Obama Camp: John Edwards will be my AG

I'd like to see Janet Napalatano as AG, she held that position in Arizona and is likely to be far more competent at the job. Its also a good jumping off point for her to run for President in 8 years.

Edwards might make a better secretary of Labor (whatever they Do).

Richardson would be a good VP as well, notice all the folks from the Southwest that going to be a key Democratic strategy to win the region.
To all inquisitive minds from the first page on the issue of eras - ears as defined by the census bureau in the early 1800s, The average age of a land owning father when his children were born seeing that they were not bastards. Numbers figured at death or at 50 years old.

So Mr. Farmer has two kids in wedlock one at 27 and one at 36 the average is 33. My political science teacher says that political ears are 33 since the last average era recorded was 33.

I noticed that the NHL and NFL films also call 33 years eras.
About the only really 'draining' aspect of welfare is social security. And if you touch that you'll have a couple hundred million geriatrics and baby boomers from both parties at your throats. Becomes a bit of a non-starter no matter what someone wants to do with that behemoth.

I was talking politics with my Grandfather today and he said something I'm thinking I might agree with. He said he'd like to see a bill passed that would dicontinue the government from dipping into social security to pay for everything else from our overspending and national debt problems. That (borrowing out of Social Security for other government spending) might have something to do with why Social Security is so broke and projected to be bankrupt a few decades from now.

Well, I wouldn't be having a pop at the workers, would I? His first post
sounded like a rant against good employment practices. I assumed he
was complaining about his employees.
Anyway, as I've said, I like Edwards. If he can't be President, then why
not a good job in a Democrat admin.? He wouldn't be the first liberal A.G.
in history, would he. Remember Bobby Kennedy?:)

Right on.

And Bobby Kennedy was a great American, too! He would have won the presidency had he not been murdered. From everything I know about him, he seemed like a very compassionate and intelligent man.
With a $3 trillion annual budget businesses pay just over 10% of the taxes despite getting several hundred billion in corporate welfare per year.
First, you've failed to realize that just because we have a $3 trillion budget doesn't mean we have $3 trillion in income.

Second, businesses don't pay taxes, consumers do.
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