NotW XXXI: It's a Long Story (Game Thread)

NotW XXXI: Evening Three

Spoiler :
The last remnants of the Octopus Overlords Faction was eliminated during the day!


The council piled into the voting chambers as the last remnants of the sun dipped below the horizon. Pleasantly surprised that no body had presented itself to them in a terribly gruesome fashion, the councilors set down to business at once.

Niklas was looking much better today, as if his scars had been completely healed. He had, however, clearly developed new ones that had clearly only recently burst open of their own accord (although in smaller numbers). Whatever it was that he was suffering from, it had not given up despite his rapid recovery.

The assassination attempts had been successful - so said the word from Lanun lands. Even now the Lanun people were rapidly converting to other faiths - something that was unlikely to go unnoticed amongst the more faithful of the councilors.

Before anything could be attended to, however, it was discovered that two councilors were indeed missing - j65 and Nictel. A worried murmur swept through the crowd, as speculation grew about their location and all real progress towards real work was lost. After about five minutes, it was decided that several guards would be sent to find the two missing councilors.

J65 was the first to be found, helped into the chambers by two of the Undercouncil guards. A large, bloodied arrow was held in his left hand, and a bloody wound in his chest revealed where it had come from. Having bandaged it himself, he shrugged off the guards with irritation once he was in the chamber, and hobbled over to his seat with a wheeze.

J65 is now injured.

The news on Nictel was not so encouraging. The guards come back only clutching a scroll, and trembling in fear. They told a story about how they had found his corpse not but five blocks from the entrance to the secret council voting chambers, lying with its throat slit in a gutter with a small army of rats gnawing on it. Evidence had apparently been planted on his body that revealed...

Spoiler :
Nictel, the Information Broker, had been working with the Hazlett Town Guard!

The only thing that had been recovered was a Map of the Hazlett Underworld. It would be voted on.

The Priest of Winter executed the night before was shown to have nothing of interest aside from a somewhat large stockpile of gold on him. Together with the Broker's personal savings, the amount that would be voted on today was an astonishing 35 and a Half Gold

Those of you with EVENING abilities, send me them now!
INCOME has been generated!
Accusations Votes are in BLACK
Support Votes are in GREEN
Votes for the Map are in PURPLE
Votes for the Gold of Bad Player and Nictel are in BLUE

24 Hours Until Night Phase!
I, being educated, am probably the only one here capable of actually reading the map. Also, Omega124's support of himself yesterday for no reason seems rather odd to me. Besides, look how sinister he is.

I'll take the gold, and will give a share of it to those who vote it to me. Those who also vote me the map get a larger share.
CCRunner for the map, and I want the gold.
Disquisition may have the gold, might as well be him as anyone else, and if he shares it then all the better. But why give him the map as well? I'm hesitant to put all items in the same hands. CCRunner can have it.
Spoiler :
Permission to say some bad words very, very loud. Seriously. :sad:
Map? I not very good with map. CCRunner can have.

Gold is shiny though. Disquistion can have, but me want some too.
I want the map. I don't have a reason. But a MAP! Of the UNDERWORLD! Now that's cool.

Disquisition can have the gold. But I'd better get my (sure to be teeny) share.
I have a question for Councilor Diamondeye, and I'm sure it's a concern many share otherwise:

"What evidence do we have now of Ashen Veil cultists, or how to stop them if they have infiltrated our Council?"

You seemed quite adamant on this position...and yet, the only evidence of their influence, was falsely brought before the Council by the Priest of Winter - ie. lies. I admit I was taken in, as the late Priest was promising to work against cultists and that's why he wanted to live - but apparently he was just like them too. However, an objective assessment of the situation now would be that the Octopus Overlords' influence is destroyed and we don't know of other cults - but if you do, Councilor, perhaps you should share this evidence or get working with someone (like me) to keep things under control?

Glad we hung him; that also means Sprig can destroy the religious artifacts. We should really keep him around until we've caught the remaining relics (I guess both the Mulcarn priests and the Ashen Veil cultists have one each).

Definitely sounds like you might know more than the rest of us about something...
OOC: You need to keep a completely different tone if you are engage in public conversation with me in this game, Earthling. I didn't like your narrow-sighted inquisitive tone in the LotR game. I'm always open to private messaging with anyone who'd want to.

The large councilor looks over at the learned councilor, clearly disgusted at the amount of words the man is able to squeeze out of his lungs. He shrugs. "Dunno. I'm no expert on the Veil but those Stigmata symptomes were pretty clear, huh?"
Well then, I'll keep to myself suspicions that the Large Councilor is suited to be a grunt for some other cultists.

And in that case there's no reason to trust you with any items or wealth - let's give them to Disquisition and I'll get a share too.
Choxorn may take the gold if he agrees to share it, at least a little.

Certainly, I'll give a share to whoever votes it to me, though I want that half gold piece. :p
Disquisition can have the gold and the map.
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