Prosecutors seek to rearrest Kyle Rittenhouse, saying he violated terms of his release


Codex WMDicanious
Jan 4, 2002
So goes into Hiding at a safe house because fear of death threats
But also goes to bars to drink, post photos flashing white power hand signs.

What a smart.

Prosecutors seek to rearrest Kyle Rittenhouse, saying he violated terms of his release

Rittenhouse’s lawyer responded with a motion saying his client went to an “undisclosed Safe House” due to death threats, according to the Associated Press. The attorney, Mark Richards, also said that prosecutors would not agree to keep this new address secret and that Rittenhouse has remained in contact with him

Prosecutors have already sought to modify the terms of Rittenhouse’s bond once: On Jan. 13, district attorneys petitioned the judge to prohibit the 18-year-old from consuming alcohol or entering bars as well as from associating with any “violent white power/white supremacist groups” or displaying signs or symbols associated with the white-power movement.

The January motion came after photos and video surveillance footage emerged that prosecutors said showed Rittenhouse at a Mount Pleasant, Wis., bar drinking, flashing white-power hand signs and posing with members of the Proud Boys within hours of his virtual arraignment on Jan. 5. The Proud Boys, a far-right group with a history of violence, have been designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Under Wisconsin law, adults under 21 can drink alcohol in bars if accompanied by a parent. Rittenhouse was allegedly accompanied by his mother.
This is the most recent thread on the topic on the Rittenhouse self-defense trial. As an update, the prosecutorial misconduct has continued from the OP article until now, which isn't surprising. They have started doing hearings.

Kind of funny that in the above quote, "flashing white power hand signs" is in bold. If that's a legitimate, responsible statement, then former president Barack Obama frequently flashed the white power hand sign, as have many other prominent politicians, lol.
Didn't he like provoke a bunch of protesters, like daring them to hit him or something, before opening fire?
Post has been warned for trolling
Didn't he like provoke a bunch of protesters, like daring them to hit him or something, before opening fire?

There is no evidence of Rittenhouse provoking the rioters, unless you count the act of putting out a fire.

Even in the criminal complaint document, the first person to get shot approached Rittenhouse after he participated in putting out a dumpster/trash fire (in literal sense), dared him to shoot him. Kyle moved away from him, and that guy ran after him and attempted to grab the weapon before getting shot (per witness testimony).

As a result of this sequence, people went after Rittenhouse. The other two people who were shot both openly assaulted him first as well (one striking him with a skateboard, the other straight up pointing a handgun at him).

These are not events alleged by the defense, they are the facts as the criminal complaint wrote them...I don't see how the prosecution even thinks they have a case if they're alleging self-defense in advance. Let alone where they get off trying to dox his address/donators as if either are relevant to the trial.

This guy walked around with a machinegun and killed some people.. or..

During 2020 Burn/Loot/Murder BLM "protests", a kid went to a business with a rifle at owner's behest. After he put out a flaming dumpster, rioters didn't like it/approached him. Don't know what was said, but Kyle fled around a car and was chased, after which he shot his assailant. Only witness for that in criminal complaint claimed the guy who got shot was grabbing at the weapon (this is damning testimony for any prosecution effort, since per the law a credible threat of someone taking the weapon from you can be treated as if they have one).

He was then physically assaulted more later (including gun pointed at him) and shot those guys too, in both cases they assaulted him before he fired, which we have actual footage/pictures to corroborate (both of those people objectively played stupid games and won stupid prizes).

All of this is per the story of those charging Rittenhouse, not the defense. I don't see how this fact pattern can possibly support "murder". Normally, you'd expect the defense to be stating this case and the prosecution to be challenging it with evidence/facts. It is unusual to see a self-defense argument used by the people charging the defendant as if it's a legitimate basis to charge him.

Its alarming the ways in which a human brain can break. Some dudes would rather go full racist than admit any kind of error on their part.

No evidence of race being a factor in this case, beyond source of the Burn/Loot/Murder riots protests in the first place.
Moderator Action: I edited your post to save you from being just another troll. There were hundreds of protests that were peaceful and to re-label BLM as you did ignores that reality. Peaceful ones made less news everywhere and especially on right wing news media. You may point out specific events that involved burning and looting and people dying but it is trolling to call all BLM protesting out like you did. Birdjaguar.
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Stop the flaming!
Mask on, mask off.

Well, when you cobble together enough cognitive ability to actually participate in the discussion, let us know. Good luck!
Moderator Action: No flaming please.
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It has already been posted that the BLM protests were more peaceful than the civil rights protests of the 60's. In fact they were largely peaceful, other than the usual opportunists that like to break stuff and who show up at every protest regardless of cause.
It seems like this guy is getting prosected under the full extent of the law. Is there a story here other than "This is a high profile case cause it blew up on social media in the U.S." etc.? Or is this case unique in some other way? I guess what I'm asking is if this is a fairly common crime he's being charged with, the circumstances, etc. or if it's some unique situation that might invite a closer look?
Warned for flaming
Well, when you cobble together enough cognitive ability to actually participate in the discussion, let us know. Good luck!

This is very much a case of me being prudent with my energy and time. I don't discuss ancient civilizations with Berz, because no productive exchange or outcome is possible. Similarly, you cannot have a debate with racists, because their values and beliefs are not founded in logic.

TMET, you've gone pretty racist over the past few years. Moderator Action: This is insulting, and you know it. Report problematic posts, and don't respond to them. Even in this thread you're letting us know that you are more concerned with crimes against property by one group, than violent crimes by another. I assume its by some form of nasty osmosis where you assumed that the enemy of your enemy was your friend, then you unconsciously adopted his positions.
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It seems like this guy is getting prosected under the full extent of the law. Is there a story here other than "This is a high profile case cause it blew up on social media in the U.S." etc.? Or is this case unique in some other way? I guess what I'm asking is if this is a fairly common crime he's being charged with, the circumstances, etc. or if it's some unique situation that might invite a closer look?

It's a political prosecution. By the facts not in dispute, the murder charge is a textbook case of self defense and should have been dismissed with prejudice already. TMT laid it out pretty well a few posts back. (the one with moderator edits all over it for being needlessly provocative) There might be a legitimate misdemeanor firearms law that was broken, or perhaps not. Those get complicated. I have not really been following the case lately and just stumbled back onto this discussion.
Warned for trolling
This is very much a case of me being prudent with my energy and time. I don't discuss ancient civilizations with Berz, because no productive exchange or outcome is possible. Similarly, you cannot have a debate with racists, because their values and beliefs are not founded in logic.

TMET, you've gone pretty racist over the past few years. Even in this thread you're letting us know that you are more concerned with crimes against property by one group, than violent crimes by another. I assume its by some form of nasty osmosis where you assumed that the enemy of your enemy was your friend, then you unconsciously adopted his positions.
wow, you managed to call him a racist not worth your time....made a totally unsubstantiated claim and then assumed that he assumed something about something, something, unconscious assumptions...

Moderator Action: Warned for trolling.
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This is the most recent thread on the topic on the Rittenhouse self-defense trial. As an update, the prosecutorial misconduct has continued from the OP article until now, which isn't surprising. They have started doing hearings.

Kind of funny that in the above quote, "flashing white power hand signs" is in bold. If that's a legitimate, responsible statement, then former president Barack Obama frequently flashed the white power hand sign, as have many other prominent politicians, lol.

He went out of his way to murder people in an act of terrorism. So you think that murdering terrorists need protection now? Do you think the government should be protecting the 9/11 terrorists also? Are there any murdering terrorists that you don't support?
It seems like this guy is getting prosected under the full extent of the law. Is there a story here other than "This is a high profile case cause it blew up on social media in the U.S." etc.? Or is this case unique in some other way? I guess what I'm asking is if this is a fairly common crime he's being charged with, the circumstances, etc. or if it's some unique situation that might invite a closer look?

It wouldn't be a story if every single right-winger hadn't burst out to defend his killings. It isn't just the people in the thread you see, his legal defense raised, half a Million Dollars. His own lawyer kept him in jail longer, to milk more donations from the right wing swamp.

Meanwhile, these same right-wingers above, think it is a own, that Kamala Harris posted a few bail funds, for BLM Protesters (not rioters or Looters, let alone Killers), and present it as Democrats supporting riots. Bail is also not a legal defense, its literally just the money so cops can't keep you in jail until the DA dismisses the bogus charges, as what happened with the overwhelming majority of BLM Protesters falsely arrested. Rittenhouse's charges haven't been dismissed.

I would not at all be surprised, if the next Republican Governor of Wisconsin pardons him, just like Trump pardoned all the literal war criminals during his tenure.

Kind of funny that in the above quote, "flashing white power hand signs" is in bold. If that's a legitimate, responsible statement, then former president Barack Obama frequently flashed the white power hand sign, as have many other prominent politicians, lol.

The Roman Salute was a normal part of the pledge of allegiance. Then Nazis took it over.

Neo Nazis and White Nationalists explicitly use this new one to dog whistle. It's the definition of dog-whistling.

Obama a Black older guy who isn't plugged into the internet, of course isn't doing white power.

But a young white guy who got riled up by online hate groups on the chans, who went to a Black Lives Matter Protest with the intent to do violence, doing it, might just mean that he is racist. You also know full well what it means, and you are barely even trying to keep your mask from slipping.
These are not events alleged by the defense, they are the facts as the criminal complaint wrote them...I don't see how the prosecution even thinks they have a case if they're alleging self-defense in advance. Let alone where they get off trying to dox his address/donators as if either are relevant to the trial.

Your assessment may well be right, and he is going to get off free. It is perhaps a sad situation that in the USA you can shoot dead two unarmed civilians (no a skateboard does not count as a deadly weapon) and be found innocent in the eyes of the law and be considered a hero by the right.

The whole self defense when threatened laws are easy to be abused, especially when a significant portion of the country thinks their life is in danger whenever they see a black man.

Kyle Rittenhouse may have gone there genuinely to help, but at the same time he was quite cavalier in actions. If he goes free, I hope he takes his second chance and realizes how lucky he is (compared to those two protestors he killed) and doesn't fall in with the likes of the Proud Boys again.
The Roman Salute was a normal part of the pledge of allegiance. Then Nazis took it over.

That photo looks more recent... I think the pledge was revised in the 50s adding 'under God' to make sure no one confused us with those godless commies. Ironically a socialist came up with the godless version of the pledge a few decades earlier.
I live outside USA and remember reading about this in the news

1. People doing a protest at night during coronavirus outbreak. OK. So, obviously, police didn’t mind this, equally they didn’t mind armed vigilantes walking about.

2. An 18 y.o. joins a vigilante group and walks around with an automated rifle, keeping watchful eye..

Scene 3: People chasing the shooter, one of them wielding a skateboard, trying to take his gun, two shot dead in the process.

And that’s another resonating demonstration that the precious stupid gun “culture” has gone too far. How many more demonstrations do you need? You can yell “racist” all day, you miss the point: all of this happened because of unhealthy gun religion. Kid could have lost it and started raining fire on a crowd with an automatic rifle, you know. Easily.
Not sure on the details but if walking around with a gun is legal and someone starts hitting you with a skateboard shooting them might be legal or legal enough to get off.

Assuming he s actually attacked and can prove it.

Being a Nazi isn't illegal assaulting someone with a skateboard is.

Without more details anyway.
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