Next BAT War


Mar 10, 2002
Mountain View, CA, USA
Some time ago, I merged a now-old version of BUG with Next War. Then I stopped playing for a while. I just came back to Civ IV again, like I always do periodically, and decided my favorite setup needed an update. Therefor, I created a merge between BAT 2.1, the Unofficial Patch v1.4, and the Next War mod.

I then gave it a descriptive but stupid name, Next BAT War. I invite everyone to play it (and let me know if there are any bugs).

By the way: If anybody would prefer a version of BAT + Next War without the Unofficial Patch, I'd be happy to make it.
I really hoped you patched the buggy BAT v2.1.
You should really consider patching BAT to 2.1.1 (in your case, simply adding the instruction to do that might be enough), or waiting for an actually fixed and up-to-date version of BAT.

I then gave it a descriptive but stupid name (..)
You are not the only one there. :lol:
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