Offical thread for what we want to do next?

Just a silly suggestion: We don't have that many players now and maybe when the next game starts even less, the point is that we won't have that many governors so it may be advisable to do a small map game instead of a huge map because the task of each governor would become bigger. With a smaller job for governors we will likely attract more people playing and keep on playing.
Well I don't think that this will be too much of a problem initially, unless we start with the ICS strategy. We won't really need a governor to tell out first five cities to build settlers, defenders and then improvements/wonders, whatever we choose. It can basically be dealt with as a group until we really start to spread across the map.
I would also hope that the next game can remain open, without the need for special access. It would be nice if those such as AoA and Smash and others who have popped in to "see how we're getting on" could give some advice or join in a discussion without feeling as if they have to commit to a much longer game or take a position of any kind. In fact, if we were to play the next game at Deity level then starlifter could advertise it in the Civ 2 forums and people could use it to learn how to tackle Deity in their own games. A sort of training day game like they have in Civ 3 Stories and Tales would be useful to many here I believe. :goodjob:
For more details, here is ChrTh's initial idea for the Training Day games and although we might not want to entrust our entire game to a newbie as President, they would be able to learn a lot abotu the rigours of Deity level from the example we set and the discussions we have. What does anyone think about this idea? A didactic demo game? ;)
That would be a nice idea, the old folks who can tackle the deity level with no problems just showing the ones who can't how to do it. It would improve my game I'm sure...:D
I think just playing on Deity will provide training for those who haven't yet mustered the courage to try that level. I know a few of us even learned a thing or two during this game just during discussions. I haven't read the idea of a training game, but I don't see a need to change our format. Maybe we should include some sort of description sticky at the top of the forum about what the game is, how its played, and a disclaimer encouraging those who have not played Deity to drop in anyway.
I’d very much like there to be something next and will make my best effort to participate. It doesn’t matter much if there is a scenario of a deity game, but I do agree with Leowind that there is no need to change our current format to a training game (whatever that is…).

I’ll get home in about a month and before then I am unfortunately unlikely to have much time (none?) for this site. Three weeks later I’ll be going away again, to Berlin this time, and will be gone for a year. This should however not interfere too much with any new demo game, at least not once I get hold of a computer and internet access there. Well, that’s the current status report from me. :)
TF has given to go-ahead to a second Democracy game. I had asked him if we could put this forum in the Archives and start a completely new forum for the new game.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to be as active in the second game (if that's even possible), so I have asked Kev and duke 'o york to assist in the second game. They will basically be 'deputy' Mods. They will not have any special powers or be able to stick/un-stick threads, or anything of that sort. TF is not fond of making Mods just for select things. ;)

So, they will basically be the eyes and ears for TF and myself. They will let us know when stuff might need more attention then we may be giving it. I will still be doing the forum maintinance (stick/unstick) and TF has said he will help what he can with it.

So, do we want the second game to be in this forum or a new forum? TF said he would do a new forum if we considered it 'necessary'. ;)
I agree that the new game should start in a new forum and that this should be archived, but not yet! I think that we should decide what we will do in the second game before opening the new forum so that it does not become cluttered straightaway with all the discussions about difficulty level, map parameters and flags, etc like this one did. If we are going to do that sort of thing here instead, then it would be a good idea to unsticky all of the unimportant threads at the top of this page (well, not unimportant, but no longer important, like the province summaries) and then sticky all the Presidents' turn threads so that any visitors can easily get a hang of what happened in the game. I'm not sure how many there will be, so maybe some threads could be merged (like Kev's for example, but into say, three or four threads). I'll have a look back through this forum and try to post links for the threads in question. :goodjob:

Turn One
Duck of Flanders' Presidency
Alcibiaties' Presidency
Cornmaster's Presidency
Pellaken's Presidency
I couldn't find anything for Ducky's second term though. :(
Kev 1525-1560
Kev 1560-1615
Kev 1615-1660
Kev 1660-1700
Kev 1700-1752
Kev 1752-1774
Kev 1774-1796
Kev 1796-1816
Kev 1816-1842
Kev 1842-1855
Kev 1855-1863
Kev 1863-1872
Kev 1872-1878
Kev 1878-1892
While doing this I noticed that on Page 4 of this forum, there were only 5 threads I didn't post on!;) That was, admittedly, the time when we were worried about the future of the game.
We definately should start the next game in a new forum as it would be nice for the old game to be archived on its own. Its nice to see that we had alot of different presidents from 1525...
I agree about starting a new game in a new forum. I'm not so sure about duke's suggestion of getting it set up here first, though. His point about not cluttering up the threads right off the bat is very valid, but how much of the "democracy" part of our game is the actual setting up of the game? Maybe we won't attract any new players with our new game and it will all be a moot point, but we need to ensure that everyone who starts off playing the new game also has an opportunity to be involved in setting it up. Am I making sense, or worrying about non-issues?
Good point Leo.
When this one was set up, there was a thread in OT to sort out how the game would work so people came after reading that. I wouldn't want to turn anyone away if we can help it - the more the merrier. While we will need permanent members in cabinet positions, I don't see why we can't have other posters coming along and giving their opinions and advice on certain matters but under no obligation to stay with the game all the time. Of course if anyone tries to spoil the game then :nuke: but surely no-one would be dumb enough to do that?
I'm looking forward to it already!
Some people have tried to ruin the game. Someone used a double login and someone else cheating by revealing the map...
If we could get TF to post something on the homepage, plus had a thread in the OT forum to set up the game we might attract a few new players, especially now that we and everyone else knows the concept will work because we finished a game. Seems it would be appropriate for you or Kev, our semi-official "deputy" mods ;) , to start such a thread. Be sure to let us know here when you do, as I rarely check the OT forum these days (no time :( ).
It would be nice to attract some new players before the new game starts. As we have seen in the past weeks (or months) not many people will start into a game that has already progressed so far. If they do start I feel they are not so committed so I'd like to see many people at the start because then it won't hurt so much when some of them drop out.
I asked AoA for permission to post an advertising thread in OT and he said that he'd sticky it! Here it is then.
For the benefit of starlifter, I also included a link to the GotM, as well as a link to this thread and one to the main forum. ;)
I hope that people will come by with some new ideas and help us to decide how the next game should be set up. I still like the idea of playing a Deity game and advertising it in our sigs as being of use to those you have difficulty coping with that level. It needn't necessarily be a "training day" game like the Civ 3 ones, because we should still be able to enjoy it, but I have no qualms about advertising it as an educational tool for those Civ 2 fans with trouble on higher levels. People have posted in the Civ 2 Strategy and Tips forum asking for a step-by-step guide to a good deity opening game and so we can just direct them to this forum where they will be able to pick up tips from our style (and probably learn from our mistakes ;)).
As a person who never really understood the demo game....

Just reading through this, I haven't played Civ II for about a year or so, and never "managed" deity (would win most games on Emperor though). I completely agree with the flavour of most of this thread - I like the idea of this, and am keen to (mainly) observe a deity game for learning purposes. I was also put-off trying to join in a demo game half-way through. Watching / participating from the start is a much better idea. :goodjob:
Feel free to vote in the polls even if you don't want a major role, especially stuff like research and exploration with our units. We'll probably start off with quite a few polls as there are a lot of things to decide in the first few turns: settlement, hut-popping, exploration, early research (Alphabet, Ceremonial Burial, Code of Laws :lol::)) and so forth. We should probably play raging hordes too if it's going for an exhibition style.
Everyone should really get the hang of things once we've played a few turns. :goodjob:
ainwood, welcome :D, and just like sir duke said, feel free to participate in discussions and polls once the new game gets up and going. It's good to have a "newbie" to the demo game concept confirm what we've been speculating regarding joining and Deity level, as well.
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