
Am I able to use this for a internet game? I have tried some suggestions here, but the 'public map' folder doesn't exist and any attempt to use the map has just failed..even renaming and copying.

Anyone know?
Am I able to use this for a internet game? I have tried some suggestions here, but the 'public map' folder doesn't exist and any attempt to use the map has just failed..even renaming and copying.

Anyone know?
Yeah, I use it all the time.

First off, you and anyone playing have to have the map script file in your maps directory inside your main Civ 5 save location; and remember, if you make any modifications to it you'll need to give whoever you play with an identical copy to your own.

The modification I suggested is the only one I've seen that works reliably, and I have often wondered why it wasn't used in the first place, as it works just as well as the original script with less code...
I am making new versions of this for Archaepelago and Continents style maps, but it's been on the backburners for a while
Yeah, this map seriously needs an option for landmass types; the current ones work to an extent, but I keep ending up with a single giant 'snakey' pangaea with only a few small islands; of course, I tweaked the script a little to push it away from the map edges, because the code originally created 'cylindrical' pangaeas and had a habit of putting huge chunks of them right on the top/bottom edge of the map, and I hate tundra.

One of my major complaints about this map over the Civ 4 version is that the landmasses it creates are inferior to the previous version; I even recall the creator complaining about landmasses built around a central mountain ridge ending up looking silly, only to create a script that makes nothing but 'volcano islands' with a mountain ridge in the center and a thin strip of coastal land around it. I'd like to see the script do what the old one did: create plates and then raise mountains as borders between them whenever the plates collided. I'm just not seeing that with this script, though the climate generation works marvelously...
I loved this map in Civ4. It's a comfort to have it around again!

A friend of mine likes to play Inca and noticed that there's a lot of mountains without hills nearby. Normally we think of the two of them going together most of the time. I tried tweaking some of the values but couldn't really improve the situation much. I still end up with mountains, even long chains of them, with hardly a hill to be seen. Anyone know any of the constants that might help get the hills to really want to hug up against mountains?
I'd love to use this map scipt as it seems you can control a lot of things concerning map creation, but as I understand it you can't use it in the world builder?

I usually make my maps there to customize them before playing.

I'd love to use this map scipt as it seems you can control a lot of things concerning map creation, but as I understand it you can't use it in the world builder?

I usually make my maps there to customize them before playing.


Yes, you can - copy map script into 'maps' folder istead of 'mods' (in the same place on your disc C:\Users\your name\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\maps) and it should work
Hi Seems like a great map script. Currently using in the mod builder to test some settings. What I really like is the number of tweaks you can make to the map script. I'm however not really sure how all of the work.

I generally like to play on maps that are "fertile" and provide even chances for all players. Could anyone help me tweak settings so the maps:
  • Have a little more rivers than usual
  • have no snow, ice or tundra
  • have more or less an even distribution of plains, grasslands, flood plains etc. all over (from center to poles)
  • have little water, i.e. very low sea level

I played a game with the script as russia, with legendary start, and was spawned in a nice fertile tundra/grassland, but just north of it was a vast, expansive wastland of just snow and hills that takes up probably a fourth of the continent, and at the end of the unhabitable snow all the way north is a habitable bay filled with dear whales and iron. I'll have to take screenshots of it, I've never seen anything like this before. Most of the time the poles are mostly ice with a few small islands.
The first game I played using this mod was as the Arabians, and boy was that map weird. I was in the southern part of an inverted, reflected, comma-shaped pangaea that was covered with so many mountain ranges that the only routes to the south ended up being two 1-tile wide passes, one snaky and long, the other blocked by a City-State. I'd say a high percentage of the map was mountains. South of the mountains was a vast floodplain, terminated by many hills, several bays, and a few mountains; North were a lot of hills and another range in the NE.
That turned out to be an interesting game.
The second game with this map was even more mountainous, only this time the entire continent (as far as I've explored) is covered in jungle. Again with the snaky, 1-tile passes through the mountains, random fiddly islands off the continent that are composed of one mountain, and realistic river systems. Most of the habitable land lies in a 1-3 tile wide coastal fringe along the mountain labyrinth that dominates the entire map. Note that this isn't me complaining; the map is fun and unlike any I've ever played.
Good job with the mod. It creates enjoyable, unique maps that have more realistic effects than normal maps (and way more mountains to boot, which I do find odd).
The first game I played using this mod was as the Arabians, and boy was that map weird. I was in the southern part of an inverted, reflected, comma-shaped pangaea that was covered with so many mountain ranges that the only routes to the south ended up being two 1-tile wide passes, one snaky and long, the other blocked by a City-State. I'd say a high percentage of the map was mountains. South of the mountains was a vast floodplain, terminated by many hills, several bays, and a few mountains; North were a lot of hills and another range in the NE.
That turned out to be an interesting game.
The second game with this map was even more mountainous, only this time the entire continent (as far as I've explored) is covered in jungle. Again with the snaky, 1-tile passes through the mountains, random fiddly islands off the continent that are composed of one mountain, and realistic river systems. Most of the habitable land lies in a 1-3 tile wide coastal fringe along the mountain labyrinth that dominates the entire map. Note that this isn't me complaining; the map is fun and unlike any I've ever played.
Good job with the mod. It creates enjoyable, unique maps that have more realistic effects than normal maps (and way more mountains to boot, which I do find odd).

Heh, heh. Keep in mind that there are some things you can adjust in the beginning of the lua script. It's all well commented so you should be able to tell what does what. For example, if you think there's just too many mountains, you can tone that down.
I would be tremendously interested in adjusting a couple of a fundamental settings, and introducing a few alternative defaults for a few genre's of map creation, however i am completely unversed in editing .lua's or scripting of any kind and would be willing to learn.

Im not sure if you can code in probabilities for distribution of land and water tiles, and their proximity, and i am unsure how to express it in a completely precise mathematical terms, but it'd be something like this:

-Eliminate the possibility that it will create "one huge snakey pangea", through articulately a standard of at least 2 landmasses constituting at least 30% of the landmass tiles each.

-Only allow 1 isthmus that connects a continent that would qualify as 'one of the two largest'.

-Increase the total number of tiles with a river near it in the "middle 'fertile' half of the entire map", to something like 80% of all tiles.

-Alter in some way the propensity for more 'rounded' islands and less 'snakey broken plate-like sub-continents.'

And on a completely separate track, i'd like to introduce some kind of sub-mob that works exclusively with resource distribution, that alters the adjustments of proportion between bonus/luxury/strategic resources. Ideally, i'd like it to be an option to fill up to 50% of all land tiles with something, but then also adjust the distribution so that of that 50%, the total distribution of resource type could be further adjusted to dramatically increase bonus resources and severely limit strategic and luxuries.

My justification for this second type is this: It makes for a more globally focused game, especially at the end-stage, where resources like oil and aluminum would possibly be more valuable than luxuries, or where 1 global power could corner the entire market by taking all of a 1 or 2 of a single luxury. Furthermore, something that could 'localize' strategic and luxury resources more.

Im speaking mainly from the p.o.v. of playing with NiGHTS on gigantic maps with 20 civ's and 30-45 citystates, and really wishing (without taking hours on end to edit a single map with in game editor) that the resources were more thoroughly distributed.

Increasing the scarcity of these things would increase their value, and produce more fundamental imperatives to the player.

Of course, teaching the AI to play more strategically and covet them would be difficult, if impossible - i had heard somewhere that because the .dll wasnt released, it was impossible to code into the AI the imperative to build 'taller' cities and not just spam them every 3 tiles across small spaces.

Anyway, im a huge fan of this map mod, and i have an abundance of energy as i work from home, have had to quit rugby because of a career-ending knee injury, and have an infant son who keeps me up nights... playing NiGHTs el oh el. Im fairly computer literate but just have little durability in researching the finer points of coding, so if its easier than it would appear to alter these fundamental distribution, particularly on the resource-half of the above walloftext, i'd be very interested.

also, stone is never spawned as a bonus resource, so i've come to randoming placing 10 stones around the map, usually 3 or 4 near a civ, so at least its some sport racing for the great wall (NiGHTS)
Heh, heh. Keep in mind that there are some things you can adjust in the beginning of the lua script. It's all well commented so you should be able to tell what does what. For example, if you think there's just too many mountains, you can tone that down.

If those options were incorporated into the main game setup menu ingame, this mapscript would be perfect. I really really think you should do that if you have time.

Also, will this work straight off the bat with Gods & Kings and the new resources?
For the purposes of my mod I'm going to create a modified version of PerfectWorld, but I've run into some problems:

1. Is it possible to create a version that generates a flat map (no WrapX)? I changed WrapX to false in GetMapInitData but it causes the game to crash.

2. Changing topLatitude and bottomLatitude doesn't seem to work properly, I changed bottomLatitude to -10 and still I get Jungles near the middle of the map, and there is very little Tundra, both at the north and at the south. Ice is properly generated though, only at the north.

Edit: I managed to fix both problems, making some changes to the LUA script. If you have nothing against, I will publish my version called "Perfect Flat World" to the Steam Workshop.
i cant imagine any userside mod has ever worked for a new expansion straight of the bat.


But it's not a mod, it's a mapscript. If the expansion just adds new resources to the general "pool" the mapscript picks from, it would work. So that's why i'm asking.
As far as we know there aren't any new terrain features, are there? Unless natural wonders count as those.

And is there a modifier i can change to bring oasis in deserts down about a third or so? (right now i'm getting oasis'es in clusters of 4, everywhere there is desert, even if there are flood plains nearby)
What value would you recommend to achieve this? Thanks.
As far as we know there aren't any new terrain features, are there? Unless natural wonders count as those.

They do. Atleast thier all listed in CIV5Features.xml along with forest/fallout ect.
The code in PW3 does not place natural wonders, so it should still work. Anything that requires a certain amount of rainfall or other climate conditions is hard coded in PW3.
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