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quick question about combat odds

el toro loco

Jun 30, 2005
arcata, ca
obviously, on offense you can mouse over unit to see odds of victory. i would love to view defensive odds when computer is attacking. is this possible?

Note, in the combat log the odds shown are always for the attacking unit. This may have been obvious depending how observant you are.

It's also amusing to see that in the combat log odds can be rounded to 100.0% or 0.0%. With the latest versions of the game, Firaxis decided to avoid such rounding in the mouseover odds because it was misleading, instead opting for ">99.9" and "<0.1". They didn't touch the combat log. :)

A feature where you could select your unit, hover over an enemy unit and look at the defending odds was something we attempted for Advanced Combat Odds but it didn't work out very well and has been abandoned, possibly to be picked up at a later time if there is enough demand for such a feature.
That's a shame it was abandoned PoM, I can't even count the times where, like the OP, I really wished I could tell in advance the odds of defending with a certain unit of mine against a certain other unit.
There are a couple of obstacles. For one, how does one determine which unit in an enemy stack to take the attack odds for against your selected unit?

The main problem seemed to be that defense bonuses would get mixed up and it's probably because the terrain defense bonuses are taken from the tile directly under the mouse. IIRC, if you hovered over an attacker that was in a forest, the defender odds would assume the defender was actually in a forest.
So basically you'd have to build a "second copy" of the bonus calculation logic that would be aware of the correct tile to use? Or would you be able to use some kludge to feed it the correct tile to use?

Regarding the enemy to use - good point. Is it possible for modders to access the code behind the right-click menu for choosing a unit from your own stacks?
For one, how does one determine which unit in an enemy stack to take the attack odds for against your selected unit?

That sounds like a "try all and choose the best one" problem. It's not that computationally expensive, and how big can a stack get? If someone produces such an enormous stack that this actually matters, they'd be bound to get some performance issues from other parts of the game anyway.

As long as there are more than one unit to defend against, it doesn't help too much though. You'd then also want the odds of winning the second, third and so on battles (as the defending unit can participate in several battles during a turn). Then, if that problem was solved, you'd have the problem of calculating this given that all units in the surrounding area chose to attack that unit :p Which would mean figuring out which these units are :) Figuring out the odds of winning in an attack is a lot easier :o

Interesting problem, though, but it soon becomes more of a (code) design problem than a hack to be implemented by modders.
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