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No Victory Movies?

There are end game movies. Only one that isn't a "movie" is the Diplomacy ending and maybe the score one(Never won via score yet) - though, I've never gotten a culture ending so I can't say about that one.
You can see all the game movies in this folder:

\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Assets\Art\Movies

There are victory movies for Conquest, Domination, Space race, and Cultural.

You can play all the videos using the Bink player: http://www.radgametools.com/bnkdown.htm
I've seen the diplomatic,cultural,space ship and domination victory
movies,but still lack a conquest victory. :(
:hmm: ,maybe I'm wrong about the diplomatic victory movie.
It would be nice if there was an option to turn these movies off, as well as the wonder movies. I've seen most and they are a great feature, but my PC just can't deal with them and restarts more often than not.
crocodiledundee said:
It would be nice if there was an option to turn these movies off, as well as the wonder movies. I've seen most and they are a great feature, but my PC just can't deal with them and restarts more often than not.
You can turn them off in the game's ini file. It's under "\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4". You can use notepad to edit it and just change the NoMovies = 0 to NoMovies = 1.

The next patch should fix some problems with the movies btw.
ahh lol sorry i just won my first game and it was a diplomatic victory. I was like what the crap! wheres my movie being a veteran of every civ game i kinda expected it. (;
i just did a diplomatic victory today with 2 votes over what it required... there was no movie, but there was something else :)
xonixs said:
i just did a diplomatic victory today with 2 votes over what it required... there was no movie, but there was something else :)

um what was there? i just won one also i dont remember anything special?
wagboy said:
um what was there? i just won one also i dont remember anything special?

If memory serves me right, you just see your leader in the middle of the screen with the other people circled around you with the UN symbol in the background - or what I take as the UN symbol, never actually seen the true one before.
Helmling said:
This is the second time I've heard someone complain about the movies. I just can't conceive of a computer that can run Civ4 but can't run the movies?!?


I don't know much about computers myself but I'll describe what happens...

The typical problem occurs during the intro video, wonder movies and victory movies. When they do play, the footage and sound both stutter their way through. The rest of the time, I hear the first split second of audio from the video replay five or six times before either the screen goes black and either the PC restarts or I find myself back at the desktop, with all the colours looking weird, and a message box informing me of some kind of failure and telling me to reboot.

I don't know if this is related but other problems I occasionally have iare temporary freezing during zoom in and out and (more common) info not appearing when I roll the mouse over an item.

Anyways, thanks Mr Administrator for help with turning the movies off.
See, this sort of nonsense is why I'm a Mac user.

It's just lucky for me I have access to PC's, lest I'd still be waiting to play Civ4, which fortunately for me does work normally on the laptop I've played it on.
IMHO - Conquest Movie > Domination Movie > Cultural Movie

(haven't won via Space race)
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