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Pitboss game within the team

anybody smell something burning :mischief:
robboo said:
anybody smell something burning :mischief:

No, but then again since burning down those bangalore curry stands my sinuses have be shot i can't smell a thing!
Whomp said:
Dave--I'm simply a mercenary in all this. I don't want no stinkin' "badges"...I mean "cities".

However, being financial and all, cold hard cash is always nice. :stickshandoutwithpalmup:

@ Dave -- Its not worth it, his rates border on extorsion or have you not noticed the 40gpt i'm having to give him:cry:
DaveMcW said:
Well I certainly notice all the "free" techs he gives you.

Of course, maybe I could pay you to declare war on Whomp. Then you'd be double dipping. ;)

What free techs? I pay for all mine, sure sometimes the payments are a little late but they get there.

As for double dipping, i like the sound of that, did you have anything in mind?
Funny thing happened. Tell me if this has happened to you or not. You see, Whomp and I were trying to visit the local establishments in this city named Heliopolis. For some reason those guys in grs's city were a little quarrelsome and tried beating me and Whomp up before we went to have a drink. So as a show of good will, we got rid of those nasty men for you grs. Oh, and thanks for the city :D
I guess you forgot your matches...my troops are enjoying marshmellows on the coals of New Sarai
robboo said:
I guess you forgot your matches...my troops are enjoying marshmellows on the coals of New Sarai

But that's because Mongolian's love a good BBQ, so they're cities are much better at roasting unlike those toxic curries, my eyes are still watery and sinuses blocked
really...there were no cows around so we had to settle for marshmellows those Americans brought with them.(I have no idea why)

The French kept complaining but with them what do you expect.."this is not our war..the nasty little mongolians declared on us. You guys better pay me..or I will get really mad..." How do you say.."keep complaining and your next Frenchie" in French.

Then we have those lovely Mali..."hey man we are on our way". The fighting at New Sarai is over and they still arent here. And I still dont see a single troop...I think they are lining their pockets while the rest of us fight.
I told you that we're on the way. I'm in "full-production mode".
Mongolian surrender proposal

It's clear to the Mongol generals that fighting 9 powerful civs (sorry Theoden) is too much for them. Therefore we propose a surrender.

Mongol Income:
+150 from cities
+50 from tribute
+70 (potential) from switching to peaceful civics
270 gpt total

We will pay 30gpt to any civ that makes peace with us, for as long as we are at peace. Gifting units to civs still at war with us is not allowed. All units must be withdrawn from our borders, unless we sign open borders too.

We will pay 30gpt extra to any civ that makes a defense pact with us. That means you must declare war on any civ fighting us and commit units to capturing their cities. Obviously we can only afford one defense pact per civ fighting us.
hmmm.. a multi-vassal. That's interesting. I notice that there is no guarantee that you won't re-declare to stop the financial bleeding.

Also it appears as though your maintenance costs are pretty high if you can get 70gpt out of switching.
You have our word that we won't declare war on anyone to break the deals. If we break that promise... well it's already been proven that a coalition to kill the Mongols is possible. :) Killing the treacherous lying Mongols should be even easier.
Thats the deal after one city being lost...whats the deal after 2 or 3 or 4. Maybe thats because yous till can win via space or score.

4 out of 9 civs attacked you....so why are you offering this to them since you declared on them adn havent attcked you.

How about a show of good fatih...kill off RM and help kill off grs. You do those two things I will back off...after reducing you to 5 cities.
I dunno, do i get recompensated for my warrior that was viciously slaughtered as he minced around RM heartlands
30 gold for a warrior? Maybe you should gift him a modern unit or 20 :mischief:
i dunno, it was my lucky warrior that had a couple of promotions on, he was the original king of BCLGdom who had gone out looking for fun and all he found was a keshiks pole :(
dave...will you kill RM?
Can we maybe talk about that? Or am I not eligible for your surrender?

You need to check your combat log to see who really handed it to you at that battle...its the quiet ones you need to watch.
robboo said:
Can we maybe talk about that?
I'm always available by PM if you want to talk privately.

With RM dead I must reduce all payments to 25gpt. But I don't have any personal objections to doing it.
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