Question about game modding


Jun 19, 2010
Victoria, Where Sun Sets
I am a newbie to CivIII Conquest modding and I wanted to ask questions to experienced modders in order to ease my severe headache and insomnia:

I am recently making a scenario, but that is very dull when I find out.
There are no settlers for most civs and extremely expensive ones for the rest.
Most cities has most of the city improvements (it is in the late medieval), and there is just small scale wars between them. (There is no options to trigger a war in certain times, and diplomatic relastions can't be modded) Owing to the fact that I am using someone's map, the major two or three civs are dominating and ultralarge in size, I just can't reduce them as:

(i) I am using someone's map
(ii) I wanted to be as historically accurate as possible in all my might
(iii) It is absolutely ridiculous that European civs started somewhere in the Pacific in the 14-15th ceuntry, bewildered islands and mountainous desert are not considerable as well

Did readers meet these difficulties in modding? How did you solve/adjust those problems and game? Can you provide solutions and advice for this situation?
It sounds like you're using a map starting with pre-placed cities et. al. If so, you might want to try the "Submarine Bug." Make a 0-1-0 Invisible land unit; call it a "Border Guard" or "Ranger" or whatever; distribute liberally. Don't give any (at least, early) units, "Detect Invisible." Wait for the AIs to blunder into one of these units = WAR!


Sorry, I don't understand what the question is to try to answer it.

And yes, there's a trick to force AI to start the war - it was exhaustively described by Tom in a thread (sorry, don't remember how it was named).
It sounds like you're using a map starting with pre-placed cities et. al. If so, you might want to try the "Submarine Bug." Make a 0-1-0 Invisible land unit; call it a "Border Guard" or "Ranger" or whatever; distribute liberally. Don't give any (at least, early) units, "Detect Invisible." Wait for the AIs to blunder into one of these units = WAR!



Ozymandias, two replys here:

(1) Emm, actually, no. The map I am using is blank and without cities, resources are not accurate, et cetera.
(2) Your strategy is really awesome and work! I will try using your bug.

Yes. More? The intial ones are not solved yet. Anymore sharings please do. :)
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