new unit: Spetsnaz

Originally posted by Balou
I have no preview of this one as we still need to decide on the colors.
I also have a question there: Does anyone know the exact rgb-values of the UN color (I mean the blue color)?

This was taken from the source code of

<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" bgcolor="#6699ff" background="/media/bluetile.jpg">

<table bgcolor="#6699ff" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="100%">

I don't know what programs you are using, but I know that in Photoshop and Rhinoceros, you can select a color by inputting an "internet color" code. The color you're looking for should be #6699ff. After all, it did come from the official UN web page. ;)
Thanks Scipio Africanu. It took me a looong time to create this unit. Steph gave me a lot of feedback during that time.

I see what you mean Kal-el. The problem is that I would need to insert an animation somewhere which shows him laying the pack down, and this is a bit problematic because of my animation setup (the pack&straps are rigged to the body for easier animation - imagine to animate the straps during that action, not easy to do)
I also made the spetsnaz and modern infantry have the pack on all the time, I think it is acceptable.

Thank you utahjazz7. I entered the code into photoshop and it gave me the following values: R(102) - G(153) - B(255)
Hopefully that´s also the color they use for their helmets.
Originally posted by Balou
Edit: Thank you utahjazz7. I entered the code into photoshop and it gave me the following values: R(102) - G(153) - B(255)
Hopefully that´s also the color they use for their helmets.

Well, I did some further research. You can see in the html code that the background image is called bluetile.jpg I saved this file by right-clicking on the background, as you probably guessed. Anyway, I opened the file in Photoshop, and used the eye dropper to select the color. It's very, very, very slightly different from the other color. The code it gives is 669aff. The values are R: 102, G: 154, B: 255.

Uh-oh, I may be being to "Real," like Kal-El; although, you did ask for exact values. What am I trying to say? Well, either color should be good enough. ;)
Moreover, it makes sense for a paradrooper who has just been dropped in enemy territory wiht nothing to rely one than what he can carry until reinforcements can break through to keep is bag with him
great! i have looked at other spec ops units but this is by far the best! nice work! :goodjob:
Fantastic! Wow! Gee! Oooh!
That is a killer unit! Firaxis must learn from you.

If I was half as good as you....... ;)
Great unit :)

Can someone tell me the information about the Spetsnaz, thanks :).
Originally posted by CivGeneral
Great unit :)

Can someone tell me the information about the Spetsnaz, thanks :).

If I remember correctly, the unit comes with Civilopedia information, which tells about the unit.

do u think when u have time if u could make a USA Green Beret unit , so to use as a countermeasure to the Spetsnaz.

thanks mate.
A piece of magnificent work

Fantastic download, everything is there, sorted
This is how all units should be made! I love it!

In my game I use it as a all-nation generic commando unit with 10/8/1 {treat all sq as roads} and {blitz} <-(untested yet); fits very nicely with paratrooper and marine; the trio of Special Forces

Sometimes I build it just for the sheer beauty of it
Keep up the good work! (and Firaxis blushing)
This I have to say is the best unit I've ever seen created.

Do you think it's possible to make a machine gun crew for those of us who are too cheap to buy the "expansion pack" yet? I'm looking for a unit to move out and lay down cover fire for my Modern Infantry, which is another great unit by the great one. I use this unit as my Special Ops unit.
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