Over the Reich: Single Player - Development Thread

@Prof. Garfield would there be an issue with my placing units on the map at this point? I know I had placed the strategic targets so you could do some sort of lua wizardry and build out the strategic bombing mechanism, and not all of the strats that are currently on the map at present will be built at game's start. I just have the next two days off and figure finishing the rules and placing the units are reasonable goals for this week, but I don't want to place them if it'll mess something up for you.
Place the units. I don't know of any reason why that would cause problems.
I've done a touch of work in that I've gone through the historical documents and figured out the units each side should have. Now to place them on the map. Sorry for the months and months delay just been battling a bout of depression I'm afraid lol. Tech was good enough to drag me back into a match so hopefully this gets me going again.

Anyway, the way I'm approaching things at start is roughly 1 unit = one Allied Group or 1 German Gruppe. We can always adjust later. One thing though is that the Germans had a habit of deploying little sections of units (usually the staff) to different fields and these would have some of their best fighters. In my mind that warrants the Germans have a few "Experten" units at the start as well.

Allied Day Fighters = 29
Allied Night Fighters = 13
Total Allied Fighters = 42

Luftwaffe Day Fighters = 32
Luftwaffe Night Fighters = 22
Total Luftwaffe Fighters = 54

Allied Fighter Bombers = 30
Allied Tactical Bombers = 10
Allied Daylight Heavies = 18
Total Daylight Bombers = 58

Bomber Command Heavies = 54
Bomber Command Light = 3
Total Night Bombers = 57

I don't have great sources for Luftwaffe bombers in the west but I doubt there were that many at this point. I'll probably toss in a handful of gruppes for them to play spoiler/prevent the Allies from leaving England completely undefended from the start.
I don't have great sources for Luftwaffe bombers in the west but I doubt there were that many at this point. I'll probably toss in a handful of gruppes for them to play spoiler/prevent the Allies from leaving England completely undefended from the start.
Here is the operational and the strength on paper for the IX. Fliegerkorps (Luftflotte 3) in January 1944 and on 15th June 1944 (from the German edition of Order of Battle: German Luftwaffe in WWII /Amber Books LTD./Chris McNab):
IX. Fliegerkorps January 1944.jpg

IX. Fliegerkorps15th June 1944.jpg

Edit: Here you can receive more informations about the operations of the IX. FliegerKorps in 1943 and 1944: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/IX._Fliegerkorps

The link leads to the German wikipedia, as the English wikipedia holds next to no informations.
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Thank you - the start date this go around is going to be August 17, 1943, with Operation Hydra (a strike on Peenemunde) and the first Schweinfurt Raid both in progress. I have decent records for this and have started placing the units for Hydra as well as the intruder missions and diversion missions. This should give everyone an opportunity to see how the whole assortment of units works on the first turn with little help boxes explaining things.

I'm hoping to kick into a little more regular updates soon enough. It's been crazy in life for awhile now so you all know how it goes. I did go see "The Blue Angels" in IMAX yesterday and it has me roaring to go on airplanes though :lol:
I've done a touch of work in that I've gone through the historical documents and figured out the units each side should have. Now to place them on the map. Sorry for the months and months delay just been battling a bout of depression I'm afraid lol. Tech was good enough to drag me back into a match so hopefully this gets me going again.
No worries over the delay, I understand completely. I haven't wanted to do much Civ stuff lately either.
Thank you - the start date this go around is going to be August 17, 1943, with Operation Hydra (a strike on Peenemunde) and the first Schweinfurt Raid both in progress. I have decent records for this and have started placing the units for Hydra as well as the intruder missions and diversion missions. This should give everyone an opportunity to see how the whole assortment of units works on the first turn with little help boxes explaining things.
Do we want to have a few units randomly placed at the start? Otherwise the first couple of turns might end up being a "puzzle" where the player uses their knowledge of the starting position to maximise the effectiveness of their attack or defence.
Do we want to have a few units randomly placed at the start? Otherwise the first couple of turns might end up being a "puzzle" where the player uses their knowledge of the starting position to maximise the effectiveness of their attack or defence.

Well, I have the historic stuff there for the Allies, but we could throw in extra intruders etc. and the Germans could have their units placed somewhat randomly to avoid this? Though I was thinking "first 4 turns are the tutorial" and using lua to only allow attacks on certain cities (Schweinfurt, Regensburg, and Peenemunde). Probably if an attack happens outside of certain boxes it's nullified is what I was thinking (this is also pretty important because it makes getting the number of turns aloft/MP of the attackers much easier to deal with in that we don't need to deal with it - they can have "full" movement but can't just be used to run rampant wherever they want - they have to attack the historic targets turn one.
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