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Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

The long answer is that culture is placed on each square within a city's cultural boundaries every turn.
This explains some culture-boundary problems I was puzzled about; the AI beat me to each cultural improvement (library, monument, etc.) by quite a few turns, so I lost some tiles right next to my city -- and it took many turns of superior culture to get them back.
This explains some culture-boundary problems I was puzzled about; the AI beat me to each cultural improvement (library, monument, etc.) by quite a few turns, so I lost some tiles right next to my city -- and it took many turns of superior culture to get them back.

Also note that if you have one or more cities of your own pressing culture on to a given tile, each city reinforces the other.
War successes is a balance sheet calculated within the game based on 5 parameters:
10 points for each city captured.
1 points for each settler or worker captured.
4 points for each winning battle on the offense.
3 points for each battle won on the defense.
10 points for each nuke. I think lost units from nuke are ignored, so each nuke brings 10 and no more to avoid abuses.

Do units lost on transports at sea factor into it at all?

I think I read a beginers guide somewhere on this site that had instruiction on how to mark your map in game so you can plan where to place cities and so on.
But I can't find it anymore.

Could someone please explain how do I mark the map and if you know location of that guide plese point me to it.

thank you! :)
The easiest way to do that is to install the BUG mod and then use its built-in city mapping tool--just press Ctrl+X to place Big Fat Crosses on the map.
Just in case you mean being able to draw on the map and make signs (and happen to dislike mods), I believe you need Control + S to add a sign. To draw on the map, you have to zoom out and select the option from there. And although I don't have any myself, if you're looking for BFCs, even dots are tedious to make using the draw tool since you have to be zoomed out to use it and there is no specific BFC function. Mods would be your best bet there.
Is it possible to have cultural borders not appear on the map? When I'm dotmapping, I turn on the "bare terrain" button (or whatever it's called), so it's easier to see the lay of the land, but sometimes a jumble of different-colored borders makes it harder to see where the BFCs will be. Can I turn them off?

Sorry if this is more of a BUG-particular question.
Let's say your attacking a civ with two main stacks of 10 cuirassiers/cavalries and want to have an additional stack which purpose is only to confuse the AI. Can that stack consist of seven warriors/chariots or does this stack need to have a high base strength as well? :)
Let's say your attacking a civ with two main stacks of 10 cuirassiers/cavalries and want to have an additional stack which purpose is only to confuse the AI. Can that stack consist of seven warriors/chariots or does this stack need to have a high base strength as well? :)

I suppose it depends on what the AI has, and whether or not you are willing to lose them. If it's just a decoy and you don't mind losing them go ahead. On another note if you are attacking with stacks of just mounted troops you could be in for some major losses. At a minimum you need some catapults/trebuchets. A few mace/muskets would be good too, to counter enemy spears/pikes.
Mounted only stacks has advantages with speed, and Cuirs and Cavalry is so strong they tend to eat up Pikes for breakfast anyway - so that shouldn't a problem, as long as the war doesn't face (too many) muskets and especially rifles.
Yeah, we're talking the classic cavalry vs longbows scenario and I don't mind losing my confusion stack.
I dunno about the 'confusion stack' strategy... the AI seems pretty confused without the player's help, sometimes. And if you have Cavalry vs. Longbows, why bother?

But to answer your question... the AI will leave lots of defenders in cities it perceives as 'threatened'. I'm not sure if it would find warriors and chariots threatening if it had Longbows.
Mounted only stacks has advantages with speed, and Cuirs and Cavalry is so strong they tend to eat up Pikes for breakfast anyway - so that shouldn't a problem, as long as the war doesn't face (too many) muskets and especially rifles.

Calvary always seems to do much better against Rifles than I would expect. Shows what one extra strength and a proper promotion will do. I notice this the most when my Rifles don't manage to defuse the AI Calvary as nicely as I would have liked, but see it when attacking as well.
Hi there :) I got one newbie question. Recently I've startet "my adventure" with mods :D I got one problem thou. For example - I've downloaded 2 mods in particular : One that changes Civ's flags and second that allows the player to play on certain earth maps with the possibility to choose one's leader.

Now my question is: Can I use 2 mods together at the same time ? Should I dowload some kind of mod manager of change something in some *.ini file ?

If i load one mod the second one is automatically unloaded :/ I'd really apreciate help on this one ;) Thanks for the help and sorry for my English - it's not my native language as You can probably see hehe.
Hi there :) I got one newbie question. Recently I've startet "my adventure" with mods :D I got one problem thou. For example - I've downloaded 2 mods in particular : One that changes Civ's flags and second that allows the player to play on certain earth maps with the possibility to choose one's leader.

Now my question is: Can I use 2 mods together at the same time ? Should I dowload some kind of mod manager of change something in some *.ini file ?

If i load one mod the second one is automatically unloaded :/ I'd really apreciate help on this one ;) Thanks for the help and sorry for my English - it's not my native language as You can probably see hehe.

You can only load one mod at a time. However, there are a lot of mods which are combined from others. You might want to look for a version of the second mod that includes graphical enhancements.

Or, if you're feeling brave, you can try merging the mods yourself. If, for example, the first mod only adds some new flag graphics, then it might not be too difficult to add those on top of the second mod. But you should ask about that on the Creation and Customization forum, because there will be some work involved.
If none of the file changes clash with each other, I suppose it might be possible to put both in the Custom Assets folder and both will work. Probably best to check in the mods forum to see what they say there, or alternatively in the mods' readme files.
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