NiNES: A Broken Galaxy


Sep 25, 2005
Tucson AZ USA
To: 襲来重工業
Wonderful! the plans and figures will be prepared for transport at once. we will meet your ship at Sol for the Transfer.

OOC: Agreed

Symphony D.

Apr 27, 2003
TO: Nekomi
FROM: 襲来重工業


Well he could have just stolen the research data in the net worth of 3 EP?
OOC: That's pretty much what it says. :p

He had made off with data worth over 5.66% of Shuurai's net annual profit.
Which, if you do the math, is 3EP, though it would be of net budget. They're fighter pilots. Give them a break.

Erik Mesoy

Core Tester / Intern
Mar 25, 2002
Oslo, Norway
Or, somewhat more realistically, he stole closer to ½EP, 1 was spent on reorganizing the department and appointing new people and whatnot, 1 on punishments of those responsible and appointing their replacements, and ½ on chasing him down. :p

Symphony D.

Apr 27, 2003
Or, somewhat more realistically, he stole closer to ½EP, 1 was spent on reorganizing the department and appointing new people and whatnot, 1 on punishments of those responsible and appointing their replacements, and ½ on chasing him down. :p
OOC: Except that's all my invention afterwards, and hence cannot be factored in as costs in the original incident, as had I not written about it, no such additional causes should be claimed. :p The most that can be said is that data had to be recreated afterwards from what he took, and that drove up costs.

Why the rest of you want to make such a huge bloody deal out of it, I don't know. If you complain about your random negative events, expect some reprisal.


Fully Functional
GOTM Staff
Dec 21, 2004
57°47'55"N 12°09'16"E
As the mod I reserve the right to complain on anyone who complains about "my" random events. And you don't want to see my reprisals... :joke:

But seriously, complaint noted, now carry on with the grand show, you're a great set of players and I love your stories. Keep 'em coming. :)

Erik Mesoy

Core Tester / Intern
Mar 25, 2002
Oslo, Norway
Officially, the first budget meeting was to be convened in a month, but President Jonathan Domini could already see it taking shape. The will for a colony ship to reclaim abandoned worlds had reached tipping point. A squadron of fighters was expected to accompany it, which meant building an interstellar transport ship, and both of these would require a lot of resources to be put to the shipyards. But at least they had the resources available - thank the White Christ for the rediscovery of the elerium fusion process, which had moved scrapyards from cutting out chunks they wanted to actually smelting down metals. The Chiefs of Army were fixated on getting what he ghoulishly thought of as "spare parts for soldiers", the Chiefs of Fleet wanted laser weapons, the Heads of Research wanted to understand the warpgates, and the Representatives of the People had brokered deals where they said yes to all of this in exchange for guaranteed support on Robotics.
Put together, this would consume nine-tenths of the surplus budget not dedicated to necessities. If he wanted to get the asteroid belt mining underway once the last gas scoop was in place, (and even *that* might be cancelled or delayed now that his luck was running thin), he would have to get it another way than pushing it past the Governancy.
He called up a contact file on the computer, then tapped the GM hotbutton on his comm followed by two other buttons.

"People's Representative Corran Alder speaking."
"Corran, this is Jonathan. You've seen how the budget is going to look, I'm sure?"
"Yes. If you're trying to get my support for putting even more of your extraplanetary industry into the budget, you're wasting your time."
"On the contrary. I want it out of the budget and into private enterprise."
"You've changed your tune. Why this sudden change of heart?"
"It's not one, really. I'm still President, which means I make decisions. One of the decisions I've made is to start letting people stand on their own feet. Now that the boffins have gotten us elerium cells, the people have cheap energy, which means that industries will be looking for resources. What I'm going to suggest at the next Governancy session is to auction off our plans to private industries. Then we'll offer tax rebates to companies who begin asteroid mining."
"I'll consider it. Thank you, Jonathan." Beep.

Hm. It was a start. He copied the contact file, blanked out most of the information, and began keeping notes. Corran was likely to spread the plan around to some of his associates, so he should probably call some of the other Governancy members. Starting with... hmmm... Admiral Michele Valkin was likely to be agreeable. He pondered his approach for a minute, then called her.

"Valkin." The voice was clipped and precise, indicating that its owner did not have time for games. Well, not here and now.
"Domini. In the last five years, the Fleet has gotten one new ship, a corvette class gunship, and now-"
"Tell me something I don't know."
"I intend to make more ore available from private groups."
"Keep talking."
"At the next Governancy session, I will propose selling our extraplanetary mining plans and hitherto collected equipment to private enterprises wishing to mine the asteroid belt, and using the money to close the gas scoop program."
"Which means more resources available for ships. You have my support." Beep.

That was lucky. Jonathan smiled. One down, one disagreeable, and about fifty important ones to go. He would have to call them personally, of course.

"General Thor Savag speaking."
"Hello, Thor. This is Jonathan. I'll be blunt: You have very little to do, the research deals you've negotiated make it even less likely that the army will get any sort of funding increase, and you'll have to do a lot of your own work."
"...Suck vacuum."
"Watch your language, or I'll have your troop shipped to the asteroid belt. Which brings me to my point: Since asteroid mining isn't going to be in the budget, we'll sell our blueprints and mining machines to private companies, or to you if you like, and whoever gets this can start mining themselves. I'm sure you can appreciate the value of this."
"My answer still involves vacuum." Beep.

Well, hopefully he meant vacuum mining. ;) Figuring that Corran had probably begun spreading the news by now, Jonathan leaned back in his chair, stretched his arms out, and yawned before calling the next Representative. It was going to be another long day...


First Citizen of Rome
Jan 18, 2007
Ancient Rome
Doctor Hugo Holtz and Miss Ashley Teague settle down for a meeting in Dr. Holtz's office to discuss the future of Altara.

Miss Teague: Well we know from scouts and fighters there now that Altara is a polluted system, so I assume we should build industries, perhaps shipbuilding industries there.
Dr. Holtz: Good idea, but how exactly will that bring in a few money for us? I mean industries dont really bring in quite alot unless we find mines that they can mine instead of bringing metals from other systems to supply them.
Miss Teague: Which brings me to my next advice.... while industries focus on building ships, we should establish commercial zones despite the fact that not a whole lot of people will be going to Altara for tourism or even move there with it being so polluted, but the workers and military personnal would need someplace to go shopping at.
Dr. Holtz: Ok so should I tell President Zabriskie that we need to build a shipbuilding facility at Altara? Or should we wait and see what happens first? I think Altara has alot of potential to become one of our best systems.
Miss Teague: Ok lets tell the President that he should build a shipbuilding facility at Altara so they can add to our fleet building capabilities. Also Altara having the potential of becoming one of the greatest systems for Fury... Ha dont make me laugh. *chuckles*
Dr. Holtz: Dont underestimate the face value of a system, they taught us that at Mars University. Every system has potential if exploited right.
Miss Teague: Fine I will go with this for now, but if you prove wrong I will write a lengthly letter to your professors about their misplaced tactics.
Dr. Holtz: *laughs* My dear child, I am 65 years old, my professors are by now dead, if one should by some miracle survive till now, he would be well around 105 years old by now.
Miss Teague: *cheeks become crimson red* Well.... fine.
She packs up her books and left. Dr. Holtz chuckling picked up his papers and walked over to the Presidential Suite.


Fully Functional
GOTM Staff
Dec 21, 2004
57°47'55"N 12°09'16"E
I would like you all to share this memorable moment with me. Tonight, I have reached 2000 posts, and in my own thread too! :)

Oh, and it's now 47 h to deadline and I have 6/10 orders in. :scan:


Jew Detective
Jun 21, 2004
Sitka District
Initializing audiovisual recording process.....complete.
REC ● 17:32 / April 4th / 0012 AC

Manual user control established.
Overriding automatic recording process.
STOP ■ 17:35 / April 4th / 0012 AC
Deleting automated recording subroutine.
Bright day. Kozmos was spinning in his comfy leather chair. Much like the chair his mind was revolving, thinking, his thoughts in a constant circular motion. Then the chair jammed and squealed. So did his thoughts. He felt the rage and insanity in him building up. He decided to vent a bit in order to retain his sanity in public.

"MOTHER*****!!!! THE RAGE WITHIN ME!!! Who do you think you are you leathered piece of ****! MWAAARGH!!! ... Goddammit. This is the 26th century and my chair sucks.....and I'm the goddamn General Secretary. Who do I have to nerve staple to get a proper chair?"

Good thing the walls were sound proof. Irritated he pushed a button on his work desk.

"Sophie, send a report to the maintenance team to fix my chair for good or else I'm sending their collective asses on a recon mission to uncharted territory..."

"Yes sir."

Kozmos pushed more buttons on his desk. Truth to be told, his desk looked more like an advanced computer workstation or a control panel then a work desk. He opened the lower drawer and grabbed a pair of gloves from it. Putting them on he tapped his somewhat large translucent computer screen (his desk was monster sized compared to regular work desks) activating a kind of a virtual reality interface where the gloves are used to manipulate it, giving the user superior feeling and control of it. The gloves themselves had miniaturized motion sensing technology in them. In his opinion this tech was a godsend, it made multi-tasking much more easier.

A small virtual symbol appeared on the screen in the lower left corner. It was a symbol representing a holocall. Whenever he got one it randomly played one of his favourite ancient old rock/metal music, so he intentionally delayed answering the call as much as he could. He tapped the symbol to answer it. A human sized hologram appeared in front of him. It was an old man, wearing a gray uniform and sporting a thick grey moustache. It was Boris.

"Looking good Boris."

"Indeed, it feels good too...comrade chair man heehhehe."

"Stop calling me the chair man. It's not funny. What news do you have for me?"

"We finally reprogrammed the rampant teddy bear nanofactory. The excess teddy bears were handed out to families, orphanages and hospitals. Also per your orders we secured a sizable shipment for project ReGenesis and one large special modified teddy bear to be sent to...uhm Crazy Ivan for further modification."

"Excellent news. Thank you Boris."

"Aleksej what do you think to do about Zhukov? He'll is probably pissed off at the size of his budget and it's allocation. I think he sent one of his ******ed errand boys to your office to file a complaint."

"Pfft. He has his orders. Any complaints shall be promptly shuved up his ass."

"Hahaahaha I see. Later Kozmos."

The hologram dispersed. Kozmos continued with his work, some of it stimulating, some of it mind numbing. Either way he felt a bit lonely in his huge office. He activated the recently developed Quantum A.I. or QAI. In addition to keeping him company it also helped him in his work in many ways.

"How are you QAI?"

"Good comrade Kozmos."

"What is the status of the ReGenesis project?"

"I estimate that it is 48% complete. Further progress will require additional recourses. Everything else is going as planned."

"Bring up the current map of known territory on my screen. Zoom in on the Corona system. What is the deal with it?"

"Preliminary sensors scans discovered large amounts of pollution, probably caused by heavy industry or a catastrophic disaster. Further, detailed scans confirmed this."

"I see. Then we shall settle for the other one. Mark the Corona system for Special Projects and Operations."

His screen lit up again with another holocall symbol. This time it was Ivan.

"Yes Ivan, what do you have for me?"

"I have completed the Teddybot XR-1 and it should be there right now."

Kozmoses intercom activated. It was Sophie.

"Sir, you have a delivery. Do I let him in?"

"Yes, yes. Let him in."

The delivery man hovered in a large cardboard box on his antigrav board. He pushed the board to the corner and unloaded the box there. He unpacked it and revealed an oversized stuffed teddy bear. The delivery man went O_o when he saw it, but he best figured it was top secret state business. Sophie escorted him out. Kozmos noticed she was looking at the delivery man with eyes of lust. They were probably banging each other every time he delivered here. As long as it didnt interfere with work, he didnt mind it. Kozmos stepped toward the teddy.

"Magnificent Ivan. Simply magnificent."

"It has everything you requested. I've also linked it up to QAI."

"Oh and before I forget. How is the IM research going?"

"It is as good as done."

"What I thought it was going to be delayed?"

"We ran into some problems, but one of the archeologist made an amazing discovery on a surviving data drive from the 21st century. It's a log of our ancestors who used a similar network protocol. They called it the Internet....or Internets. We are not quite sure. I'm transmitting to you the historical messaging with an animated image included."

Ted Stevens said:
Ten movies streaming across that, that Internet, and what happens to your own personal Internet? I just the other day got... an Internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday, I got it yesterday. Why? Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the Internet commercially. [...] They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the Internet. And again, the Internet is not something you just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes. And if you don't understand those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and it's going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material.

"So now this should in theory at least, give the power of mass communication to the masses?"

"Yes, comrade Kozmos."

"Great, keep up the good work. Kozmos out."

Things were finally shaping up. Progress was being made. The K-Man was pleased. However, a man barged into his office. He was wearing a dark blue uniform and had a mild ******ed look on his face. He must be one Zhukov's errand boys. Sophie ran in after him apologizing and saying she tried to stop him. Kozmos understood and told her to leave the room. The insolent boy instantly began to rant.

"Admiral Zhukov is not pleased. He demands that you make alterations to the spending budget. He also demands to research more Warp Gate technology."

"Wait a second, what did you say? Warp Gates?"


"I loathe that word. Not only do you come in uninvited, making annoying rants, you dare to use the word Warp Gates! The proper wording is Quantum Tunnels! QAI!"

"Yes, Master. Can I terminate this gland-driven meatbag?"

"Activate the new Teddybot XR-1. Take care of this waste of humanity."

"Wh-hat!? Teddybot?"

The oversized teddy bear activated, it was actually a drone. It stood up on it's two feet and walked toward the boy with a cold killer bear look in it's eyes. The Navy boy peed his pants out of fear and rightly so as the Teddybot XR-1 overshadowed him with 2.2 meters of height. It's eyes turned red like some kind of a enraged maniac. Before you knew, laser beams fired out of it's eyes and burned the poor bastard to a crisp. His screams and groans of pain went unheard and all that remained of him was a pile of ashes. Kozmos grinned. It was a grin of a winner. A sort of a sadistic winner.

"Sophie, please send a Cleanerbot to my office. The unfortunate navy officer made a mess out of himself."

Symphony D.

Apr 27, 2003
0015 UTC, FEBRUARY 3, 0006AE


Comms are still laced with static. It's probably all the plasma the damn rock is venting. Honestly, how did they not anticipate being found? How amateur. A voice crackles in “Affirmative, charges in place, stand clear.”

Chemical propellant driven weapons were always a favorite of mine. No e-clips, no plasma injection fuel, no mag-slugs, just a magazine full of a hundred rounds of rock and roll. All you needed was air, and with modern rounds, not even that anymore. Not that there was much choice after the Scourge, but at least it had left humanity with some dependable technology. Stuff tends to work pretty good after a thousand years of trial and error. A personal defense weapon was just as good at putting holes in somebody as a plasma rifle was at turning them to vapor, and it didn’t have a chance of melting your arm off if something went off. Not a bad trade-off. Then again these were science guys; they might have some armor and they’ve had at least an hour to get ready. Another voice came through, this time “Everybody check your gear, we’re going in hot.”

A glance down reveales LEDs shining “100” in blood red. Magazine check: ten ready to go. A slap on the back of my helmet from some other nobody and one to whoever’s in front; air integrity good. Even if they equalize the pressure you don’t just waltz in. HUD showing all systems green. Give the thumbs-up along with everyone else. “Alright you apes,” said LT, “get ready to move; detonation in 5, 4, 3, 2…”

I don’t like this damn “Personal Armor” crap. They didn’t train me for this. Half the grunts on this stint were new. I survived that damn techno-virus and when I entered this service, they had me in Full Powered Armor. Not the ground-pounder kind they give Security either, but full Heinleinian functionality; hermetically sealed nanoceramic and duralloy plate armor, orbital insertion capability, jump-jets, autocannon, flamer, plasma and bomblet dispenser, grenade and rocket launchers (with all kinds of rounds; sometimes they even issued us elerium fusion warheads), and of course your fireteam specific weapon. And here I am in a damn armor-mesh suit and helmet like freaking Neil Armstrong or some crap like that. And to think I saw drops on Ross 3B, Tsze Tseang 7E, Battle of Jupiter L5…

“… 1,” finished LT, and right as he did the shaped charges blew. Simple technology again: take a man-sized water jacket, put an explosive ring on one side, use it to blow a hole through several meters of just about anything. No muss, no fuss. Wasn’t so bad, that Scourge. I still miss that armor though, even if it did try to kill me…

“Breach, go, go, go,” shouted LT, pointing a finger at me “Damnit Liana, wake up and move, I expect better!”

Nod, run, and off we go. Down the hole and into Wonderland. Some kind of klaxon going, hard to hear over battle-chatter. Flashing yellow lights. Not as much smoke as usual. Follow the sonar map, limited synesthesia makes it so damn difficult to pay attention. Smell the route. What had York said? “Smells like victory,” he said, quoting some ancient visual archive.

Flashes of motion. People fleeing, mostly in jumpsuits—Shuurai jumpsuits. So they hadn’t even bothered to get rid of the very emblems they claimed to hate. I guess that’s scientists for you. Standard warning, I don’t even have to think about it anymore “Cease and desist or you will be fired upon; any attempt to resist will designate you as a combatant!”

One drops, the other two keep going. Aim for the legs of the one on the right, some guy, short, shaped like a barrel. Squeeze the trigger twice. Blood red glow of “100” ticks to “98” as a blood red spray erupts. He goes down. Other one freezes, turns, throws her hands up, can barely hear the “Don’t shoot, for God’s sake don’t shoot!”

Level the gun at her. Not bad for a nerd girl; light platinum hair, blue eyes, tan complexion. Strange that scientists get time for some sun. Shout “On the ground, now!”

She drops like the first one did, keep moving. Half-turn, shout “Hands on your heads and don’t move!”

Spot Matsuyama and Chang coming down the hall, visual sensors golden. Two pairs of golden circles drifting through the smoke, dragons in the mist. Turn back, move forward. Can hear their intercom now, it just drones on and on “Warning: Farpoint Laboratory is experiencing extreme structural disturbance, all personnel please report to evacuation points for immediate departure.”

Not that they have anywhere to go. Smell of victory getting stronger and stronger. Waving a gun at these people is enough to make them drop. All of a sudden the whole world shakes violently. Fall over, things come tumbling all around. Ankle hurts like hell before the sting of the needle and by the time I get to my feet it’s all gone. Hope that was just a sprain. The drone’s different now “Warning: Farpoint Laboratory has sustained pressure loss on levels A, sections 1, 2, 6; B, sections 2, 3, 5; C, sections 8, 9; sealing bulkheads of all affected areas to preserve atmospheric integrity. Please evacuate these areas if you are still ambulatory.”

And what if you’re not? Sucks to be you, you’re dead? Probably dead anyway. There weren’t any explosives issued. Booby-trap, or some experiment? Can’t stop now. Follow the smell. Round the corner. Another guy, standing in the middle. Something in his hand; wires—detonator. He’s staring at me, visibly hesitating. I’m not going to die, not here, not on this rock. Aim for the right arm, squeeze the trigger.

He goes down in a red spray, right arm tumbles off the other way as he screams in agony. Walk right by him. Sonar synesthesia’s really strong now, must be getting near the center. See a sign: “Amadeus Khan.”

Turn, kick the door open, sweep the room with the gun. Man sitting at a desk, reclined in his chair. There’s a plasmacaster on the desk. They weren’t kidding when they said he was some kind of thief. Level the gun at him. “Are you A. Khan,” I demand.

He just sort of grimly smiles. “Answer me now,” I say.

He shakes his head a little, says “Doesn’t matter, you’ll kill me anyway,” and goes for the caster. No choice, armor can’t take it. Hold down the trigger. The chair topples back in another cloud of red mist. Slowly advance toward the desk and around it, check him. He’s gone. Check the gun: down to “72”.

Glance across the desk; display gives a manual option to override alert status. Initiate, tell the computer to issue an order to stand down. Its drone changes again. Reach up and undo the helmet seals pull it off and slick back my hair. It’s damp with sweat, hadn’t noticed that before. Hit the comm button with my chin and state “This is Staff Sergeant Liana Rheims, objectives complete; target is neutralized.”

LT radioes back, full of static again, “Damnit Liana, we wanted him alive!”

I glance down at the dead man and at the caster, before responding “No choice, sir, he was hot.”

LT swears but gives a muttered “affirmative” and clicks off.

I glance back at the caster before picking it up, setting its safety, and set it in my helmet, carried under an arm. Golden-eyed dragons in the red mist…


Fully Functional
GOTM Staff
Dec 21, 2004
57°47'55"N 12°09'16"E
Less than 20 h to deadline and still 4 ordersets missing.

Global Nexus

Terran Confederate
Jul 13, 2003
[[OOC: Orders are in! ^^ Story today names my new scouts and develops the Sezuren system a little.]]

Introspection? Oh, I don’t have any problem with it. All societies should look inward, but they should also look outward. Being completely focused on inwardness leads to stagnation and eventual extinction. Historical records show that humans as a species at one time almost fell victim to this inevitability. As the new Prime Minister of this young Federation, I intend to offer as equal a focus as I can on both the inward and the outward. To do any less would be foolish.

-– Excerpt from Alesia Maradoth’s first public speech


A Growing Fleet

Two more vessels have been commissioned recently into the Sezurenian fleet. Discovered in a dilapidated space station that had just a year earlier been too dangerous to enter, these two scout vessels were found in relatively pristine condition compared to others. At first this seemed to be too good to be true, but then it was discovered that they still functioned – not perfectly, mind you, but they could pressurize and had enough fuel to get to Orion Station intact.

After carefully blowing a hole in the side of the station [it was already beyond repair anyway] the ships were carefully shuttled out and taken to Orion, where they were completely evaluated and inspected. Within the month, both were completely refurbished and brought into service for almost no cost. Their designations: the Meriwether Lewis and the William Clark. They will begin following in the footsteps of their cousins within the year.

Sezuren System

[[OOC: Please forgive the absolutely horrendous picture. My artistic abilities are kind of lacking. Uhm...just think of this as an abstracation of the system proper.]]

The Sezuren system was chosen for its mass colonization project for a reason. It’s not exactly unique as far as systems go – it is one of the few with a supergiant and a naturally habitable world sharing an orbit, though. However, Sezuren is an extraordinarily rocky system. Two asteroid belts filled with material could be used not just for mining but for constructing orbital space colonies for cheap – a veritable, easy-to-reach wealth not present in many systems. As well, the gas mining opportunities offered by the two giants held at the time enormous potential.

Today we shall go through a brief description of each planet in the system, from the closest to the farthest from Sezuren.

Gevros (Gehv-rose) – A hot, rocky planet of average Earth-world size. It has been tidally locked to Sezuren and is generally unlivable and crater-ridden. During the initial colonization of Sezuren, a series of robotic mines were set up here. However, during the Scourge all contact was lost with said mines. A recent expedition to this planet has shown these mines as still being in relatively good condition, though the environment control seems to be failing quickly.

Sartys (Sahr-teez) – second planet of the system. Rocky, slightly larger than the average Earth-world size. It is warmer than the standard Earth-like world, but is still very habitable. Dominant form of life before human arrival: various large, reptilian/avian species. Differences between plants and animals can be very blended on Sartys, resulting in numerous carnivorous “plants” and at least ten cases of mobile “plants”. The planet’s surface consists of a near-Pangaea continent, a much smaller island continent, and a series of island chains. Sartys is also, obviously, the capital world of the Colonials and is quite highly developed compared to the other planets in the system.

Laeyk (Lie-yuck) – third planet of the system. Gas giant. It is notable for having at least two gigantic storms on exact opposite sides of the planet. Laeyk also has a complex, very impressive ring system, though as compared to Sol’s Saturn isn’t quite so magnificent. Has a large number of moons, at least five of which are geologically recently-captured asteroids. Has a series of inoperational gas mining stations set up, however they are currently unable to be reached due to their docking station having been destroyed.

Vorona (Vore-own-uh) – fourth planet of the system. Gas supergiant. Undeveloped excepting for a lone science station in orbit which is in a rapidly degrading orbit. Calculations say that said station will crash into Vorona in 24.44 Solar Years unless stopped. Lacking anything notable currently, aside from its 30+ moons.


Fruity Penguin
Nov 3, 2004
Auckland, New Zealand

On-board CXSS One
John Doe. He remembered his name, but his past seemed alien. It didn't belong to him, yet he was sure it happened. Beating his wife? Disliking Capellan authority? That just went against every fibre of his being. Yet he didn't seem to mind the confusion, after all his memories were a confused mess anyway. The recent year had been a blur - all he recalled was waking up on board a Scoutship sim under Captain Adonis. The sim and the CXSS One was all he knew from that point onwards.
The loudspeaker overhead boomed down, "This is Captain Adonis. Prepare for decceleration stage." A klaxon then began blaring out three long bursts followed by a long pause, and then repeated three more times. John quickly went to man his station in engineering. His job was to make sure the fusion engines maintained a consistent thrust as his partner John Smith adjusted thrust vectoring. Slowly but surely as they had been trained, the thrust reversers engaged and nozzles did their 180-degree turn to send the Scoutship's thrust facing for'ard. It was the halfway point from Capella VII to the LaGrange point where the Alcyone warpgate was located and the Scoutship converted the 3Gs of thrust to -3Gs, effectively allowing a nice and slow slip through the warpgate.
As the decceleration process went on, John Doe wondered, What of my son?. And then, I have a son?

Montenegro District, Capella City
Jim Doe. Born with a birthmark and small eyes, he was marked for life as a Fugle - and treated as one. He had just finished his assignment at reconstructing heavy industry in the Cathay District on the other end of Capella City. The Government took Fugles and arbitralily assigned them to various points of the system to work on reconstruction and redevelopment, and Jim ended up having to rebuild factories. At least he didn't have to work the germanium mines twenty miles out where the mortality rate was probably enough to clear the Fugles from the system in thirty years.
He stepped off the bus which had carried him back to his home district following the end of his service and temporary three-day leave. He looked forward to seeing his mother again, a woman who slaved away daily at the meatworks not a few hundred yards down the street where he lived. The smell of death and the disassembly line was choking, unless one had stayed there for a long time. Clearly, the Beaut visitor wasn't one of those types.
She was dressed plainly, and when Jim walked in she was having an empathic conversation with his mother. Both looked up as he entered, "Son, the Doctor wants to speak to you."

Pudu Prison, Central District, Capella City
Dr. Lovetalk. Her work over the previous year sickened her, and this time no amount of money could wash her hands. What she did was wrong and she knew it, yet she understood the reasons behind the work she had to do. However, with new knowledge she felt she knew a way to pay penance for her sins. She'd go against her Government, but in a subtle way. Walking down the corridor, with Fugle in tow she got wry looks from the guards on various doors who didn't know what she was up to - they certainly suspected something was amiss.
Finally, they reached the surgery section in the infirmary, alone but for one Jim Doe. "Jim, I'm not sure about you but I believe the sins of your fathers should not reflect upon the sons. Do you not think so?"
Jim merely nodded his head. He wasn't sure how he managed to let his mother convince him to trust and follow the advice of this Dr. Lovetalk. After all, the Beauts were the enemy. Right?
"I've found a way to ensure that Fugles can't be mistreated anymore - but I'll need some Fug-," Dr. Lovetalk corrected herself, "non-Beauts to trust me with this. The community trusts you and I think you're perfect. Please help me. In seven hours, I'll make sure no one would be able to call you a Fugle anymore."

On-board CXSS One
In seven hours, CXSS One arrived at the Alcyone warpgate.

Pudu Prison, Central District, Capella City
In seven hours, Dr. Lovetalk was knackered. The facial reconstruction surgery took longer than expected. Promises about gene-tweaking seemed overstated. But it was over. It was only a matter of time before she'd know if her experiment was successful.

On-board CXSS One, Alcyone-Capella warpgate
No one liked jumping. Ask anyone what travelling through the warpgate is like and you'd get a myriad different answers. The common denominator amongst those answers was "crap" or any of its variations. First of all, the Scoutship had to go to battle-stations prior to jumping as a safety precaution. Sure, the ship had just enough Gatling guns to shoot off the odd meteorite but a total sensor blackout caused by warpgate travel made the precaution necessary. After all, that odd meteorite may just be lurking there.
John Doe underwent the same feeling as he had felt through all those jump trials. Disorientation, and then the whole world seemingly to go haywire. Circular squares and memories seeming to merge into one another. Dali writ large and double was the way to describe it. But as quickly as it started, a few seconds - or maybe fifteen minutes? There was no way to tell. But it was all over. In the bridge, the comm-system came to life, "CXSS One, this is CSS Artemis. Welcome to Alcyone, our new DCP is down on the 3rd planet. Do drop by for a drink and chat if you wish and good luck with your mission."
The mission had finally started in earnest.

Pudu Prison, Central District, Capella City
Jim Doe clawed his way out of the most random dreams possible. Surreal and Dali-esque were good adjectives, plain weird was another good one. Yet there was only one thought in his mind and that croaked out of his parched throat, "Am I... beautiful?"


Beep Beep
Jan 25, 2004
Only the News You Need
Snapshots...of Shipdown City

Like a lot of cities that sprung up suddenly due to a spaceport, Shipdown city had no real centre. Instead it sprawled messily over the scrubland plain in the northwest corner of the primary continent that the habitats had chosen to make their emergency landing on seven local years ago. Each of the habitats and support modules had simply, hoarding their last ergs of power, crashed somewhere on the plain without rhyme or reason for the location. As people had moved out of the ‘tats rings of ancillary structures had emerged and gradually spread outwards and eventually merged into a warren of acentric conurbation without the vaguest sense of overall planning to link it together. There were other cities on CII of course, satellites to Shipdown or built near important natural resources with actual plans to their development and nods to aesthetics and taste, but Shipdown was where most of the still functioning power generation and the greatest trove of material to be reactivated was located. Thus the city bloomed like an obscene desert flower and sheltered seventy percent of the planets total population within its rambling structure.

Of course to most people, it was simply home, and it was hard to imagine an alternative way of doing things. Hence Coordinator Heyerdahl didn’t spare the cityscape a second thought as he rode the spider bus through the city. There were other reasons he didn’t look out the window though; the spider bus, a converted mining robot with a passenger module strapped to its back, scampered along the girders of Artery Seven with the grace and poise of spasming howler monkey on LSD, and most kept their eyes closed on the jolting ride. It was inelegant but fast and cheap, and in this era of energy rationing a smoother solution like a flyer or a maglev was simply a luxury. A moment of freefall as the spider bus leaped across a drill pit nearly made the Coordinator lose his lunch, and he cursed those programmers who had been trying to write better steering algorithms into the robots – to little effect so far, though the spider buses did tend to do back flips less often nowadays. Then the bus started running up some sort of tiered structure and Heyerdahl stopped thinking about anything other than keeping his kidneys within his body.

Eventually he did arrive in the shadow of the great Habitat One, where CEO Magnusson had summoned all the section heads and coordinators for an unscheduled general meeting. Heyerdahl wondered what this could be about, it couldn’t been anything from outsystem, for that would have passed through his department which was in charge of integrating signals from the warpgates out round Rigel, so it must be some planetary emergency or discovery…


Jew Detective
Jun 21, 2004
Sitka District
This is definitively a story heavy NES. Kudos to you all. Other then that, it's Thursday so I feel obliged to say: UPDATE NAO!


Fully Functional
GOTM Staff
Dec 21, 2004
57°47'55"N 12°09'16"E
This is definitively a story heavy NES. Kudos to you all. Other then that, it's Thursday so I feel obliged to say: UPDATE NAO!
Sorry Cleric. Trying to evoke the powers of NAO will only backfire on you, now it takes another story to win back the mod's favor. :p

Seriously though, I agree very much with Cleric. Not only are there many stories in this NES, they are also of really high quality. You guys are great! :goodjob:

As I noted last week, after spending long hours doing the update late at night, I'm not sure it was a good idea. So expect this update to take about the same time as the first one did, meaning you can probably expect it up around 24 h from now. Might be earlier, might be later.

Oh, and I'm still missing two order sets. I have provisional guidelines from Iggy though if he doesn't send me any, and Swiss didn't send last week either so I'm not sure if I should expect to get any. But to quote the rules: "Very nasty."


Jew Detective
Jun 21, 2004
Sitka District
Planet Implosion for everyone!
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