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Originally posted by dariusII
Re: Starvation

Well, at the risk of asking obvious (and obviously dumb) questions:

1) In a well-developed city (not a newly conquered one), if starvation occurs, should alarm bells go off & I should address it asap?

Starvation easily occurs in fully developed cities, because they need 2 food to grow, but might end up with only 1 new food. This is bad because starving cities can't be in WLTKD.

2) Does it mean I need to switch a few tiles from mines to irrigated? Bonus tiles or regular?

Short-term starvation (due to war weariness or loss of luxuries) isn't usually a problem.

3) Does it have a negative effect on the rest of the population, like the draft? (I think I have seen WLTKD occur after a pop reduction so maybe not.)

It has no effect. In fact, smaller cities are happier. :)
Bob152, it sounds like you need to start a thread in General Discussions and post a save game.

You should get lots of replies and people can look at your game to give better help. :)
@darius - You can prevent starvation in many cases by switching tiles around between cities so that there are no one-food-excess situations; i.e. get all cities to either zero growth or 2 food per turn. When that's not possible, what I sometimes do when a city starts to starve is build a worker once the city finishes its current production. That'll bring the city back to the +1 situation and I have another few dozen turns before I need to worry about it again.

I agree with anarres, though, that it's generally not a problem. The exception is in cities which are just short of an optimal number of shields produced when not in WLTKD. To give an example, say you're building cavalry in the city (90 shields), and the city has been producing 91 spt in WLTKD. The city grows, and goes into starvation, WLTKD is lost, and production drops to 88 spt. Obviously not an optimal situation. In this case you can now take one turn to build a worker and get your WLTKD right back.


Don't worry about repeat questions - that's what this thread is for.

As anarres has suggested you might like to post a saved game for people to look at in a separate thread. I'll try to give a brief answer here for you.

Depending on the terrain you're given, you shouldn't usually have a starvation problem in the early game, as long as your citizens are working the right tiles (in the city screen). Especially lookout for bonus food tiles (cows, wheat, game) and make sure you're using these. There's no need to irrigate grassland until you change government as there's no benefit under despotism - except for cows or wheat which will give extra food when irrigated. Irrigate plains.

As far as disorder is concerned, you can tackle this in several ways, eg
- military police (units stationed in the city)
- connect luxury resources (wines etc) to your cities by roads
- use the luxury slider (F1 screen)
- build happiness improvements (temple etc)

Try to avoid using entertainers to quell disorder as this will exacerbate the lack of growth problem you're having.

Hope this helps
Originally posted by Bob152
I apologize if this is a repeat issue.

I am making the jump from Civilizatio CTP to Civilization 3 and just cannot get a good start. My cities fail to grow and when they do within a couple of turns I end up with dis-order. I am also running into a problem with starvation in almost all cities. I am producing workers but no mater how much I irrigate the problem remain. Any tips here? I want to give Civ 3 a chance becuase I played CTP almost daily, am I running into a situation here that others have?
First, let me reiterate what anarres and Galcador have said: start a thread (preferably in Strategy and Tips - you are looking for tips after all ;) ) and include a screenshot and a save game. You have an international community here at your fingertips ready to help you. :D

One question I would have is: what level are you playing? As you have discovered, Civ3 is not CTP! ;) Things you learned playing CTP may not help one iota when playing Civ3, so it is probably best if you start on Chieftain or Worlord level.
Anares, Padma and Galcador I appreciate the response. I will get another game started and post it where you instructed.

Padma, I am playing at the lowest level.
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