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Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

In real life of course your people won't hold victory against you, only defeat or stalemante.

That is true, of course, unless reporters like Mike Wallace declare your victory a massive defeat. Consider this:

http://www.1stcavmedic.com said:
The Wall Street Journal published an interview with Bui Tin who served on the General Staff of the North Vietnam Army and received the unconditional surrender of South Vietnam on April 30, 1975. During the interview Mr. Tin was asked if the American antiwar movement was important to Hanoi's victory. Mr. Tin responded "It was essential to our strategy", referring to the war being fought on two fronts, the Vietnam battlefield and back home in America through the antiwar movement on college campuses and in the city streets. He further stated the North Vietnamese leadership listened to the American evening news broadcasts "to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement." Visits to Hanoi made by persons such as Jane Fonda, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and various church ministers "gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses." Mr. Tin surmised, "America lost because of its democracy; through dissent and protest it lost the ability to mobilize a will to win." Mr. Tin further advised that General Vo Nguyen Giap (Commanding General of the North Vietnam Army) had advised him the 1968 Tet Offensive had been a defeat.
America lost more than we were willing to continue paying to stay in Vietnam, while making the North Vietnamese pay less than they were willing to drive us out. That is defeat, whatever Mr Wallace (and especially Mr. Cronkite) had to say. The Germans killed more Russians than the Russians did Germans in WW2, but the Russians were willing and able to sustain the casualties and the Germans could not - did the Germans win on points?
Democracies are lousy for fighting wars. The game reflects this in some of the Civics. Does anyone know if the formula for war weariness specifically penalizes Democracy as a governmental choice?
In the standard Civ4 game, I believe Police State is the only civic with a war weariness modifier (-50%)
Ok, yet another question,

Does the AI actually gift units to other AI's?

I've never seen it, though I don't suppose they'd send me a memo on it. Anyway, I was playing last night and thought I had all of Monty's units, cities, etc when he brought in Izzy as a war ally then poof!! out popped about two dozen rifleman and a smattering of catapults, and an invasion from izzy of course. Monty paid the price, Izzy is about to.

Anyways, just wondering was all.
Not sure if he had nationalism or not, but even if he did have nationalism, ee didn't have enough left to create that little stack of his, plus his city pops never changed, dang weird, maybe he hid them in some galleys i din't see or just plan somehow missed them, i don't know
The AI often holds a lot of units in reserve in cities away from the border and then unleashes them all at once, when you think his army's depleted of nongarrison units. Since giving units has no role in diplomacy, I doubt AI's do it.
I don't know, but don't talk about Hitler here, this thread is too important to have shut down :lol:
: )

Your answer is certainly somewhere around here ( http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=158 )

Does anyone know of a cheap, legal way to replace a scratched or broken disk? I got one little new scratch on my Warlords disk and now the game won't recognize it as the proper disk - it opens the menu when I stick it in, but when I tell it to play it demands the proper disk! Yes I am telling it to play Warlords with the Warlords disk, and no I didn't alter my computer or the program in any way since last time I played. I heard somewhere that companies will replace damaged disks as to justify copy protection under Fair Use laws, but I don't know if that's a myth.
Hello, can anyone tell me how to copy my log from the game ??
I want to post it too. Thanks in adavance
Heh... not quite. Just busy. ;)

The AI often holds a lot of units in reserve in cities away from the border and then unleashes them all at once, when you think his army's depleted of nongarrison units.
There are a couple of solutions to this 'problem' - spreading a religion for which you hold the holy city is one, and spies (if you're up to that point in the game) are another. Speedy units such as horsemen are also great for recon. And if possible, you should always get open borders and check out another civ's lands before declaring war.

Incidentally though, the "hiding troops and then unleashing them" strategy is very effective for humans in multiplayer. (In one game I'm in at the moment, a teams game with 4 humans split into two teams of 2, my teammate and I hid a colossal naval stack just off the coast of their lands, in the fog for them - and then struck [and destroyed] both of their capitals in a single turn. The attack was so effective because neither of them suspected anything was coming, and thus their capitals were under-defended. ;) )

Since giving units has no role in diplomacy, I doubt AI's do it.
I think that's true - personally, I have never once witnessed an AI gifting a unit to another AI, even if they're a teammate. (Of course, just because I haven't observed it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It just means it's less likely.)

Hello, can anyone tell me how to copy my log from the game ??
I want to post it too. Thanks in adavance
Actually, I'm not sure how to do this one either. If it's possible, I'd be curious to know how, since it would also be useful for me. :)

Does anyone know of a cheap, legal way to replace a scratched or broken disk? I got one little new scratch on my Warlords disk and now the game won't recognize it as the proper disk - it opens the menu when I stick it in, but when I tell it to play it demands the proper disk! Yes I am telling it to play Warlords with the Warlords disk, and no I didn't alter my computer or the program in any way since last time I played. I heard somewhere that companies will replace damaged disks as to justify copy protection under Fair Use laws, but I don't know if that's a myth.
Hmm, I'm not sure, but I find it unlikely that you'd get a scratched disk replaced for free. You could always ask the local store where you bought it though, everyone has different policies.

If they won't replace it though, there's no legal way to get a cheap or free replacement. You may have to buy a new one, unfortunately.
Hmm, I'm not sure, but I find it unlikely that you'd get a scratched disk replaced for free. You could always ask the local store where you bought it though, everyone has different policies.

If they won't replace it though, there's no legal way to get a cheap or free replacement. You may have to buy a new one, unfortunately.

The reasoning was that according to American Fair Use laws, you're allowed to make a backup copy of media you buy. Since the copy protection prevents you from doign that, supposedly companies will replace ruined disks. Like I said, I don;t know if it's a suburban myth.
RJ and Lord Parkin must be on strike.

Every question was answered before I got a chance to answer it myself (and I've been a bit busy myself so I couldn't look at the thread very often). But below is a small question that didn't get answered yet. So I get my chance, let's be quick... ;)

Hello, can anyone tell me how to copy my log from the game ??
I want to post it too. Thanks in adavance

I don't think it's possible without using a mod. A while back, eotinb created a mod that exported the ingame log outside the game in a text file (and why would he have created a mod to do this if it was already available outside the game). Additional notes about the game in progress can be added from inside the game. The mod can be found here. However, it was created for an early version of civ4, so I would be surprised if it still works with Warlords 2.08. But you could try.

The Hall of Fame mod has incorporated this mod inside their larger mod and the Hall of Fame mod is updated continuously. So if you don't mind a lot of other optional functionality that is offered by this mod, then it will be the thing that you're looking for. It can be found here.
I only play by myself on single player and I don't much about all the definitions of some of the wrods on this site.

Like what does AA SGL mean and what does CB mean?
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