One City Challenge

@Metalhead: I'm accustomed to dealing with early GAs as I usually to get my GA earlier than most players find useful with the Egyptians (by building the Pyramids), occasionally with the Germans too (I like to build the Colossus early on).
I acually should have thought of playing a Scientific civ, as I'd known a tech lead is a definate edge in building wonders including the UN. Religious and Militaristic not good? So axe the Aztecs for a OCC attempt then, right?
Also, I wouldn't even attempt OCC without an outstanding start anyway, especially if I do play at Monarch or higher level.
Yeah, nix the Aztecs. Try the Byzantines or Sumerians. The one thing about golden ages in a OCC, though, is that a modern GA comes in very handy for researching a tech that nobody has and building a spaceship part or 2. This makes the Persians or Ottomans viable choices as well, particularly the Ottomans as you will be able to rely on a Sipahi-started GA if you are unable to build The Internet in the modern age, and the industrious trait will make a jungle full start that is otherwise great still doable. The Babylonians are OK, but will get an ancient GA like the Byzantines or Sumerians, with a much weaker trait for a OCC than the other civs.

I'd start out on Regent, to get a feel for how you can manage to keep up in tech. Through Emperor, wins are quite possible on any land form, but once you work up to Demigod or Deity, you'll have to restrict yourself to archipelago maps. Deity OCC wins by spaceship are very difficult to pull off, but Demigod can still be won fairly regularly if you work at it. I haven't tried yet on Sid level, and while I may do so some day just to try to log a 20k win and have a Sid-level victory in my HOF, I highly doubt that a spaceship OCC win on Sid level is even possible.

I have posted a pretty in depth OCC primer here before, I'll see if I can dig it up . . .
I played Greece a couple of times and they are great as OCC.

Commercial and Scientific can make the cake, depending on what level you're playing. I played my game on Monarch and won easily by 20k.

It will be a bit harder if you choose Civ's without these traits, especially above Monarch. Below Monarch you just should just pick what you want and give your opponents a fair go and wipe them out.

Over Monarch, my chosen traits as stated above, will still take you a good way on the road. But you will miss out on a few wonders obviously, don't let that give up the thought of winning, you still have Bachs, Sistine and later other good wonders to work for.

Nothing is impossible.
Any civ can win a OCC by culture. But you need the right traits when just starting out in OCC, or to try to get a space win at Emperor or above.
Archipelago maps? I figured an archipelago map would make it more difficult because of the isolation in the early game.
Desertsnow said:
Archipelago maps? I figured an archipelago map would make it more difficult because of the isolation in the early game.
No it is all the resverse.
The Archipelago map will isolate the AIs as well as you.It will also allow you to defend much easier.
Now if you play Greece or Korean both being Scientific and Commercial you have Bronze Working allowing you to build the Colossus (providing you have access to the sea ;) ) and the most important tech to start with is ALPHABET. It allows you to build Curraghs and get contact well before the AIs.

I would start researching Pottery first then Writting (at full speed) while building a couple of curraghs, then build another worker, a warrior and start the granary (sell it when you reach size 12, you will build it again later in the game), then another warrior and the Colossus. If I play monarch i will go to Code of Law, Philo and get republic for free, will revolt ASAP and start researching Literature use anything to pre-build the great library.
I will never stop to research, even after having built the Great library, this is the key NEVER stop researching (always at full speed). research the bottom line of the tree (engineering, feudalism, invention, gun powder.. etc) while the great library will bring you monotheism, theology and education.
Build Copernucus and Newton and the game is over.
My suggestion:Writing->Philo->Lit,by playing Byzantine(SCI/SEA).

Build 2 warriors,a curragh(no suicide run),max pop and start Collosus.Trade Pottery and build Granary before that.When the statue is built,start suicide run,luckily you'll get to know all civs in middle or late AA,build Great Lighthouse if you find difficulties of suicide curraghs.Then build culture like mad,MoM seems to be a good choice.Develop your tiny city states,for example,my city pulls 149 beakers per turn when University is built.Remember,reputation is golden,you'll need it in IA.
JMK said:
No it is all the resverse.
The Archipelago map will isolate the AIs as well as you.It will also allow you to defend much easier.
Now if you play Greece or Korean both being Scientific and Commercial you have Bronze Working allowing you to build the Colossus (providing you have access to the sea ;) ) and the most important tech to start with is ALPHABET. It allows you to build Curraghs and get contact well before the AIs.

I would say the Byzantines would be better for what you're describing. Scientific, Seafaring and a great naval UU to boot.
punkbass2000 said:
I would say the Byzantines would be better for what you're describing. Scientific, Seafaring and a great naval UU to boot.
Right Byzantines would be a very good choice too, specially for making contacts. I still have a light preference for the Commercial trait. With only one city every penny will be important and some times a couple pennies can cost you a full turn of research and make a huge difference.
I think Byzantines would be my choice if I decide to play Continent rather than Archipelago.
Yeah, I kind of figured after I posted my last comment that Archipelago would allow me to develop a foundation in peace. I had figured, though, that Alphabet would be a good starting tech to start researching; I like to get it early on anyway. Also, I usually put as much into research as I can anyway; knowledge is power.
JMK said:
Right Byzantines would be a very good choice too, specially for making contacts. I still have a light preference for the Commercial trait. With only one city every penny will be important and some times a couple pennies can cost you a full turn of research and make a huge difference.
I think Byzantines would be my choice if I decide to play Continent rather than Archipelago.

...The Commercial trait really doesn't do anything in an OCC. Your capital will never be corrupt. If you get a coastal start (which you probably should) you will have an extra gpt for the entire game with Seafaring. You won't see this with Commercial until your city becomes size 7. Yes, when your city finally becomes a metropolis you will receive 2 extra gpt, but by then it hardly matters.
Commercial is WASTED in OCC!

Starting with Alphabet is indeed a big deal - which is why scientific/seafaring is the best combo. Commercial doesn't do anything for you - 2 extra gpt once you become a metro gives you 8 extra science in the modern age with all of the improvements and correct wonders built. Whoop-de-do. Trust me, its wasted.

Archipelago maps do a couple of things - isolate you from potential invaders, and slow the tech pace. They also make sure there are several civs behind the tech curve that can be abused for gold and/or luxuries. Seafaring becomes crucial here as well, because you can usually make contact with all civs fairly early on simply using curraghs. The slower tech pace also makes getting ancient wonders easier. You should be able to nab Colossus, Mausoleum, Great Library, and Hanging Gardens if you play your cards right, and that's on Deity. Four of them are crucial for late game success - the tourist money really comes in handy.

Don't waste your time with the Great Lighthouse. It's pointless.
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