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Not that civ again.

Bloody Mali for me as well.

They always start miles from me, their skirmishers keep them safe and by mid-to-late game their technological progress is the best of my opposition. That makes them tough.

But the worst thing, the WORST thing is he is so nice and will trade techs, resources and is never belligerent. How on Earth am I to justify invading him over an evil savage like Monty?

The little backstabber turns up every flippin' game for me, guaranteeing a war sometime before the switch to AD years, no matter his attitude towards me.
Still Mali for me! He will always become one of the most prosperous nations later. And, being nice, he`s also always my source of trade when all AIs are afraid (stupid!) to trade with me. So, no complain for me. The exception is, he`s the stingiest AI I ever know. Never ever give me even as small as 10 gold though we have +11 in relations.

The annoying AI for me is Capac which will always try to attack me whenever he get the chance! Huh!
haha :crazyeye:

beside sliganian, i think all of you misunderstood the originnal thread poster about his point.
He is saying when he randoms a Civ to play, he always get the same Civs.
It's not who you random against.
I generally play large maps, so out of the 8 AI spots you think I could get someone other than....

Mansa Musa!!! arg I hate seeing Mali.

The thing I hate most about them is that if you're trading him techs you know that he will broker it off to your enemie(s). So I tend not to trade him anything important as I don't want to be fighting against my own creations.
I don't like seeing Mansa. If I see him, I know it's a space race. Maybe I DON'T WANT to play a space race. And of course everyone in the game kiss his..... toe ring. Never seem to be able to get a leg up on his research. Although I would get to let my dog get a "leg up" on him.

Last two maps have not had him though. Both I started out near to Catherine......
Spain, easily, and they always get Buddhism it seems
Interesting to see so much animosity toward Mansa Musa...I rather like him. He's a good trading partner and keeps the space race interesting, if I want one, and having played only five games so far, I haven't gotten bored of it yet.
Whenever I play, I tend to face the Americans alot. I am getting pretty tired of conquering them all the time. ;)
I see I'm not the only one getting Mali every game. Every game I see him (90% I'd say) I know it is going to be a tech race, so off to war I go to hurt him. Have to play aggressive and put him in his place;)

English Civ? Who are they?:mischief: Seriously though I've never seen them in a game, always get dang Mali.
MachDelta said:
The Aztecs.

My last three games, i've started either beside or near Monty... and it ALWAYS comes to blows. :mad:

Played four games so far (just got a computer that could actually run the thing) and Aztecs have been in 3 of them. And like clockwork, i turn them down once for a trade and it's war time.
Catherine and Tokugava! I play against them every game!!!

In Civ3 you could have Cultural Linked start locations, maybe it's something similar? (not sure even if there are Culture Groups in Civ4 while all the cities seem to look the same).
I have gotten Tokugawa in just about every game except for one duel that I played for fun (a three city cultural victory). He always has crazy eyes at me (Anyone else notice he and Montezuma tend to get crazy eyes?) no matter what I do, but tends to stay on my side as long as I gift him a useless tech now and then. (Useless to me, something three or so levels below what I'm currently researching). So unless he gets ahead in tech, I can coexist with him. But if he does get ahead..... :cry:
Ogrelord said:
haha :crazyeye:

beside sliganian, i think all of you misunderstood the originnal thread poster about his point.
He is saying when he randoms a Civ to play, he always get the same Civs.
It's not who you random against.

*takes a bow*

Nice to see that English degree of mine come in handy now and then. ;)

Literally every game.

And he ALWAYS ends up being my enemy for some reason, no matter how nice I am to him.

Although when I am at war with him, I do enjoy pillaging his cottages/hamlets/villages/towns and watching him squirm when I do it.
The Inca's. I hate them. I'm glad they were wiped out in real life, GLAD do you hear me GLAD!

I'd restart every game Huyana showed up for, except then I'd never get to play.
sliganian said:
*takes a bow*

Nice to see that English degree of mine come in handy now and then. ;)
Me r math major. Me not do words so gud ;)
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