Pact of secrecy question

Actually, it's quite easy to find out with whom you have pacts of secrecy and/or pacts of cooperation. Just click on the diplomacy button in the top right of the screen, then click the Global Diplomacy button that pops up there, and on the screen that pops up, there are three tabs. The one on the right has your current pact information.

Yup, and then if you want to drop the pact you can by talking to said leader again and going back to the discuss page
Actually, it's quite easy to find out with whom you have pacts of secrecy and/or pacts of cooperation. Just click on the diplomacy button in the top right of the screen, then click the Global Diplomacy button that pops up there, and on the screen that pops up, there are three tabs. The one on the right has your current pact information.

Which is not possible to do if you are currently being talked to by the AI leader (where the AI decides to initiate contact and make an offer). If those buttons were available in the diplomacy screen (like they were in later versions of Civ4) then we wouldn't be griping as much about it.

Civ4 made the exact same mistake at launch and eventually fixed it in a later update.

(What grinds my gears is how often Civ5 designers make the exact same UI mistakes as went on in previous revisions. There's a definite lack of corporate knowledge being passed down. It makes the design team look very wet behind the ears.)
Which is not possible to do if you are currently being talked to by the AI leader (where the AI decides to initiate contact and make an offer). If those buttons were available in the diplomacy screen (like they were in later versions of Civ4) then we wouldn't be griping as much about it.

Civ4 made the exact same mistake at launch and eventually fixed it in a later update.

(What grinds my gears is how often Civ5 designers make the exact same UI mistakes as went on in previous revisions. There's a definite lack of corporate knowledge being passed down. It makes the design team look very wet behind the ears.)

Exactly. This is the point I intended to make; apologies for not being clear.

If I want to initiate a conversation, I have to remember to check the status of relationships before going into the negotiation room (meadow? :)), which I never do. I concede that that is my problem, but it would be nice if that kind of information were available at my fingertips during the conversation and, as noted above, especially when the AI initiates the conversation.
So if you are at war with A and then B asks for a pact of secrecy then wouldn't getting peace hurt the pact?

I was confused and bewildered the first time a civ asked me to sign one of those with a civ I was fighting. I am fighting him you idiot, of course I am trying to weaken him.
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