Nitpick: "Frank" Kafka Is Still Around

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Aug 22, 2005
You know, the Great Artist Frank Kafka; he turned up again in a game I played the other night. I know there are more important game issues, but seeing that typo for Franz Kafka irks me. And the answer to this is not to tell me I can change that myself by editing; I think the game designers should be able to deal with this thing.
Isn't it just the same name in different languages?
Sure you dont want it to be Frantisek, since he was Czech..
Atleast that was what it said on his death notice:
I am guessing the reason he is often called Frank, is because that was the name Milena Jesenska used.
Gyathaar said:
I am guessing the reason he is often called Frank, is because that was the name Milena Jesenska used.

It is simply wrong. His name was not Frank, and Czechs may have insisted on calling him Frantisek for nationalistic reasons, but his real name was Franz, and it was the name he used as a writer. calling him "Frank Kafka" is illiterate. It would be like talking about "Bill Faulkner".
Bill Faulkner would be correct. Bill is short for William.

Calling Franz Kafka 'Frank' is more like calling Faulkner 'John'.
Franz is the german form of Frank. So calling him Frank kafka should not be an issue. Its just like Christopher Columbus. Isnt he Christobel Colon or similar in spanish? Names are different in different languages. As are city names.
Franz is the german form of Frank
what?????:confused: who told you that nonsense. I am German and I can assure you that Frank and Franz are 2 entirely different names. Else he would have used the name himself.
ThERat said:
I can assure you that Frank and Franz are 2 entirely different names.

According to the Online Dictionary of Etymology, "Frank" means
c.1300, from O.Fr. franc "free, sincere, genuine," from M.L. Franc "a freeman, a Frank," one of the Gmc. people that conquered Celtic Gaul from the Romans c.500 C.E. and called it France, from Frankish *Frank (cf. O.H.G. Franko, O.E. Franca)

What does "Franz" mean? Is it related to meaning "free" or "French"?

BTW, I agree with Öjevind Lång that the usual name given to the author is Franz Kafka and it would be best to stay with it.
According to wikipedia:

"Franz is a common first name, the German version of Francis:"

As all of the great person names are in English, it should be Francis Kafka. If you are determined to make it Franz Kafka, then every name of every great person should be in its original language. I see no reason to make a special exception for Franz Kafka.

Moses is the english version of his Hebrew name (which I can't spell), Homer should be Hómēros, Virgil should be Virgilius and there are many more translations of the original name in English. This entire game has many elements that are translated in English. It would be very weird and inconsistent to pick one name and not translate it in English. So it should be Francis Kafka.

edit: Just looked up a bit of coding. It seems to depend on which language you selected when installing the game (I selected english):

- <TEXT>
<English>Frank Kafka</English>
- <French>
<Text>Franz Kafka</Text>
- <German>
<Text>Frank Kafka</Text>
- <Italian>
<Text>Franz Kafka</Text>
- <Spanish>
<Text>Frank Kafka</Text>

You can easily make any name change you like in the file CIV4GameTextInfos_GreatPeople.xml which can be found in ...\Civilization4\assets\xml\text
Franz is a male first name, also used as surname too. It comes from Althochdeutsch (old german, 750-1050 AD), meaning free, audacious.

frank can mean free, open in german just as in the english phrase "frankly spoken", but isnt really used anymore. most likely the first name frank is derived from "the frank", "the one coming from franken (france)".

Frank can be used as short form of "franziskus" which is the german form of the italian "francesco", which means "the frenchman". "Francesco" gets also translated as "Franz".
Interesting. For me it has always been Franz Kafka. Now I see that "Frank" (or "Francis") "Kafka" is actually the most correct english spelling! Thanks for educating me on this :)
I defy anyone to find a copy of any of kafka's books with his christian name on the cover as "Frank" -if any do exist they are the result of a typo (as it is in the game) and are probably worth $$$ to a rare book dealer....
The guy's name will be remembered as how it appears on what history will remember him for: his writing. FRANZ Kafka
Well, it's not really correct I think... names are only translated for people whose names are traditionally translated. Nobody calls the present king of Spain "John Charles", or France's president "James Chirac". So "Franz Kafka" is incorrect, or at least very unconventional, but it's not really another name.
IdiotWind said:
I defy anyone to find a copy of any of kafka's books with his christian name on the cover as "Frank" -if any do exist they are the result of a typo (as it is in the game) and are probably worth $$$ to a rare book dealer....
The guy's name will be remembered as how it appears on what history will remember him for: his writing. FRANZ Kafka

This argument doesn't contradict mine. There are no books with the name Virgil on them nor was he called that way in any historical documents. So if Virgilius is translated in English, then I do not find the above a good enough reason not to translate Franz Kafka.

Ray Patterson said:
Well, it's not really correct I think... names are only translated for people whose names are traditionally translated. Nobody calls the present king of Spain "John Charles", or France's president "James Chirac". So "Franz Kafka" is incorrect, or at least very unconventional, but it's not really another name.

This argument is a better one. But it is a bit hard to see where the lines are. Which names are usually translated and which aren't.

For instance, the game chose not to translate Jeanne d'Arc in english. It stays Jeanne d'Arc in english and that would support your argument that some names shouldn't be translated when the names are not traditionally translated. However in 1999 a film was made named: "The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc". So that time, it was translated. And the game does translate Jeanne d'Arc in the italian version to Giovanna d'Arco and in the Spanish version to Juana de Arco.

The game is clearly not as consistent as I had hoped. It would be nice to consistently translate all the names or just leave all the names in the original language. You could also try to find if names are traditionally translated. However for some names (as shown with Jeanne d'Arc) it is not clear what is tradition.

Just to see if the translation from Franz Kafka to Frank Kafka was very unusual, I did a google search on Frank Kafka. There were 33000 hits. (Francis Kafka only got 402 hits, Frantisek Kafka got 883 hits) The original name Franz Kafka got over 3 million hits. So the translation is rare (about 1%) but not totally undone.

Personally I would like to see all the names in their original language. When Virgil was born the first time in a game of mine, I though that was pretty strange, but I got used to it. Since the game seems to have more strange translations, I would say fix all or fix none. No reason to fix some and leave other inconsistencies in place.
Here is a list of all books by Kafka and what titles and names they have been published under:

This is the full list of names that has been used:
Franz Kafka, F. Kafka, Fanz Kafka, Franc KAFKA, Frank Kafka, Kafka Kuper

in a few prints Frank Kafka has been used in the title of the book, while Franz Kafka has been used as the Author.
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