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Queen of the Iceni

Do you know just how difficult it is to modify art assets if you are not artistically inclined? :lol:

Judging from Civ4's modders (I wasn't as involved then as I was with Civ3), do you have any guesses on the chances of people creating brand new leaders for Civ5? Do you think a reskin would be possible at least? I think it would be cool if fan mods can actually get leaders that at least don't look out of place with Firaxis' product.

Anyway, Kael, I've been spending entirely too much time with Civ recently, but I'll download the mod and try and give it a quick play when I get the chance and give feedback on balance. It sounds powerful, but most abilities are powerful (the question is if it's too powerful).
Judging from Civ4's modders (I wasn't as involved then as I was with Civ3), do you have any guesses on the chances of people creating brand new leaders for Civ5? Do you think a reskin would be possible at least?

Anyway, Kael, I've been spending entirely too much time with Civ recently, but I'll download the mod and try and give it a quick play when I get the chance and give feedback on balance. It sounds powerful, but most abilities are powerful (the question is if it's too powerful).

Oh sure, SOMEONE will do it. I won't, but there were large numbers of people making leaderheads in Civ4. Good chance most will be able to in Civ5, even if more complex they have better tools.
OK, that's a relief. I'll try to find out who to suck up to when people start getting creative.
Slap a .jpg Balseraph background behind Elizabeth I, woila, Balseraph leaderhead done.
:lol: (come on, she does look a bit on the crazy side with that hairdue)
This is a very cool mod, except id like to know how to change the units back into full formations as they are in the vanilla version, I preferred the larger battles and animations to just one unit on a tile.

Thanks :)
I don't have civ v yet, but if you need any gaelic sound files for a later version, PM me and we can hash out exactly what you need. If you don't, that's fine too. Thank you soooo much for doing this.
Do you speak Gaelic? I was going to plan out some phrases for Boudica to say if anyone ever wanted to implement them (I don't speak Gaelic, but my friend does). Unfortunately, finding a female Civ fan who speaks Gaelic isn't something I can do easily. And this is provided there's an animated leader to go with it anyway.
Great mod, I've been using it as my new standard - played every game after the first one with this mod enabled.

For me it's not so much the new civilization, as the single unit graphics. Just as in Civ4, I much prefer those to the formations as it unclutters the screen, making it easier on the eyes.

Like all the other posters, I would prefer the single units as an option for all games, though. What am I going to do when more extensive mods come out? As it is now, it seems the modders will individually have to make the decision whether to use single-unit or formation graphics.

Keep up the good work, Kael. I was a dedicated fan of FFH in Civ4 and I'm glad to see you're still going strong :)
there's obviously a new version (3 - beta). what are the changes?

Gaelic Warriors Ignore Terrain, the Sons of Morrigan's Heal on Kill and the Celtic units 2 attacks per turn abilities aren't inherited on upgrade anymore. So you cant gather these abilities on units that are upgraded and have super mid/late game units.

The Celt's were intended to have a strong military in the early game, balanced by a relatively weak mid/late game (no economy boosters). The ability to upgrade their special abilities into late game units was working around this design.

From a balance perspective the next change will be to disable the Celts trait at Steam Power. But I want to play with them this way first and see if that is needed.
The modding tools are out now.

Queen of the Iceni was the sample mod I built using the tools. I documented the process so that you guys could get started without all the head scratching that I went through in the Modders Guide to Civlization V.

Now go make even better mods! :goodjob:
thanx for your guide Kael !

and now I fully understand why I wasn't able to use the "update" method on my mod :D
I had installed v2 in-game and DLed v3, also in-game. It seemed to work fine, and I now see only the new version in my mod list - but, when I now enable the Mod, the game crashes on setup.
Is it working for others? This is extremely annoying, as I had been playing with this mod as my new standard, and now I can't even get it to run anymore :mad:
Awsome addition Kael! I was so disapointed that the Celts wearn't included in vanilla, been Welsh an all its my fav civ!

The single unit graphics seem generaly quite Large, not sure if this is a mod or Vanilla issue(since I dont usualy play with single unit graphics) but the Great People are Huge in thier cars/on horses, they take up a whole hex and a bit from the 1 in front and behind.
I have an idea, would it possible to cut loose the items listed below from this MOD :)

Items to perhaps best create separate MOD for:
  1. Single unit formations made up of larger, easier to see units.
  2. Ability to disable unit buttons (toggle on the minimap menu).
  3. Added the Mod List screen to the Additional Information menu (shows loaded mods).
Reason being:
  • Maintain compatibility with other MODs (e.g. R.E.D. modpack - Link)
  • Easier to maintain future revisions
  • Clearer view on what each MOD actually does
Yes. I don't want to clutter the ModBrowser with a half dozen little piecemeal mods. But I'll move these around as it makes sense. Ideally it will be as you suggested earlier and I'll find a way to make it into an option, but thats not possible today (but CivV has only been out for 1 day, so it's still early).

goes to the guy/gal above

I also want Healthbars on the unit icons back. They are only missing in noremal view but still there in strategic view. thanks
I had installed v2 in-game and DLed v3, also in-game. It seemed to work fine, and I now see only the new version in my mod list - but, when I now enable the Mod, the game crashes on setup.
Is it working for others? This is extremely annoying, as I had been playing with this mod as my new standard, and now I can't even get it to run anymore :mad:

I have had the same thing happen with another mod.
Browse to the game directory \My Games\Sid Meyer's Civilization 5\MODS\ and manually delete the old version v2 folder. Should work after that.
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