Question about Respawn AI Players

May 16, 2011
In Civ 2 Respawn AI Players chose a random civ to replace the destroyed one so that it didn't look awkward having the destroyed civ show up again later in a random part the world. Is there anyway this could be done in Civ 3? I felt that it was a really interesting mechanic to simulate the rise of new nations, and it's a bit a disappointment to see it missing when I'm playing Civ 3.
It's not missing from C3C. If you use default rules, the "Respawn AI Players" option is available in the set up screen.
Is there any way to randomize the civs it spawns though, like in Civ 2? I remember playing Rhye's of Civilization and taking out France early on, then wondering why it was still around and finding out later on that it had spawned in Vietnam which just felt super awkward and random, since it was only 600-1200 AD or so, I don't really remember.
When I start a game and we are spawned at our starting locations... it's like a run to the weapon shop. I want to annihilate them with 40 watt plasma rifles, but the Warrior is like "hey it's just what you see, pal".
It was well done in Civ2 though. I think because the maps are smaller.
Don't know how to change the respawn though. Try to ask it at the Customization forums?
Darn. It does seem that way doesn't it, since while in Civ 2 the Civ colours were randomly determined, in 3 they're assigned a colour automatically at the beginning of the game that can't change. I really hope that IndieCiv will me more flexible in this manner, since a lot of mechanics seem that way in Civ 3.
I haven't tried this yet, but if you're creating your own game in the editor and your picking players (human, computer) in the Player Scenario, if you choose the option of "Any" (meaning any tribe for that slot) maybe it will pick random tribes to respawn. I'll try to get around to check this out later.
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