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Paintball Thread

Played Skirmish half a dozen times - maybe more - in my 20s. The camp was right next door to Salisbury Plain, so the noise of helicopters and artillery was not uncommon. More atmospheric. The funs were standard .50 Skirmish pistols, but later they adapted them to pump action rather than hand cocking.

That was a very well organised franchinse and I enjoyed it a lot. Unfortunately gone now. :(

Also played a different format with a six shooter and CO2 revolver set. The guns sucked, the organisation sucked and when CO2 was banned in the UK that little bunch of wagon jumpers disappeared too.
Originally posted by RedWolf
They play speedball which is on a small field and is VERY fast.

Its called Speed Ball, I dont like because it costs too much. My freinds and I play a more military style in the woods beside a field they bult so we dont have to pay field fees. One game might last 1 & 1/2 hours to 2 hours (very fun)
Originally posted by chain n' sickle

Its called Speed Ball,

Isn't that what I said? :)
Originally posted by chain n' sickle

Its called Speed Ball, I dont like because it costs too much. My freinds and I play a more military style in the woods beside a field they bult so we dont have to pay field fees. One game might last 1 & 1/2 hours to 2 hours (very fun)

I enjoy speedball once in a while but wouldn't want to do it all the time. I also find that you an shoot less paint if you're carefull and keep some fire discipline. Recreational isn't as bad as professional speed ball (people have pretty cheap guns compared to the automags, autocockers and angels that the pros carry) :)

I've played military style paintball outside and to be honest i didn't enjoy it that much. I prefer playing on indoor fields because they're kind of a blend of military style and speedball. More interesting than straight speed ball but faster than outsize paintball because the field is small.

Only problem with recreational inside paintball is if you go on a busy night you end up playing in this massive game of like 20 people vs 20 people on this little enclosed field. It has no structure, no strategy, just runing around shooting whomever you see (often getting shot by your own teem members). All you can do to survive is hide behind something and play sniper because if you move you're dead.

If you can get an inside game going (often on a sunday afternoon) of about 4 on 4 or 5 on 5 you can REALLY have a great time because you can make plans, work together, maneuver on the field etc. Some of my favourite games ever were of that size.
Originally posted by CrackedCrystal

One time I got hit right smack dab in the middle of my forehead. Just above the protective goggles. Had a mark for two days.

I have to admit, the guy who hit me was a good shot!
My brother got hit between the eyes on his helmet. The helmet split wide open from the force. Perhaps a bit overpowered CO2... :hmm:

I've been paintballing 3 times. It's always been a rush. Yes, you end up with a few welts, but it's worth it. If only the paint balls didn't curve so much...

EDIT: Excellent insight on the adrenaline rush and the personal risk, Redwolf. :goodjob:
Originally posted by RedWolf
(people have pretty cheap guns compared to the automags, autocockers and angels that the pros carry) :)

Just because we play in the woods dosnt mean that we dont have good guns to do the job; my freind just bought an A-5, and like I said I have a Tippmann 98 Custom witha a Dye Boomstick barrel.

Some people carry a couple Autocockers and Angels (Idont care too much for the Angels, because they cost WAY too much)

Just because you have a high end marker dosnt mean that you cant get hit ;) , any brasseagle can take out an Angel or Orracle any day (im not taking up for the brass eagle guys im just using logic, and no, we dont carry any brass eagles)

At least someone around here gets out of their computer chair! :goodjob:
Originally posted by chain n' sickle

Just because we play in the woods dosnt mean that we dont have good guns to do the job; my freind just bought an A-5, and like I said I have a Tippmann 98 Custom with a Dye Boomstick barrel.

Some people carry a couple Autocockers and Angels (Idont care too much for the Angels, because they cost WAY too much)

Just because you have a high end marker dosnt mean that you cant get hit ;) , any brasseagle can take out an Angel or Orracle any day (im not taking up for the brass eagle guys im just using logic, and no, we dont carry any brass eagles)

At least someone around here gets out of their computer chair! :goodjob:
I ment to edit that sorry
Originally posted by chain n' sickle

Just because we play in the woods dosnt mean that we dont have good guns to do the job; my freind just bought an A-5, and like I said I have a Tippmann 98 Custom witha a Dye Boomstick barrel.

Some people carry a couple Autocockers and Angels (Idont care too much for the Angels, because they cost WAY too much)

Just because you have a high end marker dosnt mean that you cant get hit ;) , any brasseagle can take out an Angel or Orracle any day (im not taking up for the brass eagle guys im just using logic, and no, we dont carry any brass eagles)

At least someone around here gets out of their computer chair! :goodjob:

Sorry - didn't mean to insult your guns by any means. When i said that it "wasn't as bad" because people have cheap guns I was referring more to the amount of money spent (you said speed ball was too expensive). I simply meant that the pros have high end guns and thus expend HUGE volumes of paint that you wouldn't have to shoot in a rec game.

My gun is only mid range as well so i certainly don't think that autocockers and angels are the be all and end all of paintball. I've killed guys with $1500 guns before and on the other side of the coin I've been given good shelackings by newbies with rentals that just seemed to "have a knack" for the game. The gun can be a great advantage but it also comes down to skill for sure.

As for Brass Eagles - I have a love hate relationship with this brand. As you know they've probably done more than any other brand to bring paintball out of the "fringe" and thus attract new players to the sport. Instead of being guys running around in the woods with cammos on it's now widely played by all kinds of people at real fields that have also become more and more common.

However they've also made these guns widely available to any punk ass kid with $50. My Spyder is worth somewhere in the $400 (CAN) range which tends to put it out of price range of moronic 14 year olds that just want to cause trouble.

I had some neighbour kids shoot my house and car one night for a prank - using a Brass Eagle gun of course.
Ya, Spiders are good guns, they dont break easy, that is what my freind that bought his A-5 had before he got his A-5
I've never owned a gun, due to lack of money, but the one gun I've always liked to use was a Posion. Heavy and old, they don't make em anymore, but man where they accurate
Who made them? I've never even heard of them, What kind was it?
I have no clue who made it. And I'm not up on the paintball lingo so all I can tell you is that it was like soild metal, so rather heavy, had a long barrel, like an actual hunting rifle, and with a slight modification didn't need to be cocked after each shot.
Originally posted by chain n' sickle

Just because you have a high end marker dosnt mean that you cant get hit ;) , any brasseagle can take out an Angel or Orracle any day (im not taking up for the brass eagle guys im just using logic, and no, we dont carry any brass eagles)

At least someone around here gets out of their computer chair! :goodjob:
i played against the instructors at the place I usually played. We were using rentals. They were using a marker outfit similar to your own. We did win one round and tie another, but lost two more.

The instructors got their asses handed to them in a silver platter when they got to the tournmanet in Latvia. Because they had your marker outfit. When playing in tourney, an Angle and an Autococker aren't show off pieces. They're workhorses.
Angels are just paint waisters, with an added E-grip I can have a near same firing rate and accuracy (since I have the boomstick)

What were the instructors using?:confused:
Originally posted by Ohwell
I think airsoft looks more fun.

it might look more fun but have u ever played it or paintball

P.S. i know people who have played an airsoft and play paintball and they say that paintball is musch better
Never done it. Looks like fun though.

The nearest thing I've done is that thing with the laser gun where each team has a base and stuff...what's it called?
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