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Operation Three: The Greek War Machine is let loose

Jan 11, 2005
New Jersey, USA
Fellow citizens of Fanatikos, the storm clouds of war approach, and as Minister of Defense i say embrace them. The German city of Berlin has been left open to attack by our mighty army and I say assault it and claim it for the glory of Fanatikos. This speech will outline my plan to attack the Germans and raze the city of Hiedelburg and seize Berlin. May the gods smile on our army.

Our invasion force will consist of:
6 battalions of swordsman, upgraded from warriors built, as well as Frank'n'Furter
3 divisons of cavalry built in either the Augean Stables, Olympus or Civatonia
3 regiments of warriors built after our swordsman are upgraded, we then disconnect the iron and build 3 warriors wherever.

The utilization of each part of our army:
6 battalions of swordsmen: they will be split into 2 parties, 2 and 4. The brigade of 2 will head on a bearing to the city of Hiedelburg, south of Civatonia. They will raze this worthless city to the ground and no one will be spared from the wrath of the Greeks! :ar15: The remaining swordsman we march on to Berlin and take it over.
3 divisions of cavalry: They will each play a decisive role in the battle for Berlin. One will head straight for Berlin as a scouting unit and eventual attacker. The second one will head south of Berlin and east to discover more German cities and possible reinforcements. The third and final horseman will head north east of Berlin mirroring the movements of the second cavalry brigade.
3 regiments of Warriors: Last but definitley not least, the 3 bands of warriors. My plan is to disconnect the iron after upgrading our 6 warriors to swordsmen. However only 2 will be built, I plan to fortify Apollo on his current position in order to be the first unit used as a mountain sentry and spy. He will be able to keep an eye on the Germans as our swordsmen and horsemen make there way to battle. He will also be able to commit espionage on the Romans and maybe French to see what they are attacking with. The other two warriors will serve the same purposes and be fortified on the 2 black spots on my battle map.

I hope all citizens agree with my plan and put there fully confidence behind my leadership in these trying times.
-Minister of Defense, vikingruler
We don't need Apollo as a scout. Let's upgrade it to swordsman.
How do you. I see you've met my little... easter egg.

Well, this is a wonderful plan, but where and when are we going to get the forces for it? I for one have not queued up any military units for the next 40someodd turns. This, of course, can be changed, but it wouldnt be worth it as Styx isnt connected. Taking Berlin is a great idea. Capture one of our allowed cities so close to home would be a terrific feat. Onwards, soldiers, I say. Carry forth our glory!
Way too early for a warplan. We need 30-40 turns to prepare our empire for expansion, and most sane people here know that.
provo, only problem is by the time we have prepared berlin will be taken or razed by rome and the war will be over. if olympus, augean stables, and civatonia each build 1 or 2 warriors each we could get our army created in around 10 turns. as for styx and priapos i agree with SaaM, it would be a waste of time for them to build units, it would take to long, styx or priapos could however build a horsemen. if we upgrade apollo it will take 5 turns to get him to civatonia, then it would take a few more turns to connect iron, throwing off the entire plan. fortifying him will really help our war effort.
Because of our high research (and not 0%) our treasury currently cannot upgrade more than one warrior, as it takes sixty gold to do so. Now, if we had been researching at min science, then I could see a force of five or six swords able to be upgraded. However, now... I'm not sure.
1 sword upgrade with our treasury, 2 more if we sign MA with rome, if france has a treasury we might get another one. research at min, we accumulate more gpt, get workers to road squares then improve make more gpt. even build swords, and skip the horsemen.
As I said before, and as VikingRuler used my excellent (yeah right!) math dkills, with our treasury currently at 62 plus the 125 from Rome, we can outfit 6 Warriors into Swordsman. Warriors are very in-expensive and can be made within turns.

Cavalry (Horsemen) Are also quite inexpensive and can also be made in turns. This allows the creation of a Rather Technologically advanced AND cheap Military within the time-space of a few turns.

Waiting is not an option, we already have a French Sword Unit moving to the front THROUGH our lands, and possibly more coming through the Northern route, we will only know if Apollo reports it to us. That's why keeping Apollo there is SOOo critical!

Vikingruler, I am behind your plan 100% it mirrors exactly my minds own image and it's the best plan that's easily achievable by our limited resources.

ONward to War I say! Now is the time to cement our Military and to concrete our Soldiers with invaluable experience that will last us for decades to come!

Waiting is not an option, we already have a French Sword Unit moving to the front THROUGH our lands, and possibly more coming through the Northern route, we will only know if Apollo reports it to us. That's why keeping Apollo there is SOOo critical!

We must upgrade that warrior, or else we will spend more building swords. And gpt goes away with support.

Now (even after voting "Absent" in the Defensive Force poll) I decided that I will stand in favor of this war and of the creation of the Defensive Force. But, as I said, we must be quick in invading Germany or else we will lose too much time in an attrition war that could give us few advantages. To Berlin, Soldiers! Let's have glory! In name of Fanatikos! And Now!


Ranger99 said:
As I said before, and as VikingRuler used my excellent (yeah right!) math dkills, with our treasury currently at 62 plus the 125 from Rome, we can outfit 6 Warriors into Swordsman. Warriors are very in-expensive and can be made within turns.
62 + 125 = 187, enough for only three upgrades, not six. It costs 60 gold to upgrade warriors to swords, not 30! Warriors are inexpensive, but the upgrade is not.
Again, I will vote a NO to all wars prior to Republic, for the simple reason an optimal Golden Age is key.
Current Foreign Affairs policy is

Stay neutral in the "Franco-Prussian War"
To Establish an Embassy with atleast one of the other civs
To, if possible, give diplomatic aid to the under dog in the conflict

It seems we are more likely to side with germany.
:mad: I do not want a war. Plain and simple. No war.But sadly we have to. There is no other way to make Fanatikos strong. However consider the consequences:

Germany: Gone. No trading partner and now the powerful Romans and French can move and settle the land.

Rome and France: They are now power hungry. Persia and Fanatikos are now prime targets. The Romans are a large threat as the French. If we make a war with Germany we should immediately consider plans for France. France is VERY close. And strong. When the German campaign is over we should make a Blitzkrieg of France on two sides as well a make a Fanatik-Persian Alliance.

I will vote No in the up coming struggle against Germany. Upcoming? Because I know it will happen. But consider the fact that we will be a target after Rome and France are done with Germany.They will be too strong. If we fight Germany then we have to fight France.

Give the word, and I will make the Polls for the Senate and Assembly. Although I am against it. :(
I think this plan is great and will considerably help to strengthen Fanatikos.

@Ic and anyone else opposing war (i.e. hippies):
anything fact or opinion you present can simply be refuted by 2 facts:
1. we bring down science to 0% and then we can upgrade, do to the surplus of cash
2. the capture of Berlin. the taking of this city will be huge. the city is built on nice grassland with wheat in the fields and a nearby river. we CANNOT let Rome or France capture, or horrors, raze the great city of Berlin. to capture Berlin, we must go to war SOON.
I think we should prepare a campaign starting in 20 turns and ending in 27 turns. Not before.
Icmancin said:
Give the word, and I will make the Polls for the Senate and Assembly. Although I am against it. :(

my suggestion: make the polls for war now, as there has been considerable discussion in three threads now. if the war polls pass, then do an alliance poll.

just my 2 cents...
Mr. Icmancin,

Berlin must be taken, and soon. If the French or Romans, like greekguy said, take Berlin, it would be dangerous for Civantonia. This city would contribute to our science and tax, as well as serve as an outpost from where we can watch the roman and french expansion to the south and protect Civantonia and the GL. So, we need Berlin. And we need Berlin fast, otherwise the AI will probably take it or raze it and the law would prevent us from founding another city.

A fast and decisive war with Germany will give us Berlin with no problems. But we must have a FAST war. We cannot support any attrition with german forces.

The French and the Romans, as you said, will be our future enemies. That's why we need to strenghten our economy and increase the unit support from our cities. Berlin could pump out some swordsmen in the future and we won't have to pay for them. Besides, with more taxes coming from there, our economy will be able to support larger armies against our enemies.

I am more worried about Rome. They are aggressive, and they may start sending legionaries to our cities. The idea of an alliance with Persia is brilliant, Ic. But I thing they are too weak and backwards to have a great influence in the coming wars. But we must ally with them, because they can distract our enemies by sending soldiers to their cities.

Anyway, in the future, our army will have to be greatly improved. We cannot underestimate it anymore.
here's a plan, upgrade frank'n'furter, and build then upgrade two more warriors. send them staright to berlin, skip heidelberg for now. if germany has money, give them some techs for it, same with persia and france. persia has to have some, we got very little in our past trades. 4 swords marching on berlin should be enough.
4 swords? I think we must check with the Fanatik embassador in Berlin how many spearmen are defending that city (if we already have an embassy there). If we don't take Berlin with a decisive strike, things will get harder.
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