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Pie's Ancient Europe

OH! you're right :) I got some pedias from 17.4 per PM... I really forgot that part.... sorry. I'll put them in now. And yes, wait until we got the german texts, if you're not sure what is to be meant.

So,.. the english texts are almost finished.
This is great, we could use this speed to translate the strategy and quote texts from german into english....
let's do so.... german texts will come...
Never before has a game come so close to the ancient times....

If you like Rome Total War, you will love PAE III...

Well I should definitely try that... a shame I'm new on CIV mods, only tried one, but I've been playing Rome TW mods for a few... years now. Especially EB and Rome : Total Realism.

Downloading now and count on me for feedback.
hi Salahedin,

especially for RTW Fans, who play Romans with Hastati, Principes and so on: PAE IV will have those special named units for Rome too! If you miss their Latin names in PAE III for Rome ;)

and I really hope, you like this mod....
Pie, about 2 pedias; what do had in mind with both eques and equites? These terms are the same, since equites is plural of eques. Thanks
:old:Eques is not horse, it's horseman;). Equites, plural, could just be a slightly different label for an improved rider unit, as they have several kinds in RTW. I only remember the equites, though, being the lightest. I wonder whether the Romans had particular names (that we know of today) to differentiate the degrees of "heaviness" of their cavalry types. Maybe one has to be a little "creative" about that.
Nice work you have here. Been playing this mod for over 6 mos, great having an ancient times civ style game. :hatsoff:

I read above about Pie4, exiting news indeed! Not so worried about the release date, though I'd like to see whats in the making. Any forum up for that I may had missed?, anyways good luck with it. :coffee:
thx Mark, you're right, better ask me ;)

Keinpferd: Equites are not the lightest cavalry. They just changed armory as research was able to. The auxiliary cavalry was lighter and cheaper. The Equites were the Knights of ancient times.

No in PAE, Eques and Equites shouldn't be the same. It's true what Keinpferd says, it can stand for the same, but I found out, that Eques was also called a Mounted Gladiator, they used in the army at hard times. I use this unit instead of the Heavy Cavalry. The Equites is the rich roman aristocrat, I use it instead of the War Horse.

Example for a source: http://www.roman-colosseum.info/gladiators/eques.htm

Some words to PAE IV: PAE III will look very old :D
I understand your intention with these 2 terms Pie; the 'normal' horsemen and the 'aristocratic' knights. I made a short design for a pedia for these two. I think I caught the sentiment you meant, but feel free to add or remove.

It remains a litlle difficult in terms of historical correctness, because in fact the Roman cavalry started as a departments for nobles (unit equites in your meaning) and the lower class were added later when the demand for cavalry outnumbered the number of noble families, and received a horse from the state (unit eques). So in Civ/PAE, equites could be an upgrade from eques since unit Horseman (eques) comes available way before unit War Horse (equites), which is in fact a bit the other way around.

Maybe there it's an option to incluide this a bit through civics. An early (different) type of Equites becoming availabe with Heritage Rule as a chosen civic. This unit costs the state nothing since the aristocras pay for their own horse. Changing civics obsoletes this unit, so the 'plebs horseman' Eques can be build with later on the (2nd) form of equites, which costs 1 gold per turn and requires a stable.

Anyway, we can also just consider these terms an other addition to the playing fun, and leave historical correctness aside! :)
Keinpferd: Equites are not the lightest cavalry. They just changed armory as research was able to. The auxiliary cavalry was lighter and cheaper. The Equites were the Knights of ancient times.

In RTW, I meant. There they are the first riders available.

Maybe there it's an option to incluide this a bit through civics. An early (different) type of Equites becoming availabe with Heritage Rule as a chosen civic. This unit costs the state nothing since the aristocras pay for their own horse. Changing civics obsoletes this unit, so the 'plebs horseman' Eques can be build with later on the (2nd) form of equites, which costs 1 gold per turn and requires a stable.

That makes sense, but I'm not quite sure, whether you can make a unit available depending on a civic, unless Pie is going to add some Python.
hm... because units are not part of a civic management, it would be a python script and then the AI won't get the right use of it.
And sorry, because I got this settle up and down thing with the heavy horse man, I can't make an upgrade of this unit. So, every python script can set limits to right normal things ...

So, we have to play it like this and I hope noone cares, if so, I really have to change this fact! Thanks Mark!

You all were very, very helpful with the pedias! I hope the germans go on with the german texts this weekend, cause I got other texts to translater (vassal-feature) and button design. after that, I can go on with those pedia texts...
Pie, honestly, the thingy with the horseguys is just one small item in a great mod. As I said, terms like this add to the playing fun. Thats what it's all about!

I'll keep an eye on the open English text, happy to contribute a little.
Okay ! some feedback.

starting with the romans on 18 civs european map, I was at first a bit bored... nothing happened for maaaaaany turns : no culture available, no religions, only hunting animals with kamikaze warriors...
things become more interesting as you start to expand and try to manage your cities.
I'm fighting Boudica now on North Italy to get some more ressources. South Italy is mine.
I got too many events during first age : I think I got hurt by fire meteors 3 times in a thousand years... maybe it's just bad luck but I found it a bit tough. Same for the storms that last 3 or 4 turns (how many years do they last? not very realistic)?
I got very very badly hurt by a small mistake : founding one more city broke my treasury, and 4 of my 5 cities kept revolting due to high taxes, making me loosing more and more money... I had to reload a savegame cos I couldn't handle that.
In general very funny to play but you have to learn the hard way! Maybe too much. Well balanced so far, and I like many changes of the gameplay, especially tactical ones.
One thing really made me laugh : a warrior of mine went on exploration, got attacked by a bear... he was defeated, but successfully retreated... right on a tile with a goody hut, which revealed 3 angry barbarian warriors... gasp.
hey salahedin,
starting with the romans on 18 civs european map, I was at first a bit bored... nothing happened for maaaaaany turns : no culture available, no religions, only hunting animals with kamikaze warriors...
this will be changed in PAE IV! (Monoliths, Observatories, a hunting unit, palace and colonization earlier)
I got too many events during first age : I think I got hurt by fire meteors 3 times in a thousand years... maybe it's just bad luck but I found it a bit tough. Same for the storms that last 3 or 4 turns (how many years do they last? not very realistic)?
This is bad luck, but I think 3 times in 1000 years is ok. if you didn't got hurt by a vulcano, tsunami, comet and earthquake of 9 or something else....
Storms for 3-4 turns: this is gameplay. like everything: a simple monument isn't built in 8 turns = 80 years in reality!
I got very very badly hurt by a small mistake : founding one more city broke my treasury, and 4 of my 5 cities kept revolting due to high taxes, making me loosing more and more money... I had to reload a savegame cos I couldn't handle that.
hm.. ok this sounds hard, but it's shows the difficulty to handle a big empire. but as you already know, that this wouldn't happen, if you control your expences.
In general very funny to play but you have to learn the hard way! Maybe too much. Well balanced so far, and I like many changes of the gameplay, especially tactical ones.
One thing really made me laugh : a warrior of mine went on exploration, got attacked by a bear... he was defeated, but successfully retreated... right on a tile with a goody hut, which revealed 3 angry barbarian warriors... gasp.
hehe... that's life :D
Two weeks more....
I wanted to get it available last weekend, but important texts are missing and I just have to design all the buttons which I'll finish this weekend.
And because I go on holidays the next to weeks (Greece), I will upload PAE IV in 2 or 3 weeks.
I don't want to put a mod online disappearing for the next 2 weeks.

I hope you're patient enough. Perhaps a beta tester will post some screenshots to keep this thread thrilling...
oh yo dont need to post the link here, send me the link for download by pm and i will go testing the mod. :D

I am a kind player, dont will go whinning about some bugs. :)
:D ... I believe you :D. oh, you'll really love it, because I've updated the Iberians with some details too.... hm...
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