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NoP NESII: The "New Imperialism"

Well, It hasn't yet reached the dead line, so no. I will begin writing after the deadline is meet, in another few hours.

I frequently find that things interconnect to much for me to do so before. For example the Balkan Wars, I really need orders from all 4 participants before I can even really think about it.
The Ottoman Empire told me to tell you that the Turks will be in full retreat from the Balkans. :shifty:
I shall take Chile after the update, person. Thanks for constructing the stats for me :D
I have made my opinion about spam messages very clear... :)

Edit: Unfortunetly, it appears I have lost my outline. It should be fairly easy, but somewhat time consuming to rewrite. At least I didn't type the actual flesh yet, as if I lost that I would loose all motivation :p
In any event, I might need to push it off, again :( I will keep you guys informed as always!
I have made my opinion about spam messages very clear... :)

Edit: Unfortunetly, it appears I have lost my outline. It should be fairly easy, but somewhat time consuming to rewrite. At least I didn't type the actual flesh yet, as if I lost that I would loose all motivation :p

Well in this case would you mind me asking the question of when the update may come? Is tonight still an option or should that dream be anbandoned?
I second that.
I third that.
I must retire to bed, and I will most certianly be unable to work on this tomorrow, so friday is my aim :(

Here is the Proto-Update, feal free to carry on diplomacy outside of this page if you feal the need. I plan to perhaps add some more articles latter if time permits. However I DO NOT want the following:

Anybody to comment in this thread about the Update
Complain to me in PMs about anything

Spoiler Proto-Update 4: Not Yet Named :


Ottoman Empire Declares Jihad On Balkan League
Italian Expansion in the Congo
Siamese Canal Begins, Singapore Worried
Hapsburg Navy Surges in Size, Regional Powers Worried
Cut Off British Divisions Perish amongst Increased Local Resistance
British Parliament Announces Unilateral Ceasefire as Boer's Stop Aggression
Futa Jalon Raids British Colony
Albania Over-Run By Greece, Ottomans Recapture Thessaly
Treaty Signed ending Korean War
Switzerland strives to be “the greatest country in Europe”
Serbia advances deep into Ottoman Macedonia
Mutual Slaughter on the Bulgarian Line, Bulgurs make progress into Eastern Rumelia
Futa Jalon continues fail Operation against the Tukulor Caliphate
Ottoman Army begins campaign into Bulgaria via Landing at Varna
Japan Breaches Treaty and Invades North Korea, Finding Little Chinese Resistance
Sunni Insurgency in Afghanistan Dies Down as the Khanates of Central Asia continue to Rebel
German Forces Continue Colonial Ambitions in Africa, Paying Egyptian Debt
Political Situation as a Power Struggle Between Britain, France, Oman, the Ottoman Empire and Wahhabist Arabs Ensue in the Arabian Peninsula
Siamese Economy Booms, Mostly From Foreign Investment
Japan Captures Up to the Historic Border with China
Russia Begins Large Campaign in Central Asia
Britain Begins Massive Colonial Reforms and Investment
Mujahideen in the Balkan War cause some Political Problems
Japanese Navy Dominates Against Chinese Ships, Russia Worried

Spoiler proto-map :

I have got to fix Kabul :p

FROM: Austro-Hungarian Empire
TO: European Powers

His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, Franz Joseph I,By the Grace of God, Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, does see fit in light of recent murmurings on the Austro-Hungarian Naval buildup to refer those concerned to the proclamation made March 16, 1881 regarding such intent. His Majesty again reiterates that this buildup is for the purpose of national defense and points to the Naval intelligence all concerned parties no doubt have available to them that the K.u.K. Kriegsmarine has maintained its regular patrols and has not made any deviations in its policy at sea. This increase in force size is expected to be completed by August of this year, and will bring the Kriegsmarine to the declared number of 6 Capital Ships and 18 Squadrons, and not a ship more.

Lastly his Majesty would point out that even this number is roughly in line with the United States Navy, Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun, and Regia Marina Italia, and is therefore only befitting a power of the Austro-Hungarian Empire's stature.

Any further concerns regarding this Naval increase may be addressed to the Austro-Hungarian War Ministry for prompt reply.
OOC: Quick mistake #1, The Ottomans landed at Varna, not Sofia thats far inland.
To: Portugal
From: the UK

We offer to buy your Angolan and east African colonies.
To: China
From: Japan

Your people are not capable of ruling themselves. The Japanese shall remove your government and aid the Chinese people or, at the very least, ensure that the Koreans are set upon the right path by the Japanese rather than be deluded by the pathetic and corrupt Chinese.

To: Russia
From: Japan

Do not worry over our successful capture of Korea and, if a suitable cease-fire is not reached, China. There are great differences between China and your nation. While both are vast, China is corrupt and weak, misleading its people and ruining its nation; Russia, on the other hand, is both vast, powerful, and modernized, something that the Chinese people deserve but are being denied by their current rulers. We act only to remove these rulers or, at the very least, to ensure that they do not mislead the Korean people as well, for they need our assistance.

To further soothe your worries, will you agree to a two year non-aggression pact? While we understand your possible reluctance because of our betrayal of China, we can ensure you that an invasion of Russia will not be carried out for many, many years. Besides, looking at it pragmatically, you can always sign the piece of paper if you have no wish to invade us, keep your borders well defended and, if we still invade you, that piece of paper will ensure that every other nation in the world will assist you against Japan. These benefits, I am sure, far out weigh any perceived consequences.

To: Siam
From: Japan

We are sorry to violate the sanctity of a treaty signed on Siamese soil. However, we feel it necessary to assist the Korean people and, if possible, the Chinese people, in the process that both Japan and Siam are undergoing: industrialization. To leave China under such an inept government welcomes the ascension of foreign powers in China, threatening all of Asia. We hope you understand our position.

OOC: Interesting outline, although I'll have to wait for the actual update to say great update. :p
To: Siam
From: Japan

We are sorry to violate the sanctity of a treaty signed on Siamese soil. However, we feel it necessary to assist the Korean people and, if possible, the Chinese people, in the process that both Japan and Siam are undergoing: industrialization. To leave China under such an inept government welcomes the ascension of foreign powers in China, threatening all of Asia. We hope you understand our position.

OOC: Interesting outline, although I'll have to wait for the actual update to say great update. :p

To: Japan
From: Siam

Though we disapprove of the rashness of your decision it would seem there is nothing that we can do to sway you from your choice.

Siam shall remain nuetral in this conflict and if it is ever decided that an ultimate peace may be reached then we suggest you come to us so that negotiations may finally, truly, begin.

To: China
From: Siam

We wish to infrom the Chinese of the Siamese decision to remain nuetral. Though it has little meaning we wish to apologize for this treachery which has come about in the light of the Treaty of Bangkok.

We also wish to assure you that we had no hand in this. Everything Siam had done had been with the best intentions. We wish you luck in the war to come.

OOC: When I first read the outline I can honestly say that the twist was better then the one in the Village... I didn't see this coming.
Any ETA on the main update?
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