open any maps i saved (of regular games) or any maps I created from scratch. I can make new maps though. but i havent explored that enough to find problems yet.

here is my dxdiag. View attachment DxDiag.txt
no such beta is listed for me, no betas at all in fact. i can get into WB but I cant open any maps i saved (of regular games) or any maps I created from scratch. I can make new maps though. but i havent explored that enough to find problems yet.

here is my dxdiag. View attachment 355468

You need to enter the password before the beta will show up in the pull-down.
You need to enter the password before the beta will show up in the pull-down.

I enter the password, Steam tells me that beta wbbeta is now available, and then locks/disables the beta selection drop down so I cannot select the beta.
thanks, i put the code in and it updated SDK. (cant believe i skipped the code when i first tried, haha. it right there in the instructions :hammer2:).

edit: loaded the map from GnK map save and one from scratch pre-BNW and both worked fine. havent tinkered with them but this worked so far. thanks!!
thanks, i put the code in and it updated SDK. (cant believe i skipped the code when i first tried, haha. it right there in the instructions :hammer2:).

edit: loaded the map from GnK map save and one from scratch pre-BNW and both worked fine. havent tinkered with them but this worked so far. thanks!!

Dont you get a message (aside from that use of nexus) about that it needs to be updated? How much impact dos this have on the maps we create?
No issues downloading/installing, but still can't get the Properties tab up. The only time I've seen it since things changed in the last week, is if I start a new empty mod :confused:
Dont you get a message (aside from that use of nexus) about that it needs to be updated? How much impact dos this have on the maps we create?

didnt seem to affect my maps. i played one of them for 100 turns with no issues related to that. the worst thing im seeing is a graphical error where my highlighted unit isnt actually highlighted. im also getting a thing when im in a city screen while its processing AI turns and when it ends I have to exit the city screen and re-enter it to be able to switch citizens or buy/change production. but thats all normal gameplay stuff, not anything to do with SDK, afaik.
Now i get an error while starting the worldbuilder.:

Spoiler :
Application: World Builder
User: Unkown (Not an in-house user.)
Time: Monday 15/07/2013 18:27:24

Runtime: 32 bit
OS: Windows 2008 (Service Pack 1)
Machine: ----

Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception
Source: System
Thread: Main Thread
Description: Een ReadProcessMemory- of WriteProcessMemory-opdracht is slechts gedeeltelijk uitgevoerd

Stack Trace:
bij System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetModuleInfos(Int32 processId, Boolean firstModuleOnly)

bij System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetFirstModuleInfo(Int32 processId)

bij System.Diagnostics.Process.get_MainModule()

bij WorldBuilder.Program.InitNexusFramework(String sGamePath)

bij WorldBuilder.MainForm.MainForm_Shown(Object sender, EventArgs e)

bij System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnShown(EventArgs e)

bij System.Windows.Forms.Form.CallShownEvent()

bij System.Windows.Forms.Control.InvokeMarshaledCallbackDo(ThreadMethodEntry tme)

bij System.Windows.Forms.Control.InvokeMarshaledCallbackHelper(Object obj)

bij System.Threading.ExecutionContext.runTryCode(Object userData)

bij System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup(TryCode code, CleanupCode backoutCode, Object userData)

bij System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)

bij System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)

bij System.Windows.Forms.Control.InvokeMarshaledCallback(ThreadMethodEntry tme)

bij System.Windows.Forms.Control.InvokeMarshaledCallbacks()
Okay, before this update but after last week's patch, my maps wouldn't spawn barbarian encampments. I have updated the map with the new SDK beta, and barbarians are spawning again! Everything seems to be working in that respect. I'll check more into the other stuff this weekend probably

Quoting myself because bad news, I have just created 2 new maps and there are no barbarians to be found anywhere :( Am I possibly doing something wrong? Im not doing anything I haven't done before though...and all my previous maps had barbarians spawning as usual.

I did that quick one on the 11th and it had barbarians, but the 2 I just did a few minutes ago did not.

EDIT: Okay it seems the difference was the Start Location data. On all the maps I created, if I do not click "Load Scenario" in game, barbarians will spawn as normal, but when I do click "load scenario" they do not appear.

The maps I created contain start locations for my custom civilizations, time victory unchecked, and I also manually placed the natural wonders. The city-states, resources, etc. were not placed manually and spawn randomly on the map as expected, even the ruins sites. The only thing missing is the barbarians.
Now I can't get the world builder to open! It now just immediately comes to a windows error with "world Builder has stopped responding" and then it quits.
Before the beta it would open at least... Now it's just a waste of space. Hopefully I will get fixed soon.
This is horrible.

Same error here...
So I take it we are entering a brave new world of Civ V modding and I should check back in a few years when the modding community for Civ V has matured? :)
Well, I'm sure they'll get the bugs worked out. They usually do. It just takes a while. I'm sure in about 2 years there will be an awesome modding community built up around Civ V. Just in time for Civ VI to come out and for everyone to complain about how badly that sucks until they get it fixed up a few years later. In case you hadn't noticed, it's been a bit of a pattern...

Anyway, I really didn't come here to troll. I'll shutup now. All my best wishes with this. I love good mods, and with Brave New World Civ V is awesome now. :)
Out of the people that can load World Builder, is anyone else having a problem with barbarians not spawning like they should. I believe it affects custom maps, which have start locations for custom civs....
I hope they do get it tightened-up, as this is a game I could see myself playing for years. No barbs in custom games is big gamebreaker, as it seriously kneecaps a good number of civs, policies, etc.. :(
I just wanted to say that I'm having problems, too. I did a fresh install of the game on a fresh install of Win 7. Game runs fine. SDK doesn't. Even the beta version. It seems that many people are having exactly the same trouble.

Also, I'd just like to say that Steam is a terrible idea. I hope it dies.
Steam isn't the problem here. Now when it started way back when...
Okay.. after another half-day of experimentation with World Builder and different game setup configurations, I think I have discovered something else about our barbarian situation that has me pretty hopeful about a solution.

The pivotal moment came when I decided to make a huge map with designated starting points for each player. Raging barbarians was selected as an option. As usual, I used 18 city-states and 18 civilizations.. but this time, I decided to place the city-states on Teams 1 through 18, with the civilizations being placed on Teams 19 through 36. When I began the game, barbarians wouldn't spawn, as usual, but I noticed on the score list on the right side of the screen that there was a unique entry for Team #22.

So I went back into World Builder, added a Team #37 (the same civilization as Team #22) - and then erased Team #22. There was no longer a Team #22 in the game. (While there, I also gave myself just enough culture so that I could immediately adopt the barbarian-revealing Honor policy on Turn 1, and then gave myself a starting unit with ultra-vision and hovering status so that he could climb up a mountain to reveal a huge chunk of the map before returning to level ground).

When I began the next attempt, I could see that there was no longer an odd designation/indentation for Team #22 on the score list. On Turn #1, I have my uber-vision unit climb up and down a mountain to reveal a huge chunk of the map. On Turn #2, the honor policy showed that a handful of barbarians generated around the revealed areas of the map. On Turns #3 and thereon, more barbarians generated. Success!?

I have since replicated this success with several maps, with and without various mods enabled. We might be remarkably close to this being a decent workaround for the issue. It would allow placement of each player on the map, separate teams for everyone so that normal diplomatic gameplay is restored, full barbarian generation, etc.. but I'd like to see some folks from the forums try to duplicate the results on their own.

Here's hoping that this helps.. cheers.
OMG this will be awesome! I'm about to give it a shot!!

EDIT: adding the empty team slot did not work for me :(
But I never had a weird entry on the right side of the screen like you stated either.

I still have no barbarians :(, I should note that I'm using custom civs, I placed the 13 civ start locations, but left the 24 city states to be randomly placed. Checked raging barbarians just to be thorough, but nothing.

I did the city states team 1-24 and the civs 25-37, then I added a team 38 to the roster and removed team 32 and left that open. So I ended up with 38 teams listed and team 32 "open"
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