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Question about fortified units


Aug 1, 2003
Monroe, WA USA
On two separate occasions I have had units fortified in a city as the sole defense of the city (it's fairly early in the game and I havn't had a chance to build more defenders). Barbarians will enter my land and the units will automatically attack the invaders, leaving the city defenceless.(and they lose too :cry: ) The barbarians then destroy my city.

Why does a unit auto attack when fortified? Is there a way to turn this off?
I would prefer them to stay in the city where they have their bonus for being fortified and also a defense if they are the ones attacked.

I realize that I must do something about the invading barbarians or they will just pillage my improvements but I would prefer to decide myself what the best way to take care of them.
That is the barbarians attacking you. The animation is the same. They do get the bonuses. You were just too weak.
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