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PowerBar Trainer Utility

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Unfortunately i could not find civ3.exe the only executable i found

was civ3x.exe, it seems like there is no sign of Civ 3 and PTW

being two seperate structures, this version of Civ3 Gold

Multiplayer was Civ3 assumingly with all the patches applied plus

Play the World muliplayer expansion. This might help, the box

which i purchased, had a gold and blue covering. Like before the

only distinction between the two cd's are disk 1 and disk 2. And

this is what i see at the bottom left hand corner of the screen

1.27f, A little recap :

- using Civilization 3 Gold Edition Multiplayer version 1.27f
(North American)

- using Windows 2000, 1.9GHZ, cpu usage is about 25% when game and powerbar are running

- Problem with powerbar for me, when load button is clicked after the saved game is loaded, there is no response, progress bar does not change colour, even after waiting for long periods of time there is still no response, still able to play the game while powerbar says it's loading.

Thanks Jeannie. And thanks to all who have given suggestions.
Hey When its there Going to be A power Bar that Works With C3C, any buddy working on one. well hope it post soon, C3C power bar would Be nice!
Originally posted by SpiderZord
Sorry - I haven't checked the site in a while...new job, coaching & 3 boys - hasn't left a lot of time for recreational programming.

I DO plan on updating powerbar, but I have yet to buy the new Conquests... :crazyeye:

Stay tuned - I'll try to get to it soon!

Hey, Rhye and Mertic, try reading through the thread before asking questions that have been answered. It makes for less repetitive/pointless posts in the thread. Thanks.

For all those who are eagerly awaiting a new C3C compatible PowerBar:
Is anybody down with pitching in and helping SpiderZord (who works on/uploads PowerBar with his own time and expense) get a copy of Conquests? It would be a nice gesture from those who have used his program to tweak around with Civ3.
however, i would volunteer to help spiderzord if he releases the code and can recommend a good memory monitoring tool.
i began programming a save game editor, but gave it up because gramphos' one is just too good to even compare to. and trainer would be a real challenge :)
Which version works on Civ 3 Gold Edition. I've tried ver3.6beta.
When you press the load button it just says loading and does nothing else. Can someone Help?
To all that have said:

When you press the load button it just says loading and does nothing else

Simple fix. Start the PowerBar.exe. Select the version you are playing. Press Continue. Now, start Civ III. Start or load a game. Wait until the game is fully loaded/started THEN press the LOAD button on PowerBar. If you do not wait until the Civ III game loads/starts to press LOAD, then powerbar will hang.

Do not press LOAD prior to starting Civ II or at the splash screen!!

Figured problem out. I think that the powerbar utility is great and I cant wait till it comes out for C3C.
Hi guys,

I'm getting the Run-time error: '399' Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of it's dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

The problem is that I don't have that file at all. And I have no idea where to download it.

The only fix I've so far found is one for properly registering the file.

But I don't have the file, so that won't work.

Can anyone help?

First, go to this site and download the .OCX file you are missing. The link should take you right to the download page. It also includes, on that page, the instructions of where to place the file, and how to "registry" the file with the Windows Registry so that you can use it. That should fix your problem.

NOTE: You may wish to bookmark that page as it has alot of the 'common' missing .dlls and .ocxs that are needed for Visual Basic programs like Powerbar.

If that doesn't work let me know as I have all the VB needed files and can e-mail them to you.
I have CivIII Gold myself, and from what I have read in this thread is that everyone using the "Gold" version is having problems with the PB.

"Gold" is not CivIII, nor is it PTW. It seems to be it's own integrated program. You can not sellect to play one or the other. There is no CivIII disc in the package. There is no PTW disc. When I try to open just the CivIII file, it asks to put in the CivIII disc which of course, I do not have.

I have tried all the suggestions for using the PB with "Gold" and have had no luck.
1. Waited for a saved game to load before hitting the "load" button.
2. Started a new game and took a turn before hitting the "load" button.
3. Tried both of the above with box 1.27f and box 1.21 checked, also tried it with none of them checked.

Whatever I have tried has resulted in the PB hanging at the "loading" point.

"Extreme" was having the same issue and from what I could tell, and is also using "Gold". A couple threads later he comments that he has figured it out. Extreme are you referring to the problem of the PB hanging? If so, and you have figured it out, could you share what you know with the rest of us please?

Still frustrated...:confused:
Extreme, could you please tell us how you managed to fix the problem with Civ 3 Gold Edition using Power Bar.

Yes, please let us know if you know how to get the PB to work with gold. I've tried every single trainer and save game editor I could find on the net and nothing is working for me.
That would be cool.

Can anyone send me the link for the powerbar utility. I tried clicking the powerbar 3.6 by SpiderZord and and it is not working. Thaks for your help.
3.6 is the only working version currently. If you have Civ III Gold Edition, or Conquests it will not work for those. It will work for Civ III all patches, Civ III PTW 1.21 and 1.27. SpiderZord is working on this I am sure, but does NOT get paid for this free service so when he gets time (As he has a family with kids and a life from what I can tell) he will update it. Please be patient and respect the man for all he has done for the Civ III community, I'm sure he will get an update out.

I program in VB6.0 myself, and am getting better ever day (since I code everyday, I need to get good to do it for a living) I bring this up because I know you are busy! If you want help, or need to turn the project over to someone else to work on, I'd be glad to help out. You'll have to teach me a few things with the memory offsets, etc, but I learn very fast! Alo, if you do hand this over to me (Even just temp till you have time to do this again) I'd like people to know I do have a job, and a wife, and will work on it when I can and do what I can. However, I have no kids, and prolly have a bit more free time then SpiderZord has.

Just an offer SpiderZord. I love to code, I love to help out, and I love PowerBar!
Originally posted by fernandomassuy
you could make one for conquets.. there are no trainers for it

there are trainers for C3C, my trainer for example, it doesn't allow you so much things like powerbar, but it's a trainer too (at the time for C3C 1.00-1.02), I'll update it in the next days ;)
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