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Question on GP Farms

Mar 26, 2008

I read a bit through various articles about GP Farms but still have some questions. I must admit I never really used a GP Farm specifically (it just so happened that I had some cities producing GPs at a decent rate) so I want to try one tonight with a philosophical leader, parthenon, national epic, etc.

my question is now where do I settle the GPs specifically?

assume I am farming scientists. I assign scientist specialists (i.e. through library) which gives me beakers (3, 6 under representation). now when my first Great Scientist pops up, my logic tells me to settle it in the Farm as well, since this will give me the most out of any beaker multiplying building, correct?

Actually, does it really matter? I need to settle the beakers where I get most out of any multiplier, so any city that has a +50% :science: (for example) will profit the same from my great scientist, correct? (GPs don't produce GP points themselves, right? If so, they'd logically be settled in the Famr itself)

as for hammer producing GPs (engineer, priest), would I be wise to settle them where I get most out of hammer multipliers? But what if they also have beakers (3 per representation)? Is the hammer/beaker multiplying trade-off worth it? (I guess it depends...)

thanks for your answers

I'd recommend planning ahead a bit and if your settling all your scientists in one city settle them in the city you plan to build oxford university in (+100%:science:). Also if your really going for scientists specialists you might want to build the great library as well as national epic to really boost Great Scientist production.

There are however many things you can do with Great People, with scientists my first one will build an acadamy (+50%:science:) again in my future oxford city or possibly lightbulb philosophy for pacifism (+100% GreatPeople).
Groogaroo: Exactly. Hence my reasoning that the GP Farm itself would profit most of settling the Scientists there and then build the Oxford University so the GPs AND the assigned scientists from the population (who will have 3 or 6 beakers themselves) profit from its +100% :science:

If I'd build Oxford and settle the GP Scientists in another city, then only these would get the +100% boost, but not the ones in the GP Farm. Maybe it's negligible (spelling?) and I am not considering other factors, but in terms of pure :science: output, settling in the GP Farm and building Oxford there seems the best course of action to me.

i have a question about gp farms too, if you want to get exclusively scientists, then does that mean you just build a library and work 2 of them? that doesnt seem like many points per turn, even with national epic, and you're only gonna get 1-2 scientist wonders there at most, do you need to run caste system to effectively have a GP farm?
Deciding where to settle oxford really depends on how your using the science slider.

I tend to run a specialist heavy/cottage light game with science slider low and early representation from the pyramids, which means my Gp farm will always be my best science city for most of the game. I'm a big fan of Nat Epic & Oxf Uni going in my GP farm with the Great Library.

However, if your running a cottage heavy game with slider as high as possible a strong riverside commerce city will probably overtake your GP farm at some point fairly early in the game.
i have a question about gp farms too, if you want to get exclusively scientists, then does that mean you just build a library and work 2 of them? that doesnt seem like many points per turn, even with national epic, and you're only gonna get 1-2 scientist wonders there at most, do you need to run caste system to effectively have a GP farm?

The Great Library is probably the best way to boost Great Scientist Production without caste system.

It gifts the city 2 free scientist & also generates +2 scientist GP points, which is a total of 8 GP points. Add that to your 2 library scientists and Nat Epic you'll produce scientists fairly quickly. Although caste system will really help even further.
I don't usually settle GSs much, I use them to bulb techs though I will always build at least 1 academy.
Settling can be good early if you're expanding alot and have to keep your slider low to sustain your economy. I suppose if you are the tech leader then settling several GSs becomes more attractive.
I don't usually settle GSs much, I use them to bulb techs though I will always build at least 1 academy.
Settling can be good early if you're expanding alot and have to keep your slider low to sustain your economy. I suppose if you are the tech leader then settling several GSs becomes more attractive.

I tend to settle all GS, except the first one for the academy. If you count the beakers the settled GS gives you, and calculate how many turns the game will take, it gives much more than the number of beakers required for researching a tech. Yes you might get an immediate boost by researching a tech, but in 200 turns, you will still be getting beakers if you settle, savy?
I tend to settle all GS, except the first one for the academy. If you count the beakers the settled GS gives you, and calculate how many turns the game will take, it gives much more than the number of beakers required for researching a tech. Yes you might get an immediate boost by researching a tech, but in 200 turns, you will still be getting beakers if you settle, savy?

All things being equal, yes. But when you factor in the research bonus the AI gets, playing fair is not always going to cut it. For example they pay .85 for techs at emperor and .8 at immortal. At deity it's .6, I can't imagine how you are ever going to catch up in most deity games if you're not able to gain monopoly on techs now and then and trade them around to multiple AIs, and a great way of ensuring that is by bulbing.
It's also very beneficial for winning the Liberalism race or to get optics/astronomy asap.
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