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pineappledan, HungryForFood, & Recursive's New Beliefs

The issue with paradise has been found and will be working with the next VP hotfix. It’s a dll issue, not contained in this mod

Hi, so obviously paradise now works in the newest version of VP but I hadn't played in awhile and I've noticed that it only works when the holy city builds a wonder, is this intentional? I play with more unique wonders mod hard mode and building wonders in other cities is important, so not getting the yields for that kinda sucks.
I am experiencing the same bug that Hokiefan00 described some time ago. For me it's not only the follower buildings that are bugged, but also some national wonders. Buildings like Chartarium do not show up at all (neither in building queue nor in Civilopedia).
I'm having a more serious bug, that the mod even if checked, it seems it doesn't load. I cannot see in Civilopedia nothing of what it's added, nor I can see it in game.
I suppose there's an incompatibility with some mod, but I tested several mods that could be the culprit and no one made the trick. I should do some other test, but if someone could tell a list of mods that could cause the incompatibility I would be glad
Found it, there was an incompatibility with Bare Necessities; removing only the new beliefs of BN, this mod works fine
hi. how could you do it? Which ones did you delete inside the Vox Populi's Bare Necessities mod? or could you pass us the corrected file? thanks in advance.
update incoming. Tripled the yields from City of God and Earthly Paradise
It looks like the AI doesn't faith purchase the new buildings. I captured several Celtic cities, none with Sweat Houses despite their religion.
It looks like the AI doesn't faith purchase the new buildings. I captured several Celtic cities, none with Sweat Houses despite their religion.
Can you capture religious buildings though? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.

update incoming. Tripled the yields from City of God and Earthly Paradise
Ah, excellent! City of God in particular felt really weak, even when I did everything I could to maximize it (Growth-focused India with Mandirs, Gurdwaras, and Goddess of Home).
Can you capture religious buildings though? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.

Ah, excellent! City of God in particular felt really weak, even when I did everything I could to maximize it (Growth-focused India with Mandirs, Gurdwaras, and Goddess of Home).
The cities did have their other building Mandir. I was also Rome in that scenario so more buildings remain on capture. Either the new buildings aren't captured or outright aren't being purchased.
Hmm, yeah, Rome should capture everything. I guess they aren't building it then. Might be an AI priority thing (I think the AI tends to prioritize spreading religion over purchasing faith buildings, and they definitely love Mandirs), might be a bug.
I think Earthly Paradise and to a lesser extent City of God are too good now. I reached ideology before most civs were even picking their first tier 3 policy with EP, and because it gives culture to the city, you'll acquire enough border expansion points for the full 5 tile radius very early. While it depends on how many wonders you can build, it creates a kind of feedback loop by guaranteeing you always have enough policies, and gold to hurry construction. In another game I took CoG while an AI took EP and we each had 3-4x the rest of the world's culture total and a 10+ tech lead(though I know EP doesn't directly give science).
Probably nothing that can be done here about it, but I wish AIs were a little more variable with their religious picks. Even before it was buffed EP and Mandirs were chosen first every single time. Emirates is always the first enhancer chosen(and it is very nice), but Byzantium even takes it as her bonus belief every time.
I wouldn't merge everything anyway. More is not better, especially when trying to be balanced. If someone has a single Belief they really love then they should just propose it by itself.
The main aim of these beliefs was to have enough to have 12 religions, which fills out a 22 player game, the largest standard amount allowed.

Standard game has 8 players and 5 religions, which is half the number of players +1. There are only enough beliefs in the game for 8 religions, meaning a maximum of 15 players (15/2+1 = 8.5).

So no, up to a point having more beliefs is a game mode balancing issue. If you play with more than 15 players, only the civs with in-built Faith bonuses like Ethiopia have a shot of founding.
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I think that City of God and Earthly Paradise overpowered (I decreased their bonuses by 1/3 and still they are very good).
When I take Tradition opener and have already founded with City of God I get bonus for one citizen born, when I get 2.
3.0 compatibility posted.

reduced Paradise yields to 50 on wonder construction and city of god to 25 on birth
Some people have inquired about integrating parts of this mod into base VP. I would like to get a conversation going about what beliefs and changes to existing beliefs are the most polished, and should be submitted.

There are 2 beliefs that aren’t functional enough in the code to be integrated properly without more coding work: Libations (founder) and Nuncios (enhancer)
(Pantheon) - God of Storms
2:c5faith: in Cities with a Garrison.
Pillaging a tile provides 15:c5faith:Faith and :c5production:Production. Does not scale with Era.

No. Seems awfully weak, I like the concept of pillaging bonuses, I just can't imagine there are enough of them early in the game to warrant this. Also the dicotomy of keeping your units at home AND being out pillaging tiles, seems a weird split.

(Pantheon) - Trickster God
12:c5faith:Faith and :c5science:Science when you complete a non-road Improvement. Does not scale with Era.
Yes. A cool progress type pantheon to really focus on early improvements. I worry about power scaling with it but I think its worth a look.

(Founder) - Revelation
Unlocks Chartarium wonder (4:c5science:, +5 :c5science:science to holy sites, 3 slots for :greatwork:Great Works of Literature (+6:c5faith:/2:c5science: when themed))
When you discover a new Technology, gain 2:c5faith:/:c5goldenage:/:c5culture: for each Follower of your Religion (max of 250 Followers).

Yes. Seems reasonable off the bat.

(Founder) - City of God
Can build the Sacred Garden Wonder (+3:c5faith: +5:c5culture:; +5:c5food: Food from all Holy Sites)
Gain 25:c5faith:/:c5culture:/:c5science: whenever your Holy City gains a :c5citizen:Citizen, scaling with the number of Cities following your religion (max 25 cities)

No. Mentioned before that I think CoE would need adjustment or removal before I would want this one is, based on my initial numbers I just can't see this being balanced.

(Founder) - Earthly Paradise

Can build the Place of Truth Wonder (+2:c5faith: +6:c5production:; +10%:c5production:Production towards Buildings in the City; +5:c5production: from Holy Sites)
20:c5gold: When a City constructs a Building, scaling with Era.
Gain 50:c5faith:/:c5culture:/:c5gold: whenever you construct a World Wonder, scaling with number of Cities following your Religion (max 25 Cities).

Yes. Might be too weak actually but the concept seems solid.

(Founder) - Libations
Can build the Akapana wonder (+100% religious pressure; +5:c5faith: to Holy Sites; Purchased with :c5faith:Faith instead of being built. No minimum population conversion requirement)
Can spend :c5faith:Faith to perform a Challa Ritual, giving the Akapana +1 to All Yields ( :c5food:/:c5production:/:c5faith:/:c5gold:/:c5science:/:c5culture:/:c5goldenage:/:tourism:).
Can Choose a Reformation belief upon completion of 10 Challa Rituals

??? So check me, can I build the wonder here right off the bat?

(Follower) - Jubilee
+1 :c5happy: Happiness in the City. Gain +1 :c5goldenage: GAP for every 2 Followers in the City (Max of +10 :c5goldenage: GAP)

No. Very meh

(Follower) - Martial Arts
Melee and Gun Units trained in this City receive the Warrior Monk Promotion (+20% Defense, +30% XP, +30% Religious Pressure when garrisoned in a City)

Maybe. My gut feels like this is an even better orders in some way, though you aren't getting the crazy faith its true. +30% XP seems awfully good for a warmonger.

(Follower) - Communalism
Internal :c5food:Food and :c5production:Production :trade:Trade Routes give +3 of their respective yields, scaling with Era.
+2:c5production: Production if City has a Specialist.

Yes. I like the concept of an ITR focused belief, as well as one that is not pop dependent but not a building. Worth trying.

(Follower) - Indulgences
+1 :c5faith:Faith in a City for every 10 :c5gold:Gold per Turn it produces, capped at half the Followers in the City.
10% of the cost of :c5faith:Faith Purchases in this city is converted into :c5production:Production and :c5gold:Gold.

(Follower) - Gurukulam
+1 :c5faith:Faith in a City for every 5 :c5science:Science per Turn it produces, capped at half the number of Followers in the City.
10% of the cost of :c5faith:Faith Purchases in this city is converted into :c5culture:Culture and :c5food:Food.

No. These two I consider a package deal, basically a replacement for veneration. i think veneration is solid, I don't see the need to overlap.

Sweat Lodge
200:c5faith: cost
2:c5faith:Faith, 2:c5science:Science
+25% Religious pressure and -10% Religious Resistance in this City
-1:c5unhappy: Distress in this city
Units stationed in this city Heal 5 HP, regardless of what action they take
1:c5science:Science to Camps and Plantations

No. Its a neat concept, but I don't think it holds up to other buildings. Healing is nice, but its not worth the very strong yields of other buildings.

Dar-e Mehr
200:c5faith: cost
3:c5faith:Faith, 2:c5culture:Culture
10% of the city's :c5culture:Culture is Converted to :c5faith:Faith each turn
+25% Religious pressure and -10% Religious Resistance in this City
+1 :greatwork:Great Work of Art slot
-1:c5unhappy: Boredom in this city

No. A building that is just faith for faith sake doesn't interest me.

200:c5faith: cost
2:c5faith:Faith, 3:c5food:Food
+10% :c5strength:Defense in the City
+25% Religious pressure and -10% Religious Resistance in this City
-1:c5unhappy:Distress in this city

Maybe. It beats a mandir slightly, but even still its pretty meh.

200:c5faith: cost
+20%:c5greatperson:Great Person Rate in the City
+25% Religious pressure and -10% Religious Resistance in this City
1:greatwork:Great Work of Writing Slot
-1:c5unhappy:Distress in this city

Yes. Who doesn't want more GPP. Is this going to be broken in the hands of Arabia...hmm maybe?

200:c5faith: cost
1:c5war:Flat Supply
+25% Pressure of Religious Majority emanating from this city
+10% resistance to conversion
+15 XP for Military units produced in this city.
+3 :c5faith:Faith in this City when you kill a unit on Empire
-1:c5unhappy:Unhappiness from :c5food:/:c5production: Distress

Yes, seems cool enough.

(Enhancer) - Emirates
Religion spreads to friendly City-States at triple rate
Religious pressure via Trade Routes tripled
+2:c5science: and :c5culture: for Every Active :trade:Trade Route

Yes, seems neat, might be weak.

(Enhancer) - Animism
Missionaries ignore terrain Movement costs.
+1:c5food::c5culture: to unimproved Features, Lakes, and Natural Wonders

Yes. I like this one, one of my favorites of this list. Seems cool and distinctive.

(Reformation) - Orthodoxy (current orthodoxy belief renamed to Ecumenism) -
Courthouses, Constabularies, and Police Stations gain +4:c5gold:Gold and +2:c5faith:Faith and can be purchased with :c5faith:Faith
Units gain +15%:c5strength: Combat Strength within the borders of any city following your religion

Yes. Id give this one a shot with statecraft. Being able to faith buy constabularies (a building I rarely want to fit in my build order) MIGHT be worth it...maybe.

(Reformation) - Work Ethic
May build Workshops, Windmills, and Factories with :c5faith:Faith. These buildings produce +2 :c5production: Production each.
Tile improvement rate increased by 25% for Workers and Archaeologists.

No, doesn't seem distinct enough.
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