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Post map requests here

A new Earth/Rhey map with 32 civs for beyond the sword would be cool. I think all the new earth maps are giant size which are just too large for my comp at around 1700 AD. Something based on Rhyes Earth map with 32 civs would be great.
Don't know if you've started on this one, but I could use a Huge Europemap like this (Civ2-style is fine) for a scenario I have planned. (I found a map like this, but it's lacking that North America bit - which I actually do want...):confused:

I am working on an enormous (134*146 - three times the number of plots of a "huge" map) map of Europe - and the edges of the Mediterranean - that will be extremely detailed and realistic. It'll be ready in a few weeks. There's very little topography and vegetation so far, but I've drawn the shorelines, placed cities and lakes, and drawn the rivers. The idea is to make a map where *all* modern nations of Europe can be played. If you like, I can fix some screenshots of what it will look like? There's no North America though...
I am working on an enormous (134*146 - three times the number of plots of a "huge" map) map of Europe - and the edges of the Mediterranean - that will be extremely detailed and realistic. It'll be ready in a few weeks. There's very little topography and vegetation so far, but I've drawn the shorelines, placed cities and lakes, and drawn the rivers. The idea is to make a map where *all* modern nations of Europe can be played. If you like, I can fix some screenshots of what it will look like? There's no North America though...
I registered just to say i'll love you if you make it XD

I've been looking for a Europe map with all present-day countries for a while, but never found one.

Question: Will Luxembourg and Andorra, and other very small countries be playable?
Question: Will Luxembourg and Andorra, and other very small countries be playable?

Hmmm, that is probably stretching it, but it's not impossible. I've already made those into barbarian cities, for testing distances and so on. Some are REALLY close (the distance between Paris and Amsterdam is about a dozen squares, and in that proximity you would also have to fit both Brussels and Luxembourg). Also, the Balkans can be very crowded. I won't make the smallest nations as playable civs myself, but if someone else would be willing, I suppose they could be included. San Marino, Monaco and Andorra should certainly not be a problem to include from a spatial point of view.
Here are the outlines:

Of course, not everything will be grassland, that's just what i used when drawing the shores. The misssing part in Africa is because I had originially intended to put the southeastern corner directly outside Cyprus. When I changed my mind and decided that I wanted to "frame" the Mediterranean with land, in Egypt and the Levant (not more than a city deep though), I noticed that I had not copied enough of the map I was using, so I'll need to copy it again. :crazyeye:

The barbarian cities are mainly for testing spaces, many of them are placed where the actual capitals will be located (you can see how close Brussels and Luxembourg are, and I also moved Aachen to Prague for that reason - Bibracte will also have to be moved), so they'll be replaced. Check out the absurd amount of space for the Russian player.


I've compared maps of topography, ground usage, vegetation and even soil types to get it right - or as right as is possible. Iceland will be a challenging civ to play. :)
HI, im looking for a map of the continent of america, with Greenland and Hawaii, (I can´t find any)

Size: well I need it very very big, or the necessary for the central american countries :p (center america could be a little bigger than the real), more than huge (i was trying to do it by myself but im very bAd with map creation, and I don´t know how to change size :sad:. its for a mod of the actual countries of america that i want to upload here later, but I need also a map, its almost finished.;)

For Warlords.:)

Resources not included (i just need the form of the continent, i will edit it later.)

It shuold be in "blank" for a custom scenario. (well.. for add civs, i have 24 civs for it)

Forest, if you want to put them, if not i will add them later.

Mountains. the real ones :D

Rivers. the real ones also.

Thank you! - Shrinking :crazyeye:


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I'm looking for a Mirror Earth map. On the single player-->Play Now!-->Hemispheres option, the spinning globe is an inverted mirrored earth where the oceans and continents are turned into each other. Has anyone made a real map like this? Thanks!
I'm after a giant (i.e, far bigger than huge) map of the Aegean. Something where land and sea warfare are naturally, equally important. Something where you can live out more Epic battles.

Maybe just stick to Crete in the south rather than any further (Libiya)

I'm was thinking something centered on Delos, where this map:

is relative in size to this:

on that map:

At least :D

Given that the Rise of Mankind mod spits out maps of about 200x120 (24000), and are quite playable to at least the 1800s, Something of 15000 tiles or better would be awesome.

- Grid lines zomg.
Hi guys. I'm not requesting a map so much as curious about resources for making one: does anyone know where I can find information on locations of resources for the British Isles, Denmark and Scandinavia?

Thanks in advance.
I would like a map of north-western Africa, with at least Western Sahara, Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania. Please?? :D
Hello, some friends and I are making a stab at a Settlers of Catan: Cities and Knights mod, but we're running into trouble making a map, since we've never done it. I don't know if you're familiar with the game, google would be the best option there if you're not. All we feel we'll need is a basic map, we can get the resources, players, etc on our own. It can be flat, with only land and sea, very simple, I'm not sure what size, there will only be four players and it's not a "real" mod for Civ, so i think a standard middle sized map should be fine. Please let me know if you have any other questions as i'm not sure how much more you need to know. Attached is an image of the board layout. Thanks for any attempt.

I'm after a giant (i.e, far bigger than huge) map of the Aegean. Something where land and sea warfare are naturally, equally important. Something where you can live out more Epic battles.

I was about to ask for an accurate HUGE map of Aegean for BTS or Warlords, till I found this post.

Request is completely covered by the one of CMKMStephens. Sample maps already provided are perfect! It would be awesome to have this one!

The most important (at least for me) would be an as accurate as possible coastline that would make amphibious operations (in a cat chasing the mouse style) around several islands possible.
I'm looking for the map of Alexander's empire and surroundings (including Rome and Carthage of the time, Illyrians, partly Arabia and Scythia). More or less like these:

Macedonian Empire

Has anybody made something like this already? ;)
I need a map that is 128(x) by 100(y) that is compatible with warlords. The dimensions can be off by a few squares in either direction. It doesn't need to be a map of anything in particular, I just need the size and dimensions.
I'm not able to find it on the forums, or anywhere else on the interwebz, but I'm a big SMAC fan who's recently began playing Civ 4, and I miss my Map of Planet. The one included in Civ 4 frankly sucks and I was wondering if anyone had made a better one, or would be willing to create one.
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