New Start

Library allows 2 scientists. Caste allows unlimited scientists, merchants or priests. So if you want way more than 2 scientists you may consider caste, otherwise libraries are enough.

However, it might be easier not to use specialists at all at the beginning. Try cottage spamming instead. Put cottages on green flat land. For now, only use specialists when you have too much food and you don't know what to do with it.

Ok then when my cities are large enough like 10 or 12 i can put scientists in my cities and reduce my research slider and get more wealth right its a nice idea
No. You might be large and yet have no food surplus to feed your specialists, in which case you cannot run them.

Lowering the slider to get more :gold: is of no use at your difficulty level. Maybe keep like a hundred if you have events on, but then you actually don't want too much gold :gold:. What you do want is beakers :science:.
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