NiNES: A Broken Galaxy

Deadline is here and gone. Update machinery started, wheels are creaking a bit (map trading is a bit messy to be honest, but almost completed now), but things are moving along nicely. Don't wait up though. :p
*drinks a gallon of coffee*

What? What else I'm going to do? Oh right that back late homework I've delayed for three weeks. NEXT TIME GADET! NEXT TIME!
1700 UTC, JULY 6, 0006AE


The spectacle of this launch was greater than that of most. This was perhaps due to the scale of the launch being greater than most as well. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of dignitaries and socialites—such as there were post-Scourge, anyway—were assembled in the viewing decks of the orbiting platform, along with tens if not hundreds of thousands more watching from back home, wherever that might happen to be. It was official: the corporation was going interstellar yet again.

CEO Tsukuda had the podium at the moment. He was just finishing up his speech “It is only fitting that the indomitable human spirit should rise from the ashes of the Scourge, and reach out again across the vastness of space to reclaim its birthright: the entirety of the habitable universe.”

“Though we may have been set back, so long as our species endures we shall never surrender,” he continued, concluding “It is Shuurai Heavy Industries’ greatest honor to be a part of such a rebirth of mankind.”

He halfway turned and gestured out the window. Behind him gleamed the kilometers long oblate hull of a colony ship. It was not smooth by any means, marked by various protrusions and facilities, but the shape was a tapered form possessing some degree of streamlining. Various smaller ships, barely perceptible against its girth swarmed around it, no doubt performing final inspections and other myriad details required to get a vessel of such bulk operational. Merle Sterling knew its designation and specifics by heart but pulled up the specs anyway. Within the limited synesthesia appeared the pre-Scourge catalog of Shuurai:

襲来重工業 Space Vehicle Catalog

Strike Vessels
Warrior class - Fighter

Strike Ships
Champion class - Corvette

Capital Ships
Vista class - Scout
Volante class - Frigate
Vantage class - Destroyer
Valiant class - Cruiser
Vanquish class - Battleship
Victory class - Dreadnought

Carrier Ships
Superiority class - Escort Carrier
Supremacy class - Carrier
Sovereignty class - Command Carrier

Assault Ships
Interdictor class - Assault Ship

Transport Ships
Peacekeeper class - Transport
Peacemaker class - Heavy Transport

Colony Ships
Horizon class - Colony Ship

She cycled through onto the Horizon class and pulled up its statistics. 4.3km long, 0.67km wide at midship, 24 ionic propulsion units rated at 4.5 terawatt peak power each, capable of sustaining 200,000 humans all on its own for over five years, outfitted with the full array of equipment required to begin turning a system into a functioning human settlement, and completely unarmed. It was slow and vulnerable and ridiculously large, but it got the job done. It was perhaps unnecessary to package everything it included into one vessel given all of them that had been dispatched had obviously gone through Gates, but redundancy was the name of the game. One hadn’t been built in over a decade now. But for all its pros and cons it wasn’t the only thing up here, just the one getting the most attention. She glanced through its accompanying cloud of smaller ships. Beyond them, scarcely visible to the eye were the slate gray with chrome orange accented forms of the Shuurai Navy, contrasting the gleaming white of the Horizon class.

Shuurai had never built just any one type of weapon. Shuurai had never built just weapons either, although it had definitely been their specialty. But Shuurai focused on military hardware first. The catalog listed ships by hull-type for a reason. The business policy on ships was the company would construct modular hulls capable of being fitted out to the specifications of clients’ budgets and requirements. The company itself used the same hulls for its own defense forces and of course spared no expense in equipping them when they were to be used for defending its interests. The flexibility and cost-savings this afforded was one of the chief reasons Shuurai had gotten where it had: efficiency. And now the production lines were starting up again, as old hulls were hauled in, gutted, refitted…

Out there was at least one Champion and one Peacekeeper, and the whole Warrior production line was being repaired and retooled for production again. But that wasn’t the most impressive thing floating around above Prime. She ran an image intensification on a dull gray glint on the very edge of perception. What gradually materialized—although still fuzzy, damn the simple AIs—was the intimidating profile of a Supremacy. It was the Akagi (赤城). It had almost made it through the tail-end of the Scourge… almost. But it had been compromised and the crew had evacuated; but not before blowing all the plasma vents and purging the entire ship. It had drifted in space for four years now, all its functionality gone, but the structure still present.

And now it was coming back to life, the first of the new generation of Shuurai’s Fleets. Already they were out going through the carcasses of burnt out ships in-system, checking them over for damage and refitting capabilities. The new versions were vastly more primitive than the originals, but that same modularity was coming back to pay benefits again. Somehow though, Merle didn’t think anybody was going to be buying anytime soon…
I assume you'll continue to use the NPC plans I sent before I left. I've been astoundingly busy, and my basic plans remain the same.
Year 3

Against the backdrop of countless stars, cold and uncaring to the eye, humankind struggled on, doing what it had always done best - surviving. When the few scattered survivors met each other at first, it was obviously with trepidation, suspicion and fear. However, distances and lack of technology clearly meant that those "others" were too far away to be immediate threats to short-term survival. Curiosity and the chance to make a profit soon prevailed over suspicion, and it didn't take long for gatesystem charts and descriptive technological documents to start trading hands. If by the first and second years of rediscovery such trades were few and far between, the third year saw a veritable boom.

The discoveries of Nekomi scientists on Sirius suddenly made more concrete forms of trade possible as well. With the key to faster warpgate travel, Nekomi merchants suddenly saw new markets opening, on the Shuurai homeworld Epsilon Eridani. Shuurai company representatives were welcoming, if a bit wary, and quite obviously jealous at the knowledge they were lacking. But for now at least, trade flows, and both factions grow stronger from it.

(+8 Nekomi trade, +4 Shuurai trade)

Nekomi scouts managed to make contact with two more factions, the Emergents of Benalia and the insular people calling themselves the Cybrans. The Emergents already knew of the existance of the Nekomi, and of several other factions as well, but to the Cybrans the inquiry through a warpgate from an unknown scoutship came as a surprise. They had suspected they were not alone, but with bad experiences in dealing with others before, the meeting was a double-edged sword. Other survivors meant a chance for help - or another chance to be pestered and misunderstood. More relieved to find other survivors were clearly the scouts in the NAM Gymir-Rho Alpha fleet. It had been anticipated that there would be other survivors, and the news that a standard gate call had gotten a reply from the Emergents was met with joy and relief. A few hours later the word came of contact with the Furians as well. Isolation is finally broken. Lastly the Shuurai received several reports of contact with faction calling themselves the Democratic Autarchy of Huris. The proud tales told of a civil uprising and the overthrowing of the oppressive corporate government clearly don't sound as sweet to the ears of Shuurai company representatives as it does to the free men of Huris.

(Nekomi-Emergents, Nekomi-Cybrans, NAMgp-Emergents, NAMgp-Furians, Democrats-Shuurai contacts)

As more and more factions come into contact with one another, it is no wild guess that the mentioned trend of trade and cooperation will continue. But as noted by the philosopher Echelo di Fares (2217-2344 AD): "Where humankind and humankind meet, there will be trade, and there will be war". So far the galaxy is peaceful enough, but how long will it last?

Nekomi aid to the survivors at Rana and Sol greatly intensified over this year, and the inhabitants there are very grateful. Some basic production facilities have even been set up, helping the refugees help themselves.

Random mini-spotlight

The noise was deafening as the pods came to land one by one along the elevator, spread out in a seemingly random but in reality very well-coordinated pattern. Small deviations of up to two meters were allowed and could be recovered from, but for the core of the new colony to be duly connected nothing larger than that could be tolerated. The pods had been connected before, not long ago, while the Furian colony ship travelled through the warpgate between Fury and Altara. Now the behemoth that was the ship had done its job, and the pods that it was made up from were disconnected and brought to their final rest. Work was hard in the greasy, smog-filled air - if you could call it air when it consisted to more than 8% of different hydro- and chlorocarbons. Clearly not a hospitable environment for a human colony, but there it was. Humankind's inhibitable expansionism strikes again.

(Furian colony at Altara)

Story bonuses

+ Nekomi scientists are crazy. (+4 to Warpgate Capacitors research)

+ Altara is now safe and communication lines are open. (+1 scout at Altara)

+ News casters come cheaply at Benalia. (+1 banked PP)

+ The Cyberlands are being rebuilt. (+2 to Instant Messaging research)

+ Newsfeeds from the outer layers are interesting reads. (+2% stability to Rigel)

+ Anyone may choose to run in "Mass" or "Competitive" elections. (+2% stability at Benalia)

+ + Alexander Khan gets his just reward. (Free Tech: Lasers)

+ President Domini has a plan for the asteroid belt. (+1 redev of Benalia)

+ Altara is clearly best suited for building ships. (Free shipyard at Altara)

+ Beware the Tarsurian Teddybears! (Free Tech: Lasers)

+ The Colonials know their way around the Sezuren system. (+1 redev of Sezuren)

+ Capellans are getting used to jumping. (Free Tech: Warpgates)

+ Spider buses in Shipdown City could use some better algorithms. (Free Tech: Human-Computer Interaction)

+ Warrior production line is being repaired. (+10 fighters)

Random Events

Capellan scientists find a complete treatise on metal-doped ceramics. (Bioconstruction research completed despite underspending)

Nekomi Augmentation Program results in some commercial spinoffs. (+4 banked PP)

Prospectors at Benalia's asteroid belt find large caches of raw materials. (+4 banked PP)

Special Bonuses

Shuurai infantry have the best equipment. (Best Stories - Free Tech: MAG Rifles)

Kozmos has no patience with extravagances. (Easiest Orders - +3 redev of Tarsus)

Gee, this turnset saw a lot of stories. 15 stories from 8 players in one week, and really good ones too. Absolutely wonderful! Just to show my gratitude at your dedication to my NES, I will hand out +1 extra banked PP to all of you. Generous huh? Keep it up guys! :thanx:

Oh, and I think I'd better steal the scapegoat-of-the-turn idea from das, there were plenty of nominees this time around, but in the end it's Symphony D. who picks up yet another award.

Scapegoat-of-the-turn: Symphony D. for trying to move ships the same turn they were built. Read the rules! (and that goes for a few more of you, although not for this particularly serious transgression) :p

Also a reminder seems to be in order for how research is conducted. The listed price for a tier is the base price for techs at that tier. The actual cost can vary up to 25% in either direction (except for tier-1 techs which are fixed at 5). This means that if you spend the base price you have roughly 50% (slightly more actually) chance of actually getting the tech that turn. If you wanted to be absolutely sure that you got the tech that turn, you should spend 25% extra. Any overflow will come back to you as banked. You may all know this, but since the vast majority of research spendings I've seen in your orders are for the base value, I figured you might need to hear this.

As for the update time, this was the longest one yet, for a number of reasons. It's rather hard to do predictions for the future, but on the up side it seems once per week is definitely doable. :)

Maps and tech info tomorrow.
Scapegoat-of-the-turn: Symphony D. for trying to move ships the same turn they were built. Read the rules! (and that goes for a few more of you, although not for this particularly serious transgression) :p

Niklas said:
Shipyards (5 PP)
Allows new ships to be deployed at the colony.
OOC: Deployed, in mind, means moved, not built. It seemed like Shipyards facilitated the movement of ships immediately whereas otherwise it's the next turn they're complete (which is what ENES used). So make the rules less ambiguous! :p Nice update.

To define what can and what cannot be done on the same turn, I define three different types of actions for ships and troops; Free actions, Standard actions and Full Turn actions. The basic rule is that during a single turn, a ship or troop can do any number of free actions, and either one Standard action and moving, or a Full Turn action and no move. In the cases where applicable, the Standard action can be done at any time during the move (i.e. you can if you like move, then act, then finish your move).


Full Turn actions:
Being built (ship)
Alas, to think I have gone through all this trouble to make sure everything is unambiguous, all for naught! :cry: ;)

I'll change deployed for built in that line you quoted. I used the former since I'm used to it from strategy board games, as in placing out units on the board. I'll use the standard excuse and point at my non-englishness. :p

EDIT: Well, look at that, see what I found:
Ships can be built (and thus deployed) at any colony with shipyards.
TO: Nekomi
FROM: 襲来重工業

We are interested in the knolwedge of Warpgate Resonance, and as such inquire as to what would be required for its acquisition.

TO: "Democratic Autarchy of Huris"
FROM: 襲来重工業

Greetings. The universe today is a dangerous and wild place. We are willing to assist your people by providing any of the following technologies for a price of 4EP each:

- Bioconstruction
- Warpgates
- Robotics
- Ship Design
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Ship Computers

Based on estimates of laboratory costs this is a savings of 20% on independent research. Interested?
OOC: I wonder if the Furians will be the first to go to war... due to their warlike status..... but who will feel the wrath.....:hmm:

"Welcome to Altara, Mr. President." Admiral Coleman said as I boarded the carrier.
"Fine, fine.... lets get down to business." I coldly cut him off. President Zabriskie doesn't like interstellar travel, but as president, or in other words, Dictator......:shifty: , he is required to visit new systems that have been colonized by his men..... and women.... I proceeded towards the galley where the meeting will take place. For some reason the Huston Class Escort Carriers dont install conference rooms. "I will have to change that policy." I thought to myself.
PZ- President Zabriskie; AC- Admiral Coleman; other-other.
PZ: Well lets get down to business, I need to be back at Fury soon.
AC: Yes, sir... *gesturing to a map* This is Altara's main planet, Altarian Major and as you can see it is rapidly growing..... we have found a small deposit of iron and metal probably left behind from the earlier settlers. We have yet to come across a human being yet, though we have crossed this weird looking animal...... looks like a dog, but doesn't walk like one or speak like one. It walks on two legs and speaks like a cat and bird talking at the same time. *An aide brings in the animal*
PZ: Interesting, it looks scared, perhaps it has heard of our fearsome military. *laughs* I shall bring it with me and have Dr. Holtz and his team look at it.
AC: Yes, sir. Now to the next order of business, our construction workers started building the shipyard as you ordered, but something unexpected happened.
PZ: What happened!?
AC: We finished way ahead of schedule saving us several thousand dollars (1 PP)
PZ: You mean to tell me that they finished a years worth of construction in just 2 months?
Other: Yes sir, The workers were tested on a periodical basis, since they are the first ones on the planet and the doctors found something in the system that increased everything, sight, carrying capacity etc. Thus we were able to finish early.
PZ: Who is this?
AC: This is the Foreman hired by the Navy to work on the shipyard.
PZ: Well good job, now I want you to work on building buildings for the workers that will be arriving soon, I want Apartments, Research facilities, Iron smelting, everything that aides in building ships. And this is very important that you do not forget this..... BUILD A ******* Hospital this time. There will be a military detachment arriving sometime soon. So I want a barracks for them as well. Spare nothing in this, I dont care how much it cost I am determined that this will be an example of Furian construction beauty and might to the world, I want them to know that we dont just fight well... we build well too.
Foreman: Yes sir I will get started on it right away sir.
AC: Well that is done, I have nothing more to say, sir, do you have anything to say?
PZ: Yes, I want the first fleet to head back to Fury to pick up more fighters.
AC: Yes, sir.

The two great men departed and went their own ways. As President Zabriskie left he felt that they would meet again but this time it wont be a good meeting.
So I now have contact with... Capellans, Furians, Colonians, and NAMgp.

Great update, looking forward to PM, will have to consolidate tech info from archived ones.


From the Emergents of Providence
To NAM Cluster Gymir-Rho

Are you open to an exchange of maps and perhaps technology?

From the Emergents of Providence
To the Pornocracy of Capella

Give us Biotech or we shall taunt you a second time! :p </montypython>

From the Emergents of Providence
To the Furians

We have several useful technologies that we would be willing to sell you in exchange for resources, or perhaps contact with another faction if you have such.

From the Emergents of Providence
To the Colonial Federation of Sezuren

What would you have us trade for Genetics, if anything?

From the Emergents of Providence
To the Nekomi

Will you trade us Warpgate Resonance for Elerium Cells, and would you be open to a map trade?
From the Emergents of Providence
To the Pornocracy of Capella

Give us Biotech or we shall taunt you a second time! :p </montypython>

To the Very Rude and Unbecoming Emergents,

Pah. I fart in your general direction. </sillyfrenchaccent>

From the Cool Magistracy of Capella (of whom you're jealous of because we're hotter and cuter than you)

p/S: Proper message MSNed to you .
I demand my advisors and maps.
[[OOC: Awesome update. Now for a very-early story.]]

So…uhm…you like cats, right?
– Captain Vlad Redrigard of the Ponce de Leon during first contact with the Nekomi


Planet Gevros, otherwise designated as Sezuren I, was a world that at first glance held no potential at all. It does not hold an atmosphere despite its great size, is tidally locked to its star, and is blazingly hot on the facing side and intensely cold on the other. Terraforming opportunities were at a minimum due to the harsh conditions and its proximity to Sezuren, and underground colonies do not tend to work well on planets near their home star. The horrendously failed Mercurial Project back in Sol, a tale that hadn’t been lost despite the Scourge, was proof of that.

But creativity is something the Colonials, and indeed the parent colony that initially colonized Sezuren, did not lack. The series of Gevros Mining Stations, facilities built primarily for robots, were meant not so much for immediate use but for future use. Their strong, sturdy designs and hardy machinery were a statement to such intentions. However, due to the Scourge all ten Stations were badly damaged. They aren’t in any danger of collapsing, but the life support had failed in half of them and was failing in the rest. Getting the Stations back up and running would be nigh impossible and very expensive if there was no way to even set foot inside them without an unwieldy amount of protection.

The Colonial government, however, was swift. It did not intend to allow all of the Stations to become completely unlivable. Many were already beyond saving, but getting a few up and running again with repaired life support would be a long-term blessing. Construction of mines on planets like Gevros was exceedingly difficult even pre-Scourge and, for the Federation, would be extraordinarily expensive for the foreseeable future. As drones reentered service through Sartys, an expedition was sent to Gevros to try and save a few of these Mining Stations…



A small repair drone moved through the corridors of Gevros Mining Station II. Little, spider-like legs traversed some rubble, its cameras inspecting the damage. Upon reaching a large, heavy door of metal, it stops and sets its cameras upwards.

Danger! Reactor Room!

The drone sits still for a moment, then glances around and notes another corridor to its left and proceeds in that direction. It continued to inspect damage, probing through any small rooms it comes across and taking samples of the air quality and temperature of the various areas.
Not far behind come larger drones armed with various basic tools and equipment. Some are like the earlier drone, moving on spider-like mechanical legs, while others roll on many wheels or treads. Their mission: to clean up for larger units and repair simple, basic damages. Later, a third wave of drones entered, larger and more advanced, clearing the area and making whatever repairs they could.

This continued for several waves before the first humans appeared to do first-hand work. Before the drones had come into being, such an expedition would’ve been much harder to execute and more prone to worker death. With the drones, however, the layout of the Station was being rediscovered, rubble was being steadily cleared out of the humans’ path, and the lesser repairs of systems in the area had already been completed.

At the current rate, Station II would be repaired to limited mining functionality and complete life support functionality within the next two months.
&#35186;&#26469;&#37325;&#24037;&#26989; CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS
13:27 UTC, JANUARY 14, 0007AE


&#8220;There is still no response, from either the Nekomi or &#8216;Huris&#8217;, sir,&#8221; said Elsa somewhat demurely.

Renji wasn&#8217;t really paying attention, to be honest. He had grown accustomed to the failure of others to recognize a good deal when it was right in their face. They were offering the backward &#8216;Huris&#8217; (what a terrible name for a system, or a sovereign entity) technology at a vast discount in an effort to stimulate trade, and have given the Nekomi the ability to state their price. No reply from either. It was all too typical. He wasn&#8217;t paying attention to the report, he was browsing through the Board of Directors listing and making anagrams out of members names.

&#35186;&#26469;&#37325;&#24037;&#26989; Board of Directors
01. Chief Biotech Officer (CBO): Mai Zheng
02. Chief Communications Officer (CCO): Elsa Iverson
03. Chief Engineering Officer (CeO): Ivana Voznesensky
04. Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Renji Tsukuda (Tsukuda Renji)
05. Chief Financial Officer (CFO): John Clark
06. Chief Information Officer (CIO): Iceal Jefferson
07. Chief Legal Officer (CLO): Uhuru Saototi
08. Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): Golan Armaryl
09. Chief Nanotech Officer (CNO): Daniel Archer
10. Chief Physics Officer (CpO): Arisawa Matsuyama (Matsuyama Arisawa)
11. Chief Production Officer (CPO): Jirai Ericsson
12. Chief Research Officer (CRO): Merle Sterling
13. Chief Security Officer (CSO): Thomas Thawan

It was unusual for a company to have its Chief Officers be its Board of Directors. In fact, it was quite simply unheard of. But it was now the standard state of affairs at &#35186;&#26469;&#37325;&#24037;&#26989;. There was a simple reason for it: all the previous Directors (and most of the stockholders, for that matter) were dead, and the only people left alive who had retained significant amounts of stock were in fact company employees. With virtually nobody left to elect Directors, it had made sense to just take the most qualified members with the most stock and elevate them to the position. And so it was that they now had something of a corporate oligarchy, with the strange ability of the employees to fire their boss through a vote of no-confidence. Of course, it hadn&#8217;t come to that.

Renji had already laughed out loud at random at &#8220;I toots&#8221; from Uhuru&#8217;s last name. That had gotten him some rather strange looks. He was currently stumped at Ivana&#8217;s last name; it couldn&#8217;t be reassembled into anything meaningful. He nodded disinterestedly at the news and gestured down the table at Ivana, saying &#8220;Next.&#8221;

She cleared her throat and sorted out her papers &#8220;Final shakedown of the Akagi and Kapteyn Horizons have been completed and both are awaiting launch.&#8221;

Renji glanced up at her and tapped his holopen twice. She pulled out a different sheet and said &#8220;Reconstruction of the Warrior class line is nearing full completion and we expect to resume bulk production soon.&#8221;

&#8220;And full-scale production of the M-63 (&#35186;&#26469;&#37325;&#24037;&#26989; Magnetic Accelerator Rifle, Caliber 3.2mm, M-63) has been reinitialized and deployed among our security forces,&#8221; she concluded.

&#8220;For which we are thankful,&#8221; piped up Thomas Thawan.

Renji glanced at the man before looking back at Ivana &#8220;What is the state of our defensive technology restoration?&#8221;

She finished reassembling her papers and set them upon the table before looking back at him &#8220;We&#8217;ve retrieved several samples and a lot of data but as Research has been ordered to focus on more offensive applications we haven&#8217;t made much progress yet.&#8221;

&#8220;Which we think could use some revising,&#8221; stated Thomas.

Renji smirked a little and halfway turned in his seat, saying &#8220;Something you&#8217;d like to add, Thomas?&#8221;

The Security Officer shrugged a little &#8220;We took some hits while clearing out TY392 to get Khan &#8211; superior firepower&#8217;s all well and good but we really need some advanced protection back.&#8221;

Renji glanced across the table at Ivana, and at Merle as well &#8220;Consider it an emphasis on the offensive, not an exclusivity.&#8221;

He pointed across the table to the Chief Marketing Officer, breaking the usual pattern. Unlike most Board tables, that of &#35186;&#26469;&#37325;&#24037;&#26989; was completely circular. The main distinguishing factor of the CEO&#8217;s position was that he faced towards the door and his chair had a higher backing. The difference wasn&#8217;t entirely motivated by egalitarianism&#8212;it also promoted easier viewing of all possible speakers and holoprojection. Not that the holoprojector had worked for awhile now, but when they got to that it would again show its benefits.

&#8220;What is the state of Public Relations,&#8221; asked Renji flatly. The teeming masses annoyed him with their incessant demands for more services and security and so forth. That they were providing all of it for free was a miracle already. Corporate Socialism. What a concept. And they had still been unthankful.

Golan tapped away at a PDA, not missing a beat as he spoke, &#8220;We have managed to stem the fall of public opinion and have managed to boost it to the highest post-Scourge levels so far by proper public service announcements and education of the public.&#8221;

Renji tapped his pen once as if contemplating the verbal garbage he had just been fed. He found he didn&#8217;t like its taste, &#8220;So what you&#8217;re saying is the propaganda is working?&#8221;

Golan glanced up from his PDA for just a moment before giving a curt &#8220;Yes.&#8221;

&#8220;Does your department have any further suggestions,&#8221; inquired Renji, reclining in his chair.

Golan stayed silent for a moment, apparently pulling up a file, before launching into seemingly endless options &#8220;Lessened visibility of security personnel, increased funding of ongoing efforts, increased quality of ongoing efforts, better and more on-time customer service, making advertisement of products more appealing to consumers, cleaning up corporate image (being a weapons manufacturer, after all), offering public stock options to increase interest in company&#8212;&#8221;

Renji stopped him mid-sentence &#8220;Did you say offering public stock options?&#8221;

Golan looked up and set the PDA on the table, before sitting up straight &#8220;Research indicates that resuming the offering of stock similar to as was done pre-Scourge would boost consumer concern for the well-being of the company and so increase their interest in its success by tying the fortunes of the two together.&#8221;

Renji nodded a little, before asking &#8220;And how do you propose to go about redistributing stock when most of the economy is still just barely rebuilding?&#8221;

Golan tilted his head before saying &#8220;An easy way would be to offer stock options instead of raw credit during wage distribution and tax return; employees can either take credit, or stock, or a mix&#8212;credit pays off immediately, but stock pays off better later.&#8221;

There was some murmuring around the table. It had been how they&#8217;d all got stock, and they were here now. It made good enough sense, particularly as the company conducted most of the post-Scourge enterprise except for various small businesses, since only it had the resources to undertake such things. Renji let them talk for a moment before holding up his hand &#8220;Unless there are any serious objections to the implementation of these procedures, I see no reason for them not to go ahead&#8212;including the public offering of stock.&#8221;

They all looked his way. He looked back. Nobody said anything. He nodded &#8220;Alright then, with that out of the way, lets take a break for lunch and come back to finish this in an hour.&#8221;

They all got up, packed up their things, and shuffled out of the room. It really was an oligarchy, this Boardroom, but what wasn&#8217;t, ultimately? And it got things done. Even the people outside couldn&#8217;t argue with that much.
18:30 UTC, FEBRUARY 10, 0007AE


It’s a tough thing to pilot a large spaceship; especially when you don’t have sophisticated computers doing most of the work. I’d know because I’m the Captain of one. It always starts out the same, “All stations, status report!”

And then they all go off in sequence “PROP, go.”

“RETRO, go.”

“FIDO, go.”

“GUIDO, go.”

“EXCOM, go.”

“INTCOM, go.”

“FAO, go.”

“CEN, go.”

“AFD, go.”

“PROC, go.”

And then once all the other ten of have gone it’s my turn, “Affirmative ORBCOM, this is FLIGHT, we are go for separation and maneuver.”

Back comes the reply, “Roger FLIGHT, you are cleared for separation by ORBCOM, god speed.”

“Docking arms disengaged,” says CEN over the chatter of all the rest. Limited computer control and limited AI means you want to have several humans in the loop when doing something complicated. It eats up a lot of space, but it’s the only way to be sure something’s done right, and doing things right is important when you’re steering a multi-megaton vehicle at over a G of acceleration. You learn to pick out who’s saying what after awhile. But I’d prefer it was more like the old days; more like a real bridge, less like an old-time mission control room. The procedures post-Scourge were actually structured after that, with all the consoles and equipment installed capable of being removed as time went on and more advanced control equipment was rebuilt. But there was one major difference: old mission control never left the ground back in the day. Here, your life depended on what all the console-operators were squawking, not some other guy’s.

“Communications links disengaged, moving to wireless,” said EXCOM.

We have names, ranks. I’m Captain Donald Genda, SIS Akagi, &#35186;&#26469;&#37325;&#24037;&#26989; Space Security Forces. But as long as we’re on the bridge it’s by the console title. It’s unusual for any “Navy”, corporate or not, and I can’t say I much like it. But it’s how things work best.

“Free of orbital array,” states GUIDO.

“Taking main engines up to 15%,” says PROP.

RETRO injects with “Activating forward thrusters to turn into final approach,”

“ORBCOM we are clear of orbital array,” I relay.

“Affirmative, FLIGHT,” they respond, adding “Good luck out there.”

I give a “Roger,” back.

Within a few more minutes we’re on our trajectory for rendezvous with Kapteyn Horizons and the SIS McPhearson at the Northwest Gate. It’s quite a thing to be given command of something as big as the Akagi, especially since it’s the first truly large-scale vessel reconstructed following the Scourge. It’s a bit sluggish, but still a good ship; looks to get better as time goes on. It’s also quite a thing to know &#35186;&#26469;&#37325;&#24037;&#26989; HQ decided to send a whole Carrier and Transport, each with full-loads to accompany the Kapteyn Horizons. Apparently they aren’t interested in taking risks with high-value assets; can’t say as I blame them.

“ETA 35:21:16 at maximum transitory speed of .35c,” relays PROP

“Calculations confirmed,” replies CEN.

“Artgrav and gravdampeners are compensating,” said INTCOM.

It was quite a thing, the engines in ships these days. They weren’t designed to go FTL but they were designed for war, and as such had vastly more sophisticated STL drives than virtually any civilian ship. They were completely independent of the inner-system gate network. Command had decided it’d be a good idea to give the engines a final shakedown before deployment and I agreed; IS gates are slow anyway.

It’s quite something to move at .35c, and several G’s of acceleration, and barely feel a damn thing. That was what made stellar travel really possible: artgrav (artificial gravity) and gravdampeners (gravity dampeners). Artgrav wasn’t perfect and sometimes fluctuations in the fields could cause some pretty strange effects, but that was mostly related to sensations in the body rather than actual observable phenomena (all those did happen occasionally too). Gravdampeners helped reduce their occurrence under power too, which was a good thing.

As the chatter died down and the mission began moving underway again, it was back to the routine. I say “Alright people, good work; standard 8 hour shifts until arrival, you know the drill.”

They all stood, saluted, and responded “Yes, sir!”

I gave the standard salute back, and dropped it. They did so in turn, and half began making their way out while the other half returned to their seats and the next half of the shift came in. Only eight more hours and I’ll be up for shift too and the ExO gets the chair for awhile. Here’s hoping they installed those shock-plates for debris properly and it’s just a nice little cruise out to Kapteyn.
Three great stories already! :thumbsup:

Hear ye, hear ye, I have an announcement to make. It pertains to those of you who have the Slugs tech. When doing some background checking I realized my error in naming tech, so before this spreads further I'd like to rectify this. The change will be that from now on, what was previously known as Shrapnel will henceforth be known as Railguns. What was previously named Railguns are now to be called MAG Rifles. Only the names change, nothing else.

Oh, and I never said so in thread, but all PMs were sent last night.
Suddenly Slugs seem much more attractive. Shrapnel had a real put off to it.
OOC: Sorry for missing the diplo Sym.

From: Democratic Autarchy of Huris
To: Shuurai Heavy Industries

- Robotics
- Ship Design
- Warpgates
- Ship Computers

We would be most interested in purchasing these technologies, though we'd request that as a group the total price be lowered to 14 rather than 16. Negotiations are welcome if this is unacceptable to you.
Glad you like it Cleric.

Speaking of PP transfers, these are instantaneous for all purposes, so if you expect to get PP from someone as payment for something you may use it in your orders on that same turn. If you don't they will be banked of course.
TO: Democratic Autarchy of Huris
FROM: &#35186;&#26469;&#37325;&#24037;&#26989;

We would agree to a compromise of 15EP (-25&#37;) for all four.
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