• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Purchase Mac version, play on PC


Apr 10, 2010
Hey. Currently I use a 2011 Macbook pro. I want to purchase the game and use it on this computer, however I'm likely to get a new computer around christmas time, and think I will move back to PC.

Will I need to re-purchase the game to be able to play on PC?

P.S. hoping this doesn't turn into a PC vs MAC discussion :lol:
OK, after looking through this forum it appears that the MAC release date may be later than PC.

So new question: If I purchase and play on my wifes windows laptop, can I delete and then re-download and play on my MAC when it is released without paying again?
I think it depends on the source. I know that at least on Steam with both Civ5 and Civ: BE, if you got the game for the PC initially, you automatically got the MacOS port when it became available.

On the other hand, given that Apple Game Store carries only MacOS games, you had to purchase the game one more time when it became available on that platform.

By the way, according to a Gamespot video (which may have been a mistake) that someone posted yesterday, Windows, MacOS and Linux versions are to be released on October 21 simultaneously.
If you and your wife share a steam account, then yes that should work. You could also think about bootcamp. It sucks to have to re-boot but until we convert the rest of the world...
Here's a video I mentioned that states that "Civilization 6 comes to PC, Mac and Linux on October 21".


But again it could have been a mistake.

Pretty sure that's incorrect. They start the video saying the package is coming for PC only then state it's coming for all three on the 21'st. Steam still shows it as PC only. Usually Aspyr does the conversion and as it's a new engine, I'm afraid we won't see it right away on Mac or Linux.
On the other hand, given that Apple Game Store carries only MacOS games, you had to purchase the game one more time when it became available on that platform.

Sorry, but that doesn't seem to make any sense, unless I misunderstand what you were trying to say. You could purchase the Mac version of Civ 5 through Steam and happily play that version and take no notice of whether or not a version was available on the Mac App Store. In fact, I'd say that buying games on the Mac App Store is generally a bad idea precisely because you do not then have access to the Windows version, which you do get on Steam. Since some of the best mods for Civ 5 are Windows only, I tend to play Civ 5 on Windows using Boot Camp, But I play Europa Universalis using the Mac version. As it is, I have access to both versions of both games because they came through Steam.

I'd say if the OP wants to cover his bases, then buying through Steam is the way to go. That way he can have computers with two different operating systems in the house, and play on whichever one he wants. Or if he installs Boot Camp on the Mac, he can just use that (though I'd think that a 2011 MacBook Pro might be a bit underpowered for a newly released game like Civ 6).
Hey, neither of us have a steam account, or any other gaming account. I haven't actually played a computer game since I was obsessed with Civ IV about 6 years ago (aside from multiplayer PS at my mates place). Installed that using the traditional purchase of a CD.

So to play on both computers, I guess I should just sign up to Steam then? Any advantages of buying from 2K?

Just to confirm, am I correct that if I were to set-up an account and login with Steam on my current computer, download and play the game. Then if I get a new computer (or use my wifes computer), I could just login with my existing account, and also download and play the game without having to re-purchase?

Sorry, might be dumb questions but haven't played games in years!
Until Steam have Civilization VI listed for Linux as well, I won't be buying the game. So effectively, I probably will end up buying the game like a week or so after release.

As for Steam, my experience is that if you own the game, you own the game for all platforms. Even platforms it will be ported to later.

I have multiple anecdotes regarding this, but recently I bought a small game called Turmoil when it was only available on Windows, because A) it was on sale and B) the developers had promised macOS and Linux ports in the future. The moment it was released for Linux, it suddenly appeared in my games list (which I restrict to games with Linux ports).

I assume the same will be the case for Civilization VI. If you pre-order it now, the moment it is available for macOS and Linux, you should be able to install it without problem.

I've only encountered one game on Steam where Windows and OS X ports were sold separately. This was shortly after the release of the Steam client on OS X, and I am sure it was a demand from the publisher rather than Valve, since no other game had this separation on Steam.

And since Civilization VI will be distributed through Steam, you can safely purchase it on any other site, as any other store will only provide you with a Steam key for the game. And since the game on Steam will be available for all platforms (once the ports become available), those keys will also grant you access to those platforms.

Just to confirm, am I correct that if I were to set-up an account and login with Steam on my current computer, download and play the game. Then if I get a new computer (or use my wifes computer), I could just login with my existing account, and also download and play the game without having to re-purchase?

Hey, neither of us have a steam account, or any other gaming account. I haven't actually played a computer game since I was obsessed with Civ IV about 6 years ago (aside from multiplayer PS at my mates place). Installed that using the traditional purchase of a CD.

So to play on both computers, I guess I should just sign up to Steam then? Any advantages of buying from 2K?

Just to confirm, am I correct that if I were to set-up an account and login with Steam on my current computer, download and play the game. Then if I get a new computer (or use my wifes computer), I could just login with my existing account, and also download and play the game without having to re-purchase?

Sorry, might be dumb questions but haven't played games in years!

That's correct. You might read Steam's sharing policy just to be sure, but I only purchase from Steam so that I have both Win and Mac versions available. Some games, Endless Legend for example, are available on both platforms, but 64 bit is only available on PC and of course, some are only available on Windose.
Sorry, but that doesn't seem to make any sense, unless I misunderstand what you were trying to say. You could purchase the Mac version of Civ 5 through Steam and happily play that version and take no notice of whether or not a version was available on the Mac App Store. In fact, I'd say that buying games on the Mac App Store is generally a bad idea precisely because you do not then have access to the Windows version, which you do get on Steam. Since some of the best mods for Civ 5 are Windows only, I tend to play Civ 5 on Windows using Boot Camp, But I play Europa Universalis using the Mac version. As it is, I have access to both versions of both games because they came through Steam.

I'd say if the OP wants to cover his bases, then buying through Steam is the way to go. That way he can have computers with two different operating systems in the house, and play on whichever one he wants. Or if he installs Boot Camp on the Mac, he can just use that (though I'd think that a 2011 MacBook Pro might be a bit underpowered for a newly released game like Civ 6).

What I am saying is that if you get a PC version of Civ 6 first, then if you want to get the Mac version from Mac App Store later, you have to pay for it the full price.

On the other hand, if you get the PC version from Steam, then you get the Mac version for free on Steam once it becomes available.
What I am saying is that if you get a PC version of Civ 6 first, then if you want to get the Mac version from Mac App Store later, you have to pay for it the full price.

On the other hand, if you get the PC version from Steam, then you get the Mac version for free on Steam once it becomes available.

Yes, that's a lot clearer. Your previous post seemed to say something different.

To the OP, you might want to look at Gameagent -- they have a little application you can download that will tell you if your Mac can run a certain game.


It told me that Civ 5 "Might run" on my old Mac, which indeed it did, though with the fans at full blast for much of the time, and rather slowly towards the end of the game. Worth having the information before you buy a game.
I expect the Mac and Linux ship dates and system requirements will be announced shortly before Oct 21st. Just a WAG at this time, but I think the games will be available just before Christmas.
Just so you're aware this game will very likely not work on that Mac. Civ 5 could run on it, but I highly doubt 6.
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