NiNES: A Broken Galaxy

You cannot build, move and colonize on the same turn without the appropriate tech.

But we can move and colonize the same turn, right? I recall doing that with founding my colony in Algieba, but I feel compelled to ask now that you've said this.
TO: Wideband
FROM: United Systems Commonwealth

The U.S.C. has seen fit to expose the constituent rulers of the United Planetary Nations Council of Sol for the liars, oppressors, and despots which they really are. For too long has the galaxy been willing to look toward this organization in the post-Scourge years, unquestioning of its righteousness. We have discovered that such faith was entirely misplaced.*

All available evidence as to the crimes of the leadership of the U.P.N.C.S. has been made available for review of the citizenry of the galaxy. It is the U.S.C.'s intent to try all those involved in a fair court of law for the crimes they have committed against their fellow man while wearing a cloak of civility--a right they so often denied their victims. Concerned factions may send representatives to these proceedings if they so wish.

It is furthermore the intent of the U.S.C. to maintain military control of the system of Sol until such time as the U.P.N.C.S. may be reconstituted with a fair and truthful membership, at which time it will hold a referendum allowing the people of Sol to determine their allegiances.

TO: Nekomi
FROM: United Systems Commonwealth

With the conclusion of the referendum on Rana we will, as promised, withdraw our forces from Nekomi space.

* OOC: For anyone who even dreams of complaining that this was all false, you're free to question Niklas as you please. All my accusations against the UPNCS are 100% verifiable.

We thank you for your cooperations and hope many pleasant dealing with you in the future.

On a more sour note, concerning the Corruption of the UPNCS. we are shocked an appalled by the sheer Arogence of the UPNCS officials involved in this matter. We trusted them the Aid we sent, to restore Sol to it's former Glory. and yet, we did not take even the basic procedures to check where our funds were going, to concerned with what we perceived as the greater Evil.
We hereby apologized to the people of Sol.

that said, we ask for three favors during this trial.

One, as a member of the offended party, we ask that a Nekomi Representative be part of the Prosecuting party for this trial. Several Nekomi Firms have already Volunteered their services, for free, to serve in this Trial.

Two, If possible, that the misappropriated funds be returned to us, where they will be held in lue until such time the government of Sol has been reestablished to the point where it can receive the funds once again for Proper use in the revitalization of Sol. Whatever form that might be.

Three, if possible, that the Nekomi Sentence for Grand Treason Against humanity be used, which if partial lobotomy and a lifetime sentence of menial labor. if the USC would rather execute them, that is also okay with us.

do you require the Officers of the corvette's crew for use in this trial?

At least the colony ships ar in place for next turn. ^_^ still, strange. can you Explain why we can not do this in a bit more deteail mr. mod?
OOC: In short everybody else wanted to believe the UPNCS was good and just and all that but never bothered to actually check to see if it was true except me, or if they did, never said jack.
Well, I never had any relations with them... or sent them anything. I think a scout passed through their system once, but it spent all of its time contacting other factions.
I think being built counts as a standard action (rather than full-turn w/o orbital facilities) and you can only do one standard action per ship per turn. Colonizing is also a standard action.

Of course, the mighty Niklas *cough* will surely clear this up for us once he regains consciousness after burning himself out updating :mischief:

TO: Wideband
FROM: United Systems Commonwealth

The U.S.C. has seen fit to expose the constituent rulers of the United Planetary Nations Council of Sol for the liars, oppressors, and despots which they really are. For too long has the galaxy been willing to look toward this organization in the post-Scourge years, unquestioning of its righteousness. We have discovered that such faith was entirely misplaced.*
* OOC: For anyone who even dreams of complaining that this was all false, you're free to question Niklas as you please. All my accusations against the UPNCS are 100% verifiable.
OOC: In short everybody else wanted to believe the UPNCS was good and just and all that but never bothered to actually check to see if it was true except me, or if they did, never said jack.
To: Wideband
From: Emergents of Providence

We agree that the actions of the UPNCS are contemptible, but we would like a say in the investigation, given your earlier propaganda regarding the genetic modifications of the Nekomi.

{{ OOC: I sent aid and a ship full of visitors, but I never heard anything... maybe I'll hear about it in the PMs, too? Also, Niklas kept saying to me over MSN "Sol can offer legitimacy" a while back, but that was probably part of their deception too. }}

From: Kalia
CC: Wideband

However, Kalia would like to stress that point as well: Sol must be given a fair reconstitution, as it would be a great tragedy if it had to repeat it's past. Kalia intends to send a representative to the proceedings, and is greatly interested in learning details as to the crimes commited against the people of Sol by their government.

To: Wideband
From: Emergents of Providence

We would like to stress this point too, and follow up an earlier suggestion for Sol, as the ancestral home of mankind, to be and remain a neutral system, rather than being kept lawful by any other faction.

One, as a member of the offended party, we ask that a Nekomi Representative be part of the Prosecuting party for this trial. Several Nekomi Firms have already Volunteered their services, for free, to serve in this Trial.

Two, If possible, that the misappropriated funds be returned to us, where they will be held in lue until such time the government of Sol has been reestablished to the point where it can receive the funds once again for Proper use in the revitalization of Sol. Whatever form that might be.
To: Wideband
From: Emergents of Providence

We support these requests for further independent investigation and return of probably misappropriated funds.

Three, if possible, that the Nekomi Sentence for Grand Treason Against humanity be used, which if partial lobotomy and a lifetime sentence of menial labor.
Spoiler :
To: Wideband
From: Emergents of Providence

We agree that the actions of the UPNCS are contemptible, but we would like a say in the investigation, given your earlier propaganda regarding the genetic modifications of the Nekomi.

{{ OOC: I sent aid and a ship full of visitors, but I never heard anything... maybe I'll hear about it in the PMs, too? Also, Niklas kept saying to me over MSN "Sol can offer legitimacy" a while back, but that was probably part of their deception too. }}
We would ask that the Emergents not make the mistake of confusing the United Systems Commonwealth with Shuurai Heavy Industries again.

OOC: They intentionally mislead visitors.
@alex, did you botch our trade deal as well?
He didn't, you got that trade. But really this was something you must have known, considering you hadn't listed any of the trades from other factions in your orders either. It's really those other factions that should take offense.

OOC: Hrm. I've been missing out on a lot of Fighters then... :sad:
Some perhaps, but generally I've "corrected" your build orders. You should have gotten all you were entitled to, though I can of course go back and check again.

But we can move and colonize the same turn, right?
can you Explain why we can not do this in a bit more deteail mr. mod?
I think being built counts as a standard action (rather than full-turn w/o orbital facilities) and you can only do one standard action per ship per turn. Colonizing is also a standard action.
Nylan has it right. IC, since jumping is actually quite fast, you can jump and then set up the colony (which takes quite some time) in the same year. But being built during that year takes most of the available time, the ship would be completed towards the end of the year and the only time remaining would be to move it. Without orbital construction, that remaining time would instead have to be used for getting off the surface.

I sent aid and a ship full of visitors, but I never heard anything... maybe I'll hear about it in the PMs, too?
The visitors were cordially treated by the governments they were in contact with, and while they certainly saw poverty and squalor, that was only to be expected post-scourge.
Also, Niklas kept saying to me over MSN "Sol can offer legitimacy" a while back, but that was probably part of their deception too.
Legitimacy is in the eye of the beholder.
Legitimacy is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes, of course, but it's also the fact that it wasn't prefaced with any "from Sol" or the like that got me. :p

Question from BananaLee and I - if we both colonize Errai, how does that count for trade? Are you still up for using those rules on multiple faction colonization?
Yes, of course, but it's also the fact that it wasn't prefaced with any "from Sol" or the like that got me.
It was an OOC comment, and as such it still stands. :p

Question from BananaLee and I - if we both colonize Errai, how does that count for trade? Are you still up for using those rules on multiple faction colonization?
Everything will work as if there were two distinctly separate colonies from two different factions at the same location. So both of you could count Errai as a stepping point for trade when counting distances, and as a market for trade. Trade yields are counted on each colony separately, not the sum.
He didn't, you got that trade. But really this was something you must have known, considering you hadn't listed any of the trades from other factions in your orders either. It's really those other factions that should take offense.

What other factions? I shelved those other deals because I presumed I had no contact with them. If I did screw up, my apologies and will try to get it right this turn.
What other factions? I shelved those other deals because I presumed I had no contact with them. If I did screw up, my apologies and will try to get it right this turn.
No, you did it correctly, that was my point. You knew you were being cut off, but some others didn't, and thus your plans were unaffected but those of said other factions were not.
First Contact: Democrats - Wrath

To: Democratic Scout (Blight)

Attention intruder vessel, declare your intentions.
To: Wrath
From: Democratic Autarchy of Huris

Peaceful exploration, nothing else. We will be on our way out shortly.
To: Democratic Autarchy of Huris

This system is closed to all unauthorized traffic. Return the way you came.

Spoiler :
Orders: The Escort Carrier w/30 Fighters and both Corvettes manever their way to block the Democratic Scout from travelling out the other warpgate.
To: Wrath
From: Huris

What matter is it to you which gate we leave by? We have no intentions of harming you.

OOC: Besides, aren't all the gates in the same place?
OOC: Yup you cant really stop someone from gating directly to your homeworld, except by some later techs perhaps.
Umm, Iggy, I think you should be talking to the Sword of Wrath, not Fury. ;)

OOC: Besides, aren't all the gates in the same place?
They are next to each other at the same hyperstatic field yes. But it would certainly be possible to send a ship to try to intercept, to stop you from leaving through a certain gate. The gates measure in lightseconds though, so it wouldn't be an actual physical block, but he could still attack you if you try to move past him.
To: Democratic Autarchy of Huris

Continued violation of our space will be met by force. Withdraw the way you came.
OOC: am I in contact with the Great Ascendancy of Imperial Guangdong? it says they have claimed castor, did they do it the turn before this and I missed it?

that being said, on with IC.

To the Cybran Domain.
Greetings. we apologize for the brief period of lack of contact, and are in the process of insuring this dose not happen again anytime soon. We also wish to Express a Desire to Exchange some technologies with you.
Would you care to Exchange Your Knowledge of "Instant Messaging" for Our Knowledge of "Warpgate Resonance(T2)"
Would you care to Exchange your Knowledge of "Prosthetics" for our knowledge of "Genetics"
Would you care to Exchange your knowlage of "Interfaces" for Our knowlage of "Heavy Plating"

We also wish to formalize the Peace between us with a Non Aggression Pact for the next 5 Years.

To Furians
Greetings, we would like to formalize the Peace Between us with a 5 year Non-Agression Pact?
We also wish to offer you and opportunity to buy Technology from us if you wish, as long as you agree to NDA for it. the prices are 3PP for any Tier One Techs, 12PP for any Tier Two Techs, and 30PP for any Tier Three Techs.


Greetings. We are still waiting on your reply concerning Sol, but in the meantime, we wish to see if we can conduct a few deals. Since you have Expressed a desire to prevent the Reselling of your technology, we will consider any technologies we aquire from you under a NDA, as long as you agree that any technologies you aquire from us to also be under a NDA.
Would you care to Trade your knowledge of "Shields" and "Plating" for our knowledge of "Burst lasers"
If any of these technologies are protected by a NDA you have with another nation, or it is not a technology you wish to Aquire, we will Accept any reasonable counter offer.
We also wish to formalize the Peace Between us with a five year non-Aggression pact.

To Colonial

We would also Like to formalize the Peace Between us with a 5 year Non-Aggression pact.
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