Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

I concur. Very well said. A one commerce bonus may not seem like much, but early to midgame, if you have the right tiles (a start with heavy seafood, for example), it can lead to the start of a significant snowballing tech lead pre-Pottery, and being first to BW opens up a lot of options.

FIN incrases commerce, and commerce in turn is robbed out from under you via maintenance. Early game, maintenance stands in the way of really leveraging the FIN trait, which means either stay small (and militarily weak) or toss your trait advantage out the window.

Land is power; land is grabbed by expansion; expansion is better funded through ORG (since it reduces that which in turn reduces your commerce).

As the game progresses, ORG continues to supply the same bonus, while proportionally FIN reduces its benefit (as a fraction of a cottage/hamlet/village/town's core commerce yield).

So early game FIN is nerfed by maintenance; then mid and late game it's nerfed by ...itself.
FIN incrases commerce, and commerce in turn is robbed out from under you via maintenance. Early game, maintenance stands in the way of really leveraging the FIN trait, which means either stay small (and militarily weak) or toss your trait advantage out the window.

Land is power; land is grabbed by expansion; expansion is better funded through ORG (since it reduces that which in turn reduces your commerce).

As the game progresses, ORG continues to supply the same bonus, while proportionally FIN reduces its benefit (as a fraction of a cottage/hamlet/village/town's core commerce yield).

So early game FIN is nerfed by maintenance; then mid and late game it's nerfed by ...itself.
Sorry, but this is a common misconception about the Organized trait.

Organized does NOT reduce city maintenance costs, as you seem to be implying. Not one iota. It DOES reduce civics costs, but early in the game you're running the starting civics which are low cost/no cost anyway. Granted, Organized makes courthouses faster and easier to build, but those don't come along until Code of Laws, which is no longer the "early game".

As for city maintenance, it affects every trait equally. Financial has an advantage in the early game because by working the right tiles it gets a leg up on easing the cost of maintenance right away.

For me, the main disadvantages of Financial are (1) no accelerated buildings (a downside it shares only with the Charismatic trait--thus, Hannibal gets screwed over in this regard); and (2) it relies heavily on tile improvements (cottages) that take a long time to come into full fruition and are extremely vulnerable to pillaging.

Financial tends to of the most benefit in the early game if you luck out in terms of your start and have several tiles around that lend themselves to its benefit (i.e. high commerce tiles like gold, gems, etc; several riverside tiles; and lots of coastal and/or lake tiles). It helps if you start with fishing, too.
I doubt it is the correct thread, but:

I made a mod (with some help) and posted it on the downloads DB, and it hasn't yet been approved. Can anyone tell me how long it takes to approve (on average)?

Or redirect me..

Thank you, Jwitti
You can edit XML files with notepad or wordpad or notepad++ or any other text editor.
Use right click open with, or just open the editor and load the xml file using the file>open menu.
Always back up important files before editing them.

Don't forget to take notice of the combat odds when fighting wars. Attacking something with 2% odds is usually suicide, unless you throw more units after that (as they wear down the defending unit). If attacking 3 archers in a city, a few catapults (bombard then suicide) and some (more than 3) axemen/swordsmen are recommended. Note that in the BTS expansion (2nd and last), siege units can no longer kill enemy units when attacking (only in defense).

The expansions aren't free. There is Warlords, and Beyond the Sword.

I got the GotY off Steam really cheap, but that's not an option for you since you don't have a home internet connection. Find some discs or buy them.

I recommend getting the BTS expansion, and patch it to 3.19

And the BUG mode (for gameplay enhancements, it does not alter game mechanics/rules).

Have fun.

Thanks very much for that.

I agree with the above, with the added caveat that modding questions should be directed to the Creation and Customization forum.

Will do _ I've plenty from the various replies to go exploring; thanks.

Ysevo, as has been said, notepad is your best friend. I think xml files (and others) open in IE by default if you just try to open them, and python files will probably try to run, but achieve nothing, so open with notepad

Its been a long time since I read the manual, but I think you'll find it says something along the lines of
'for those of you familar with python/xml you can make your own changes etc'
which is very different to saying anybody can do it. (lots of files you open in notepad for apps will just give you strange characters, but in this case you are able to edit many things because the files can be opened in notepad and changed IF you know how). I think its kael who did some tutorials, just search for kael civ4 in google and you should find something. You're walked through the process, and you can pick up some basics along the way.

Others have addressed most of your questions.

Regarding mods: They are all free. Some come built in to the game, as you see from one of the main menu choices. Updates to those plus a few more come with the expansions. Most of the mods are made by interested CIV players. Updates and upgrades to both the game and to mods that come with the game are also made by CIV players. You can find a large selection in the Creation and Customization forum. One of the subforums contains complete mods. However, do check which version the mod is for. These days most of the new ones are for Beyond The Sword (BTS), the last expansion, which also contains everything that is in the original (vanilla) and the Warlords expansion, other than a few scenarios. You can still find some of the mods for vanilla in the database but you have to look for them. One of the most popular (if not the most popular) mods is BUG Mod, which requires you to be running BTS. (BUG stands for BTS Unmodified Gameplay.) It supplies all the features to the User Interface (UI) that should have been included in the game by Firaxis. You can add some of the features that it supplies to vanilla by using the HOF mod for vanilla, which you can find in the HOF forum. (HOF = Hall Of Fame)

Thank you all _ very helpful. Also to various other posts I've seen but haven't time to cover (am on limited
log-in time).
Psyringe: I think it’s necessary that I reply to your post item by item, and sum up afterwards:

Ysevo: I'm a bit reluctant to answer to your post because, hrmmm, how to put it ... it seems to me that you lack some rather basic skills in managing Civ4 as well as Windows as well as these forums - which is not a problem per se, as you can of course learn, but it won't be easy if you blame the game for the things that you don't understand (yet). On the other hand, I may be very wrong in the assessment above, so I'll give it a try.

Well, I do think your assessment is wrong, but more to the point, why assess me _ or anyone _ at all? I checked the Forum Rules, and there's nothing about having to be a certain technical level in order to participate in this thread and forum. I'm able to stick the Civ4 DVD in the drive and play. As far as I'm aware, those are the only requirements for asking questions in here: the thread intro even says not to worry about whether the question has been previously asked.

As for "blaming the game" _ I disagree, but you're entitled to your opinion; I'm not going to waste time arguing on that one. But I'll just say this _ *if * you've got the idea (I'm not saying you have) that I hate the game: well, I don't. If I did, I wouldn't be here: I'd be off on a website called something like IHateCiv4.com _ if there is such a thing. Or I'd have just stopped playing. But I didn't.

For question about how the game works or how to play it, use the general Civ4 forum or the strategy forum. For questions about modding, the "Creation and Customization" forum is the right place.

_ Fair enough; thanks.

Aren't their some guides for this in the "Creation and Customization" Forum? Last time I checked, it had a "tutorials" subsection specifically for this. Personally, however, I just use the forum's search function if I need information. Another good place to find information is the Modiki (there's a link to it in the forum's top bar).

_ Thanks for that too.

Actually I've never seen a modding scene with so many explicit tutorials as this one, so it's a bit surprising to me that someone doesn't find them.

_ I hadn’t started looking when I asked the question, because I wanted to get feedback first. But yes, that’s fine.

Ummm ... why are you opening files with Internet Explorer (the next question would be why you use IE at all)? Why not just use Notepad, or any better text editor, like Notepad++? I mean, it's perfectly natural and easy to open a yet-unknown filetype with Notepad to see which kind of data it actually contains, and it's easy to tell Windows to use Notepad as the default editor for XML files. So why are you using IE?

_ I double-clicked the XML files and IExplorer is what opened. So naturally I thought it was the appropriate program. When I viewed "Source" (which in this case opens Notepad) I was able to edit. But yes, I've no objection to using Notepad directly.

Of course your machine can open .py files. Notepad comes with every Windows version for more than a decade now. And if you want color-coding, you can always install another editor. Personally I'm using Notepad++, but Python is recognized by so many editors that you can choose many others.

_ OK, what I *meant* to say was “I double-clicked the .py files and they didn’t open” _ i.e. there isn’t a default application for them on my machine. But again, I've no objection to using Notepad (and yes, setting it as default).

(Mostly) everyone running Civ4 is also running Windows. Windows comes with Notepad. Python and XML files are easily edited with Notepad. Where's the room for puzzlement?

The only "knowledge" necessary is that you _can_ use Notepad to open files with extensions that aren't yet bound to it, but that's a very basic Windows operation and nothing that they need to specifically spell out, imho. It's even explained in the Windows help system that every Windows user has on his machine.

_ Well, I think I’ve explained above about double-clicking, expecting default applications (OK, mistakenly). So OK, Notepad it is. All this could have been covered by saying “Use Notepad for XML and Python files” _ as other posts have already said.

Originally Posted by Ysevo
As Civ4 is designed to run on Windows XP, I would have thought that any XP-user should find Python and XML files as accessible as the manual-writers expect. My machine is a typical Win XP home laptop _ except that I don’t have MS Office (I’ve MS Works, which
generally does what I need). I assume the absence of Office isn’t the problem ?

Erm ... no. Actually it's a bit beyond me why you think that a behemoth like MS Office (which I wouldn't recommend to anyone) is necessary to read data for programming formats. There's nothing that connects programming languages (like Python) to MS Office, so I really don't see where you got this idea from. You don't need Office. You don't need anything except plain simple Notepad, which you of course have on your machine, which is why every user _does_ have access to a tool for modifying these files.

That's the basic problem here, I think: Your problem is that you somehow totally ignore the easiest and most obvious solution (check the file with Notepad), go off on some weird tangent thinking about MS Office (which has nothing at all to do with the issue), and blame the game (or the manual) for your incapacity of using one of the most simple Windows tools to solve your "problem". That's also the reason why some of the replies that you got were less than polite.

I didn’t say I’m using, or want to use, MS Office. How can I, when (as I already said) I don’t *have* it? My exact words (which you have in front of you in the quotation above) were "I assume the absence of Office isn’t the problem ?"

I was describing the general Windows set-up of my laptop, saying that it’s a typical one. But (I think) many more people use MS Office than use MS Works (which is what’s on my present machine). So in that sense, my general set-up is *not* typical.

But at no point did I say that MS Office (or indeed, MS Works either) *should* be used to edit XML or Python or any other aspect of Civ4. I offered no opinion. My whole purpose was to *ask* what people *are* using, and to give a rough idea of my own Windows set-up _ *in case* that helped. It was a question, and this thread is for questions.

Originally Posted by Ysevo
_ I agree, but no: I *am* using siege, knocking down the bonus before tackling the units inside. What I've found, though, is that in practise, they endure one bombardment then blow hell out of my artillery or catapults (of course they've to kill the infantry/cavalry guarding them first).

The obvious lesson to be learned from this is, of course, to either use more siege or bring more guards. Or which lesson do you draw from your own example?

_ I had worked that much out for myself, strangely enough. Obviously I’m using as much to attack the city as general costs permit (permit IMO, that is _ given your accusation below of “false assumptions of competence”, I guess I should stress that I’m not claiming to be a Civ4 economic wizard).

Since you ask, the lesson I’ve drawn (for the present, at least, while I’m on Noble-going-on-Prince level) is to try to avoid attacking well-defended cities and instead sabotage as many nearby enemy improvements and roads as possible. Apart from disrupting the city's (and empire’s) resources, this sometimes provokes its units to come out and they’re thus easier to kill _ especially if they attack mine (OK, that’s subject to what the particular units are, etc.). Plus their coming out weakens the city’s defence, of course.

But as I originally said _ Civ4 *seems* to favour defence over attack (well, so far, for me, anyway). As I said before _ this worked the other way around as well, when it was me defending the city: even when my empire was overwhelmed, I slaughtered heaps of besiegers, and when the city’s defenders were forced outside (to defend key resources) direct attack, on average, worked less well than making a stand on terrain with a good defence bonus.

Again, that’s a generalization subject to what the particular units are (and the layout of the terrain _ obviously, for example, it’s no use sending a super-defender to stand happily on the only hill for miles around if the enemy have plenty of flat space to un-sportingly ignore him and wallop the city). Also, I’m still experimenting a lot with combining different promotions, so that’s a variable factor for the future as well.

Originally Posted by Ysevo
_ Well, don't get me wrong _ I've nothing against them putting in African civs. In fact, now that you mention it, I think they shouldn't have left out the Zulu (who were in Civ2) _ I'd have no problem with both Zulus *and* Mali being there.

I'm sorry, but you definitely know nothing about Mali. That's not a shame, the knowledge that they once were among the leading civilizations on the African continent isn't exactly taught in schools.

_ I’m sorry, but you’re in no position to comment on my historical knowledge. In fact, as Civ4 itself includes a biography of Kankan Moussa, it should be obvious that anyone who’s read it, by definition, must now know *something* about Mali, even if they’d never heard of it before using Civ4. Which, as it happens, I had.

However, complaining about the inclusion of Mali (a dominant force in Northwest Africa) and then saying it's okay to include when the Zulus (which are historically of very little impact, had control of a very small region, and are just a bit more known because they won a couple of battles in Southern Africa) is baffling.

_ I did *not* say it's OK to include Mali *only* if the Zulus are there _ as if !! Why would I, or anyone, *want* to say such a thing?!

You need to read my 2nd post (#18326, Sep 23rd, page 917) in context, and the 1st (#18292, Sep 15th, page 915) as well. I was replying to someone who said "your argument would also apply to the Zulu", and that made me concerned that I might have come across as wanting to exclude African civs. So I emphasised that I'm perfectly fine with Mali and the Zulu being in the game.

In any case, it is _absolutely okay_ if you don't know much about history - but then you really shouldn't try to make arguments about Mali.

I am perfectly entitled (and qualified) to argue about Mali's history if I want to. It’s called free speech.

However, in this case I was not arguing about Mali *per se*. My point was essentially about the exclusion of the Celts (from the first Civ4 version). In my first post, I expressed surprise that a world historical strategy game should include Mali when it excludes the Celts. I used the phrase "With all due respect to Mali" _ perhaps you didn’t believe I meant that, but that’s not my problem.

I wasn't saying one was better (or more interesting historically) than the other _ I simply said that, in terms of how *world* history *happened*, the Celts *happened* to be *where* the crucial action was, that permanently affected the *whole world* in the *long term*. (Actually, with mostly bad results for themselves.) Mali wasn't: its role, whether in specific African history, or in that of the medieval Islamic world, is irrelevant to my point. I would make similar arguments for the inclusion of the Babylonians and/or Carthaginians.

I saw a post which pointed out that Majapahit has as good a claim, in world-history terms, to be in the game, as Mali _ but it isn't. Look, I'm not saying such-and-such-a-civ should or shouldn't be there _ all I'm saying is, in general, Civ4, like its predecessors, mainly chooses civilizations who either were (a) in charge of *world* history for a time, or were (b) major obstacles or rivals to those in category (a). The Carthaginians and Celts were in (b), in relation to Rome’s time in (a) _ so I was surprised at their initial exclusion.

I'm amazed I have to spell out what my post says _ when it actually
says it. Ah well, etc… (as you say below).

If you don't even know the term "vanilla" ... ah, well.

Well, pardon me all over the place !!

As I said, it's absolutely okay to know very little. Everyone started small somewhere. But for someone who knows so little, your attitude seems ... off. Sorry.

And you don’t think there’s anything “off” about the arrogant, condescending tone in your paragraph above ?

That seems to be the basic problem. You seem to lack very basic understanding in many areas (Civ4, Windows, forum usage, basic terminology), yet behave as someone who understands these things perfectly well. As a result, you make a lot of mistakes, and come across very badly. Yet, when called on this, you go defensive, cling to your false assumptions of competence that you don't yet have, and make snide remarks to the people who criticized you.

On the areas you mention _

(a) Windows: It's nonsense to accuse anyone who routinely uses a computer of knowing nothing about Windows. In order to register on this forum I used Windows. Most people who use computers use Windows, these days _ even those who use a different OS usually know *something* about Windows. If I lack "basic understanding" of Windows, then by your logic, the millions who (like me) use it every day to send e-mails, use the Net, process documents, and/or listen to Windows Media Player, don't have "basic understanding" of Windows. So what *is* their level (and mine)? Sub-human? Not a good attitude, anyway.

Contrary to what you say, I made no claim about my Windows knowledge level _ good, bad or indifferent. As it happens, I've been using Windows ever since Win 3.11 and Win95, in work, study and leisure _ my “lack of basic Windows” would be news to my various supervisors. Some perfectly intelligent people regard me as more clued-in w.r.t. computers than themselves; some know heaps more.

I'm not going into details because (i) it isn't what this forum is for;
(ii) I don't need to prove myself to you; and
(iii) I'm not willing to quote details of my personal background.

(b) Civ4: at the end of my last post, I gave an account of my state of knowledge of Civ4 (roughly, in terms of actual game-play _ win all the time on "Noble", lost a game on "Prince") so I don't see how that comes across as claiming knowledge I don't have.

(c) re forum usage, I haven't been a contributor to a Civ4 forum before (though I have browsed sites from time to time for Civ generally, over the years) but I have been on forums on other topics. I’ve never pretended otherwise.

(d) "basic terminology" _ well, "basic" to whom ? I know plenty of people who are into strategy games (e.g. Civ, MTW, Sudden Strike, Age Of Empires) but who wouldn't know the jargon in a particular forum, or indeed across the Net. Believe it or not, many people like to play computer games for *fun* _ it isn't compulsory to be an I.T. expert first. And it certainly isn't compulsory to put up with rudeness or condescension, whatever one's level of knowledge.

(e) re "snide remarks": I made no snide remarks _ I made two restrained comments about rudeness by one or two members: I had no problem with their Civ4 and technical points (even those arguing against my first post), only with personal remarks. (And in fairness to those people, they appear to have moved on, so why do *you* bring it up?) Your own post has a lot of condescension and personal remarks mixed in with a *very small amount* of what this thread *should* be for: Civ4 questions and answers. How do you expect anyone with the slightest self-esteem to react ?

Frankly, moderators on other forums I've been on would have been down on such stuff like a ton of bricks. But let me say _ the *majority* of people in here have treated me perfectly politely (even when disagreeing), and from what I can see, are just as knowledgeable, if not more, than the few who haven’t.

That's exactly the reason why I'm very skeptical if my answers above will actually help you. But you undeniably put a lot of effort in your post, so I thought it's worth a try.

_ Well, I’ve expressed thanks where appropriate: i.e. for the few bits of actual *information*, mostly at the beginning. If you’re *genuinely* trying to help, then I’m sorry that the communication isn’t coming across.

However, I can only go by what is actually *written*, and from the words on the screen, I’m afraid you seem to be playing a game (and I’m not talking Civ4 or computers here) whereby if I don’t be a good little victim and swallow rude, patronising comments without reply, I’m being “snide” or “defensive” (a belittling and patronising term in itself). Well, I see right through that, so _ no deal.

I find it hard to understand what the point of your post was. It gives little hard info that other people hadn't already given _ and their replies were polite, precise, and free of self-righteous condescending personal remarks. I could go on a forum debating the manufacture of bulldozers (if there is such a thing), collect a few key words from previous posts there, and then bluff my way through a post like yours. I’m not saying you’re actually *doing* that, but for all the new info your post has, you might as well be.

You start off with all this blather about my "lack of basic understanding" on everything: so OK, the logical conclusion *should* be that you know lots more. Well, if you do, you don’t demonstrate it. All I get is a series of rants about what *I'm* supposedly doing wrong.

Here’s a tip _ if you genuinely want to *teach* anyone anything, don’t talk to them as if they’re stupid. In terms of hard information, most of your post could have been condensed into the words "Use Notepad for both XML and Python" _ which others had already said. In fewer, politer, and more informative words.

And then there’s your way-off-the-charts-bizarre comment on Mali. Your attack on me is based on a total mis-reading of this topic in my previous posts, and despite your implied claim to know more about the history than me, you don't actually *say* anything about it that you couldn't have got from the Civ4 write-ups on the Malien Empire and Kankan Moussa. You may indeed know lots more, but no-one would know that from your post. On this, as on the rest of your post, it’s all “argumenta ad hominem” (i.e. me) rather than (as it should be) “argumenta ad rem”.

I'm not looking to make an enemy or start an online feud. But you can't "talk down" to me in the manner of your last post and expect me not to stand up to you. I'm sorry for anyone else reading this who feels it's irrelevant or taking up too much space _ it was not by my wish.
Wow. Reminded me to pay attention when I read History... I agree about the relevance of Mali, but they all made it in anyway, you may as well complain that they didn't add Augustus Caesar in vanilla (I've been around long enough to get "vanilla") Also, if you want, you can lookup the lingo somewhere.... I tried to re-find it, but I couldn't (sorry)

Also, not all the people here are US. (not that there are that many countries who don't take advantage of the 100% culture bonus)
Do Medic I and Medic III stack for a total of +25% healing(in the same square) in BTS?

I've never bothered with anything more than Medic I before for my healer.
Medic I and Medic III do not stack. However if you get both medic I and woodsman III the healing bonuses from those do stack. So a unit with medic I and woodsman III heals units in the same tile an additional 25%.

A unit with Medic III heals units in the same tile and adjacent tiles an additional 15%.

A unit with Medic III and Woodsman III (difficult to get) would heal units in the same tile an additional 30% and would heal units adjacent to it an additional 15%.

Okay I guess I'm wrong.
Actually Medic 3 heals 25% all over. Add another 15% on the main tile from woodsman, and you get 40% per turn. (plus normal tile bonus 5% in enemy territory, 10% neutral, 15% friendly, 20% cities and 10% hospital, 10% for combat 4 or 5 in neutral respectively enemy territory).

I don't think that is correct. The code does not pick the best Medic promotion, it simply adds the change given by every such promotion the unit has to the unit. Therefore Medic I (10%) and Medic III (15%) and Woodsman III (15%) all stack, giving the unit a combined healing rate for units on the same plot of 40%. And that is why people use great generals as healing units.

EDIT: beat to it. This was a reply to bcool, not Ansive.
I just found out I can luanch the spaceship with out completing every part. Is there any penalty except for a longer journey? i.e could I loose the ship after I launched it, if its not complete?
I think that happened to me once (it failing) going for it early depends on how far ahead you are. If you are close to being beaten, I'd go for about half the unrequired (+ what you can get while you're waiting to finish the engine) if you're way ahead, then take the time to build it all.
Yes, every Casing you build adds a 20% chance to the success of your spaceship. So if you launch with 4 Casings you only have a 80% chance of winning and a 20% chance of your ship being destroyed.
If you launch an incomplete ship:

1) one engine instead of two: takes longer to get there but depending on your build queues, perhaps less time lost than it would take to build another engine

2) less than 5 casings: 20% chance of failure for every one less than 5. launch with 4 = 80% chance of success, 3 = 60%, etc.

3) less then 3 thrusters: I don't know

4) cannot leave off any of the things that there are only one of
I as I understand it building an improvement on a tile will prevent forests from growing over it and building a road will halve the chances of forest growth. Am I to assume that includes camps? If I have a deer resource without a forest and camp it, the forest can not spawn, correct?
I think it's because all the campers use the trees for firewood :mischief:
I have a really easy noob question probably and I am not even sure if I am posting in the right area but I changed the ini file so that I could write the chipotle cheat and I saved it but it wont work in my game. Is that because it plays off of the disc and not the hard drive?
You need to change the ini file found in the right game folder in Document (My Documents), where the saves are also kept.
Chipotle did work for me. Used to use it for reading tile culture and revealing the map - ctrl+z.
Also, be sure that you change the correct .ini file, there is one in each of the Civilization, Warlords, and BTS folders in your Documents (or My Documents) game folder. Be sure you change the one in the folder for the game that you are playing.
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