PUGNESIV: The Modern Day


Disturber of Worldviews
Nov 26, 2002
It's finally here! This is the fourth PUGNES. This is a combination of NukeZone, NationStates, and a touch of board game and story NESes.

I'll give you the rules.

Towns and Cities

Building a new Town requires 14,000,000 dollars. Towns make it harder for enemies to destroy your nation. They also increase your worker population by 30.

To upgrade a town to a city requires 10,000,000 dollars. Cities also increase the worker population by 70.


The more cities or towns you have, the more money you make from Income Tax. Also, if you have factories, you earn money from Industrial Tax. If you're short on cash, you can request or demand money from another country.


You can set how high your Income Tax and Industrial Tax rates are. 15% Income and 15% Industrial are what you start with. Tax revenue is determined like below. (let's say the income tax is at 20%)

# (let's say 1) of cites x 10 Million = 10,000,000
20% of 10,000,000 = 2,000,000
# (let's say 2) of towns x 5 Million = 10,000,000
20% of 10,000,000 = 2,000,000
2,000,000 + 2,000,000 = 4,000,000
Total Tax Revenue = $4,000,000


Factories generate income for the national coffers through Industrial Tax. They also increase the economy. But they require towns and cities as they produce workers. Factories also make the people unhappy. Factories cost 12 Million dollars.

War and Military

The moment you've been waiting for! There are several kinds of unit in each class.

Airplane Class

1. Assault Helicopter (2 million)
2. Strike Jet Fighter (3 million)
3. Stealth Bomber (5 million)
4. Laser Sattilite (8 million)
5. Space Plane (10 million)

Tank Class

1. Light Tank (1 million)
2. Heavy Tank (3 million)
3. SuperTank (5 million)
4. Missile Tank (7 million)

Missile Class

1. Cruise Missile (2 million)
2. Anti-Aircraft Missile (4 million)
3. Space Missile (6 million)
4. Nuke (18 million Can destroy whole cities)

Infantry Class

1. Guerilla (1 million)
2. Ranger (2 million)
3. Infantry (3 million)
4. Marine (4 million)
5. Hover Infantry (5 million)

Navy Class

1. PT Boat (2 million)
2. Destroyer (4 million)
3. Battleship (5 million)
4. Cruiser (6 million)
5. Carrier (9 million)

If you attack, I'll roll die to determine the battle's success.

People's Happiness and Governments

Sometimes, your desicions will affect the citizens' happiness with you. Every once in a while an issue will pop up for you to answer. What you say can make the people love you or despise you so choose carefully.

Happiness is measured...

- Loving
- Very Supportive
- Supportive
- Happy
- Pleased
- Content
- Okay
- Unhappy
- Disappointed
- Wary
- Angry
- Rebelious

Governments each have special bonuses. I've thought up (with the help of Jason ;)) several kinds of governments and their bonuses.

Democracy (Making the people happier is easier)
Republic (The enviroment is easier to repair)
Communisim (towns make 20 more workers than usual)
Dictatorship (Through forced labor, factories are 1 million cheaper)
Anarchy (none. This is during a revolution or a government switch)
Monarchy ($1,000,000 extra is given to the government every turn)
Commonwealth (none. This is when you have such a big nation that you divide in two. A commonwealth is ruled by an NPC and its desicions are almost exactly the same as yours)
Oligarchy (People are less likely to revolt under your rule)
Fundamentalism (People are easier to keep happy)
Confederacy (Infantry is 1 million dollars cheaper)

Space Stations

Space stations are very hard to build (300 workers and 30 million dollars). However they generate big bucks for the nation (1.5 x Total Income). They can only be destroyed by Missile Tanks, Space Missiles, Laser Sattilites, and Space Planes. You can only have one.

The Enviroment

If you have lots of factories or answer issues a certain way, the enviroment goes down. If you answer an issue another way, or limit factories, it goes up.

The Enviroment is measured like this...

- Beautiful
- Wonderful
- Lush
- Good
- Fair
- Below Average
- Industrialized
- Bulldozed
- Destroyed


The economy grows if you have lots of factories or cities. You may have to sacrifice the Enviroment for a good economy.

- Booming
- Growing
- Steady
- Good
- Average
- Below Average
- Poor
- Crippled
- Ruined

Sample Beginning Nation

Nation: The *insert government here of* Somethingstan
Name: Blah Blah
Forum Name: Whomever
Economy: Good
Happiness: Good
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 15%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: 1 Guerilla
Treasury: 4
Capitol City: Capitol City
Towns: None
Cities: None
Workers: 45


I will not play in this NES. I will only moderate and update it.

Stories are not recomended but if you want you can write them.

You can make a custom nation

I'd like to thank Jason (for governments and general advice), and Plexus (for the map)

Individual numbers in the treasury represent millions of dollars

This is the longest post I have ever made! :crazyeye:

Have fun! :)

Reserved for Nations

Nation: The Democracy of Spam Land
Name: King Spammy Spam
Forum Name: china444
Economy: Good
Happiness: Pleased
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 25%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: 1 Guerilla, 1 Light Tank
Treasury: 13.5
Capitol City: Spam City
Towns: 0
Cities: None
Workers: 47
Color: Red
Profit: 2+ per turn

Nation: The Monarchy of The Emprium
Name: Empror Novelus
Forum Name: erez87
Economy: Good
Happiness: Disappointed
Enviroment: Good
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 48%
Industrial Tax Rate: 75%
Army: 1 Guerilla, 1 Infantry, 5 Heavy Tanks
Treasury: 5
Capitol City: Novelusnopol
Towns: 1
Cities: None
Workers: 60
Color: Yellow
Profit: 5+ per turn

Nation: The Theocracy of Soummia
Government: Democracy
Name: Lord Anonymous
Forum Name: anonymous4401
Economy: Good
Happiness: Happy
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 35%
Industrial Tax Rate: 25%
Army: 1 Guerilla, 2 Light Tanks, 1 Heavy Tank
Treasury: 13.5
Capitol City: Anopolis
Towns: None
Cities: None
Workers: 45
Color: Orange
Profit: +3.5 per turn

Nation: The Dictatorship of Rome
Name: Marcus Philipus Caesar
Forum Name: puglover
Economy: Good
Happiness: Unhappy
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 30%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: 1 Guerilla, 1 Strike Jet Fighter, 1 Ranger
Treasury: 14
Capitol City: Rome
Towns: None
Cities: None
Workers: 45
Color: Dark Blue
Profit: 3+ per turn

Nation: The Kingdom of England
Name: King William
Forum Name: Jason the King
Economy: Good
Happiness: Okay
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 30%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: 1 Guerilla
Treasury: 17
Capitol City: London
Towns: None
Cities: None
Workers: 45
Color: Light Grey
Profit: 3+ per turn

Nation: The Greater Sheepstan Reich
Name: Sheep
Forum Name: Sheep2
Economy: Good
Happiness: Supportive
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 20%
Industrial Tax Rate: 10%
Army: 1 Guerilla
Treasury: 12
Capitol City: Lambston
Towns: None
Cities: None
Workers: 45
Color: Brown
Profit: 2+ per turn

Goverment: Confederacy
Nation: The Covenant Alliance
Name: The Reminder
Forum Name: .:KNAS:.
Economy: Good
Happiness: Unhappy
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 60%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: 1 Guerilla, 1 Assault Helicopter
Treasury: 34
Capitol City: Truth and Reconciliation
Towns: None
Cities: None
Workers: 45
Color: Dark Grey
Profit: 6+ per turn

Government: Oligarchy
Nation: The Territory of the United Native Tribes (DEAD)
Name: Chief Powerful Moose
Forum Name: NPC (non person charecter)
Economy: Good
Happiness: Content
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 30%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: none
Treasury: Plundered
Capital City: Chiraxno
Towns: 0
Cities: 0
Workers: 45
Color: Green
Profit: 3+ per turn

Government: Communisim
Nation: Russia
Forum Name: NPC
Economy: Good
Happiness: Content
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 25%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: 1 Guerilla, 1 Hover Infantry
Treasury: 7
Capital City: Moscow
Towns: none
Cities: none
Workers: 45
Color: Purple
Profit: 2+ per turn

Government: Republic
Nation: China
Forum Name: NPC
Economy: God
Happiness: Okay
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax: 30%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: 1 Guerilla, 1 Ranger, 2 SuperTanks
Treasury: 3
Capital City: Bejing
Towns: 0
Cities: 0
Workers: 45
Color: Light Blue
Profit: 3+ per turn

Kingdom of Atlantis
Name: King Innocius the IV
Forum name: TNG
Economy: Good
Happiness: Unhappy
Environment: Lush
Income tax rate: 30%
Industrial tax rate: 15%
Army: 1 Guerrilla
Treasury: 7
Captial city: Knossos
Towns: none
Cities: none
Color: Pink
Government: Monarchy
Profit: 3+ per turn


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You've got to post your name, government, country name, etc.

Also, when you create a nation you are randomly thrown somewhere.
Nation: The Democracy of Spam Land
Name: King Spammy Spam
Forum Name: china444
Economy: Steady
Happiness: Good
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 15%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: 1 of everything
Treasury: 4
Capitol City: Spam City
Towns: 1- Spamira(withdraw some gold)
Cities: None
Workers: 50
Can I start with 1 of everything????

Ok throw me I nrandom spot.

Can I have a town????

I would like to be lime green not red
Originally posted by china444
Can I start with 1 of everything????

Ok throw me I nrandom spot.

Can I have a town????

No and No. Sorry. You may post what you wish to buy though. You already have one Guerilla. You can by other units or save for a town.
OOC I will try to keep up with this hame lol...
Do I need to send orders by PM or write in here?

Nation: The Monrchy of The Emprium
Name: Empror Novelus
Forum Name: erez87
Economy: Good
Happiness: Good
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 15%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: 1 Guerilla
Treasury: 4
Capitol City: Novelusnopol
Towns: None
Cities: None
Workers: 45

Now I am a monarchy, do I have in the teasery 5000000?
No. You need to wait a turn and you will get one million extra dollars.
China and Erez, type your orders here.
Ok, orders are keep the 4000000 treasery money in treasery
Next turn I should have 9000000, right? (4+5)
Are there any spots open? I'm new to NES though.
You supose to creat your own nation, do what I ded with the Table of the nation...
Nation: The Theocracy of Soummia
Name: Lord Anonymous
Forum Name: anonymous4401
Economy: Good
Happiness: Good
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 15%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: 1 Guerilla
Treasury: 4
Capitol City: Anopolis
Towns: None
Cities: None
Workers: 45
Now give orders.
You can neather build units, or do other things.
I kept my money for example...
Originally posted by erez87
Ok, orders are keep the 4000000 treasery money in treasery
Next turn I should have 9000000, right? (4+5)

No. Remember? We multiply the 10,000,000 by your tax rate (15%). Which means 10,000,000 x 15% = 1.5 Million dollars plus the Monarchy bonus = 2.5 million dollars.

At the rate you are going, you make 2.5 million dollars per turn.
ok so my orders are:
Icrease taxes to 50% (ha ha ha! poor people, I don't care, i'm their king!) and than keep money...
Erez, Whoa! Okay, but the people will complain.

AUGH! I give up! I must join! How can I miss out? :D
Nation: The Dictatorship of Rome
Name: Marcus Philipus Caesar
Forum Name: puglover
Economy: Good
Happiness: Content
Enviroment: Lush
Factories: 0
Income Tax Rate: 15%
Industrial Tax Rate: 15%
Army: 1 Guerilla
Treasury: 4
Capitol City: Rome
Towns: None
Cities: None
Workers: 45


- Buy two Guerillas
- Increase income tax to 35%
Anonymous, post what you are going to do with your money, taxes, so on. Those are called orders.
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