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Players for New Epic Game Wanted


Tomorrow's fine if the others can play then. If not, I'd rather try to get a session in tonight, even if it's short.
Playing tonight sounds good for me.
Sorry about yesterday, we could play the game finally because i stayed very late....i woke up tired this morning lol

Was too concentrated at finding new paths :)

But like i said no girlfriend for next 3 days :goodjob: and holiday friday so not working as well :cool:

I will be there tonite and i will continue to find valuable paths to prepare myself more efficiently for a future game! So i'm online from 12:30 am to 6:00 am (we start at 3:30 usually) call me anytime on steam!
okay see you guys in about 6.5 hours. :)
Yowza. If we thought all hell broke loose last session, it was mild compared to tonight's.

The game is over. Tabarnak won a very much deserved space victory. The how is much more interesting than the what, in this case. Read on.

Okay, starting tonight's session, I'd taken over one of India's core cities, after getting some nuke help from France (knocked the defenses down and, critically, destroyed most of his defensive army in the field). After a few turns of healing up there, we went for the capital, to knock over his spaceship and prevent Tabarnak's long foreseen win.

We met some resistance, but even without another nuke (which pitt was shy of donating to the cause...I figured because he wanted to retain them to use against me :eek:) I had a couple of mechs, a couple rocket artis, and about four modern armor, plus a great general. Delhi was mine within a couple of turns. (Huh, here's a question: what would've happened if I'd razed it...this will make more sense below.)

Nuclear paranoia set in, and, thinking India was done, its ship gone (although its parts still showed in the victory screen), I pulled almost all my forces back, not caring if I lost the city. I then DoWed France, my close associate for most of the game, and using the same units from the assault on India, came back with the sole intent of cutting pitt's uranium. Short term thinking, I know. I couldn't hold it...but at that moment, I thought it was what I had to do.

Next thing you know, the guy who said he'd need some cash to help out vs. India with another nuke, is dropping two on my cities. Kyoto and Tokyo both get hit. Now...I suspect it was actually before this, that Egypt had started attacking me back on my western front, at Satsuma (the city we traded back and forth last session, before peace broke out again). He took Satsuma, and now with my other cities nuked, his army started to press in. France captured Tokyo.

Meanwhile...India retook Delhi...and lo and behold, the spaceship was resurrected, and all he has to do is finish that one last part again. :confused::crazyeye: Huh???

So now I start telling France and Egypt, hey, why are you killing me, India's going to win in 8 turns!!! About four turns later they get it, realize he only has one part left, and things turn around again. France and I make peace...it was just a misunderstanding. :nuke:

To provide him a quick route to India's cap, I give him Varanasi and pointed the way (nice road all the way to his capital), gifting my last unit in the area to help the cause. France goes all out to invade India, to repeat my job of stopping the space ship, again. (I'd tried with my three units left in the area, so that had softened up T's minor defenses, but failed.)

Tabarnak's head is spinning now. You lost Varanasi??? wtf?

Apparently what happens then is, I think with a paratrooper and or a tank, pitt manages to intercept the last space part, the stasis chamber, on the way to recaptured Delhi, and kills it I guess. Then he takes Delhi, as insurance, and manages to hold onto it.

Back at the Japanese ranch, Egypt is eating me up. They've taken another city, cutting my aluminum, and making my modern armor, jet (just the one), and rocket artillery entirely toothless. It's looking like seppuku time for Oda. At least I have a one tile island city (settled back when I realized I had no navy to invade Tabarnak with...before the plan to go through France was hatched) to retreat to and watch the show.

I begin telling Brenador he's next, who does he think France will nuke next? :p He offers peace, after my cap is down. I'm left with Osaka and my holiday island.

And then it comes, as expected. They turn on each other. Egypt attacks, knowing France will. This is the France that has supplied Egypt with most of his high tech units, through the years, for cash, to use against me. Hmmmn. Nice one. Diplo trophy goes to pitt for this game...despite the number of times he goofed with private chats sent to everyone. :goodjob:

So T and I are hitting enter, waiting to see what happens.... He says he's off to get a smoke.... Little did we know...

Finally, as France is bombing the hell out of Thebes, after nuking it, and only a few clicks away from sending in a modern armor to take the city, and win a domination win...we get the game over screen. Tabarnak has won a space victory.

The Zombie Spaceship from Hell has been fired up, by some voodoo, and with the last part completed (a 2nd, a 3rd time?), he launches it from his new capital of Mumbai!!! :lol::cry::confused::crazyeye:

All of us were surprised by this one, even T.

Well done, my man, well done. Nicely played all--I think we all had our moments of glory in this game. I know I had my fun unleashing the blitz to knock the spaceship over the first time. Now we know: spaceships are actually undead, and get spirited away to the new capital when a civ is being invaded....

This was a hell of a game. The new patch sent my unhappiness to -11 and then -15 for our last load, after being okay prior.

But the big question is: are Zombie Spaceships of Doom a bug? A design oversight or flaw? Or just a bad idea that needs to be fixed? Tell us, Firaxis! Inquiring minds want to know!!!

...looking forward to the next one... And very glad we've completed a game...even if it took us a month. (Next time maybe set days? Ah, whatever, it was worth it.) :king:
Hey did anyone think to look for the new replay option? Does it work in MP? Haven't seen one yet myself.
The title says it all : That was an EPIC game. Probably the best game i played so far. Not much action on my side(turns were pretty fast since i had virutally no units, only missiles), but certainly with the most suspense.

I don't know about the spaceship...how the hell citizens can teleport a spaceship to the new capital when Delhi got caught? I have built a second Statis chamber in Mumbhai and see what would gonna be happen....well now we all know.

Pretty weird stuff overall but very entertaining! I almost felt down from my chair when i saw the victory screen :lol:

I had twice less score than the 2 superpowers at turn 302 when we finished the game.

I'm looking forward for another game, but don't expect me to try another spaceship victory... :devil:

gg all!
Now I want to see a full write up from you, T, as to how you grew your cities production, tech, and cash so quickly.

Next game(s): I suggest, since we have four committed players already, that we start another with four: maybe with a bigger map, throw in some AI? Or something different anyway. I'll start another thread to discuss that in a while.

Meanwhile, we try to recruit another couple solid players to eventually get a 5 or 6 player game going. The logistics, and the game's connection shortcomings, will make this hard. Probably worth it, though.

p.s.: I have posted a report on this 'bug' (?) over at civplayers, here: http://www.civplayers.com/index.php?section=smf&topic=9679.0
And then it comes, as expected. They turn on each other. Egypt attacks, knowing France will. This is the France that has supplied Egypt with most of his high tech units, through the years, for cash, to use against me.
Believe it or not some of the units were completely free :goodjob: hell i even gave him aluminum to sustain the units, so sometimes i gift a 1 aluminum strategic resource and a high tech aluminum unit then i was out of aluminum so started to give him paratroops :mischief:
Might seem foolish but i see it this way when u gift like that:

1- you increase the pressure (like u had attacks coming from different sides).
2- pressure is further increased as u face attacks in two different turns (mine and his)
3- I am confident that (in the mean time at least) he is not turning against me.
4- when he war'ed me he lost aluminum & had the -33% penalty for the units.

I see that it really benefits, some might not agree
Also he provided cash upon i request, helped me influence a city state for more aluminum.

Finally, as France is bombing the hell out of Thebes, after nuking it, and only a few clicks away from sending in a modern armor to take the city, and win a domination win...we get the game over screen. Tabarnak has won a space victory.
To be honest i was just playing for the fun of it and was okay to see anyone of you guys win and assumed the role of trying to prevent anyone from wining ;) (I didn't plan for any type of win really throughout the whole game).

Was not thinking about that domination victory until i saw that u lost ur capital & so did T so i though: hey take out Bernador capital (and it was really close to me !)
so I am the only one with his capital retained = unexpected wining for me. :) :)

Didn't nuke Bernador cities only nuked a spot with a high concentration of his army that took out a big chunk of them.
Then was about to bomb with crafts few more times & move to capture aaaaaaaaand
defeat screen came up and i was like Wait wut :eek: (went from unexpected win to unexpected defeat :lol:).

The title says it all : That was an EPIC game. Probably the best game i played so far.
Same here, one of the best MP games i have ever played, not a typical MP game

I'm looking forward for another game, but don't expect me to try another spaceship victory
maybe try cultural next time :D

In 4 any future game with u guys gg
Apparently what happens then is, I think with a paratrooper and or a tank, pitt manages to intercept the last space part, the stasis chamber, on the way to recaptured Delhi, and kills it I guess.
That's what happened

But come to think of it, if i kept the capital didn't invade it and leave it to Tabarnak !!!!

Instead just place my units on the roads between his production city and capital in guard mode.

1- The space ship lunch is forced to remain in the capital.
2- He cannot repel my army which is cutting off route to capital (can't even attack them with cities, out of range).
3- No spaceship part reaching capital (impossible), with his production also impossible to remove my units which are blocking roads, so no chance of wining.

The game sometimes requires complex thinking :crazyeye:, never ever thought about that option when we were playing.
You may have something there.

In any case, preventing a space win is not as simple as any of us thought. It'll require a more significant and lengthy investment of units--to either take down the whole empire, or maintain a blockade of the enemy capital until your own VC is reached.... Interesting stuff.
Great analysis Pitt. I didn't see you could win on same turn...sickier than i tought.

As for my set-up, i went Tradition--->Landed Elite--->Monarchy with 4 cities then i built libraries and NC in capital. Concentrated on growth(Ghandi is nice) and science(bulbs). Rushed science techs and their buildings as a priority(for earliest Apollo as possible).

Now, with the new patch, Liberty is way stronger than Tradition, because Landed Elite and happiness nerfs make Tradition too weak early on. Honor can be interesting with Aztecs, Askia and other civs with ancient melee UU but that's it.
Go post in the other thread, guys. Let's start talking settings while we wait for a couple other players to come out of the woodwork. We have one possibility already. And of course, there's always another four player game to keep us entertained in the meantime....
Hey there guys, I'm very GLAD to see you are enjoying MP on this game. I have had some similar experiences and it's great to see more people are enjoying this game I think it should be played. No AI can diplo like a human.
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