New Version - December 6th (12/6)

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What is this?
  if (eHistoricEvent == HISTORIC_EVENT_ERA)
            iYieldHandicap *= 2;
        else if (eHistoricEvent != NO_HISTORIC_EVENT_TYPE)
            iYieldHandicap /= 2;
What is this?
  if (eHistoricEvent == HISTORIC_EVENT_ERA)
            iYieldHandicap *= 2;
        else if (eHistoricEvent != NO_HISTORIC_EVENT_TYPE)
            iYieldHandicap /= 2;

Entering an era (since it is the most neutral of all the historic events) grants double the standard amount of handicap yields for an era. All other historic events (GPs, Wonders, Wars, etc.) grant half. The idea here is to temper the 'rich get richer' element of historic-event-based difficulty bonuses.

Entering an era (since it is the most neutral of all the historic events) grants double the standard amount of handicap yields for an era. All other historic events (GPs, Wonders, Wars, etc.) grant half. The idea here is to temper the 'rich get richer' element of historic-event-based difficulty bonuses.


It's paying off, here and elsewhere. As I've said before, my games are becoming more and more competitive among the AI.
I can tell, even untuned this is absolutely the right approach. The best state of the game is the ai essentially mirrors the player in difficulty, evenly, through the timeline.

Before it was heavy handed up top, but allowing a more granular system, it can be tuned very nicely to make it feel to the player that there is really nothing special going on.
In my current game Brazil is on the cusp of a Culture victory and it's only turn 230-something. His Tourism per turn isn't terribly high (around 135 with 5 cities) but it feels like he may be getting too much instant Tourism, he's already influential on me with my 700 culture per turn and was influential with all but one or two other AIs, at 85% with the lowest. Then again, said AI did ask me to jointly declare war on Brazil, so maybe I'm panicking too soon and the game is balancing itself out, but it seems too early, it's not even possible to propose Travel Ban yet.
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Where do I report a problem with the Merchant of Venice?
When a City-State conquers a neighbor, the Merchant of Venice can buy more than one city, besides acquiring the units coming from this new city.
It would be interesting if this were corrected.
Where do I report a problem with the Merchant of Venice?
When a City-State conquers a neighbor, the Merchant of Venice can buy more than one city, besides acquiring the units coming from this new city.
It would be interesting if this were corrected.
But is it really a bug? Wen the city states captures a city,that city becomes part of the city state and merchants of Venice bribes city states as a whole under the influence of Venice and not specific cities, and its really rare taht city states get a final blow on cities,usually I have to go out of my way and weak the cities to 0 for the city state to grab them
Where do I report a problem with the Merchant of Venice?
When a City-State conquers a neighbor, the Merchant of Venice can buy more than one city, besides acquiring the units coming from this new city.
It would be interesting if this were corrected.
I think a CS holding another city would mean that one government controls two cities, and the merchant of Venice is effectively buying control of that goverment
I can't understand the "supply cap" in this new version. The older one was much clearer, with the crossed swords on the center above, how many units you had/how many you could support. Actually I dislike it anyway, but it doesn's spoil the mod, which is quite good in general, so I'll try to deal with it.

Now I'm playing a game on Chieftain (going back to 'stupid babies' because this mod just changed the whole game mechanics), it was damn easy until I had a quite large empire with a really big army and then problems began. While I was building that empire, there was no supply cap-related problem, but suddenly it appeared cutting 100% of my production and 40% of my food (at least that's what says above). The limit was 42 and I was using 62. No matter what I would build - barracks, armories, ostrogs, walls - that limit was stuck on 42. So I thought I would have to kill some units (which is quite bizarre and historically nonsense, a very large empire with advanced technology, stable economy, rich culture must be able to support an equally large army). I killed some great admirals I wouldn't use anyway and now I'm below the cap, but the "-100% production" is still on the center above.

Not to mention the absurd unhappiness levels, which seems to change drastically solely depending on its own will.

What am I doing wrong? This is all quite bizarre, I have played Civ5 for years, it's impossible that I can't beat it at Chieftain (I know VP has different difficulty standards, but even it was quite easy until now).

Thanks and sorry for the bad English, it's not frequently used for writing.


  • supply cap.jpg
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I can't understand the "supply cap" in this new version. The older one was much clearer, with the crossed swords on the center above, how many units you had/how many you could support. Actually I dislike it anyway, but it doesn's spoil the mod, which is quite good in general, so I'll try to deal with it.

Now I'm playing a game on Chieftain (going back to 'stupid babies' because this mod just changed the whole game mechanics), it was damn easy until I had a quite large empire with a really big army and then problems began. While I was building that empire, there was no supply cap-related problem, but suddenly it appeared cutting 100% of my production and 40% of my food (at least that's what says above). The limit was 42 and I was using 62. No matter what I would build - barracks, armories, ostrogs, walls - that limit was stuck on 42. So I thought I would have to kill some units (which is quite bizarre and historically nonsense, a very large empire with advanced technology, stable economy, rich culture must be able to support an equally large army). I killed some great admirals I wouldn't use anyway and now I'm below the cap, but the "-100% production" is still on the center above.

Not to mention the absurd unhappiness levels, which seems to change drastically solely depending on its own will.

What am I doing wrong? This is all quite bizarre, I have played Civ5 for years, it's impossible that I can't beat it at Chieftain (I know VP has different difficulty standards, but even it was quite easy until now).

Thanks and sorry for the bad English, it's not frequently used for writing.

Very good English and probably a very bad install. The limit should go up with barracks, etc, more than it goes down with tech gains -- and it wouldn't hit you all at once.

Why don't you save your game, reinstall, try a new one, and see if it happens again?
Ah, one more doubt related to happiness: how do I know what's causing unhappiness in one specific city? In the older version it was easier, now I can't find the citizens complaining about crime, boredom, isolation etc.
Very good English and probably a very bad install. The limit should go up with barracks, etc, more than it goes down with tech gains -- and it wouldn't hit you all at once.

Why don't you save your game, reinstall, try a new one, and see if it happens again?

Humm, ok, I'll try that. It's been quite a lot of stress related to installation, I've had other problems before, but the mod is really worth the efforth.

By the way, what's the difference between 12.6 and 12.6.1? Maybe I just picked the wrong file.

Humm, ok, I'll try that. It's been quite a lot of stress related to installation, I've had other problems before, but the mod is really worth the efforth.

By the way, what's the difference between 12.6 and 12.6.1? Maybe I just picked the wrong file.


A hotfix. Go with 12.6.1.
1. It is an easy fix- just bump the value to 10 from 100. Typo on my part.

Where do we change this value exactly? As in what file and value to edit?

My husband and I are still playing this version before upgrading.
Where do we change this value exactly? As in what file and value to edit?
My husband and I are still playing this version before upgrading.

Folder: ...\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\(2) Community Balance Overhaul\Balance Changes\Projects
File: Projects.sql
Correct statement should be:
UPDATE Processes
Set DefenseValue = '10'
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