News: COTM60 Pre-Game Discussion

Yilar: yes, I remembered at one point that the difficulty level section seemed to indicate an additional Settler for the AI's, and I didn't correct all the places where I said '1 city'. Key thing - they can't build anymore, but 2 cities is significantly more than 1. More Challenge - More Fun, right? :D

templar_x: I have excluded only the units I've mentioned. If the minor civs make it to the Middle Ages, they'll have access to build Pikemen, MedInf, LongBows, etc. I excluded Swordsmen to decrease the difficulty a bit, and Chariots because the Plains Warrior has the same stats and is a better unit all the way around. And neither one fits the concept anyway.
The concept probably being archers, war cries and a good portion of imagination.
This is by the looks of it going to be a super easy or super hard game depending on what happens within the first 60 or so turns. If the minor tribes build up a vast military, their one city holdings should not be underestimated.

It will be very hard to get a golden age because of barbarian horsemen appearing very quickly on the map to ruin any prebuilds you might have. The quickest way to probably lose this game is to chase wonders. As one of the articles in War Academy I can remember, it said that "With America, SIZE DOES MATTER"

So no wonders. Just expand like a bomb.
Well, I'll probably chase wonders anyway. I'm not confident I can win a 20K on demigod, but I'll give it a shot. If it doesn't work out, I'll go for diplomatic or an ambulance.
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