Quick Questions and Answers

Have you improved the tile?

In civ5 parlance, “connected” means the tile with lux or resource has been improved by a worker. To improve a tile, it needs to be within your borders.

In previous civs, you connected resources using roads, and they could be outside your borders
Can someone help me with a quick question?

City states are asking me to connect a resource I already have connected. I've ensured someone is working the tile, and the resources is not being traded.

Why won't they acknowledge this? Is this a bug or something? Is there a workaround?

Thank you!

Maybe you are already sellino The resource to somebody else

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why is cartage proposing order as world ideology if they just went autocracy?
is it a glicht or dido's bipolarity is striking again?
Can someone point me to the Community Balance Pack? I have been all through out the Downloads and the Creation forums looking for this thing and the search won't turn it up. Am I not naming it right or something? A month ago I was reading all about it, and now want to start a new game, sorry to post this here, did know where else to put it.
Actually, dropping an expo that is closer to the marble tile may cause that tile to be reassigned to the expo, with the result that the capital would no longer "own" that tile (for purposes of the wonder bonus or to build stoneworks).

Yes this is the exception

why is cartage proposing order as world ideology if they just went autocracy?
is it a glicht or dido's bipolarity is striking again?

Did they switch ideology in between ?

Can someone point me to the Community Balance Pack? I have been all through out the Downloads and the Creation forums looking for this thing and the search won't turn it up. Am I not naming it right or something? A month ago I was reading all about it, and now want to start a new game, sorry to post this here, did know where else to put it.

Did they switch ideology in between ?
I'm 100% sure they did not switch ideology, but I can't tell if they proposed after picking. I think they proposed Order, and like five turns later picked Autocracy. I know AI always does stupid things, but this was a bit crazy. Or Dido being Dido, in a bipolar crises.
hi a small Question:

how do you defend a costal city if u know a other player that had more iron than u wil be frigat rushing u and u stil got the entire game to prepaire
Other civilizations have established trade routes with me without my permission.Any way to cancel the trade routes?
how do you defend a costal city if u know a other player that had more iron than u wil be frigat rushing u and u stil got the entire game to prepaire
Is this multiplayer or single player? The AI does not do a great job attacking coastal cities -- unless you settled with 3+ coastal hexes.

Other civilizations have established trade routes with me without my permission.Any way to cancel the trade routes?
No, but why do you want to cancel the trades? It is free money for you.
You should probably ask in the multiplayer forum...

You're probably screwed though considering how strong frigates are. You can stack defenses in the city I guess... walls + castle + frigate + crossbow may give enough firepower to destroy one frigate per turn. Add extra privateers maybe .
...u stil got the entire game to prepaire
Does “entire game” include picking expo locations?
I think it all comes down to that. Cap on hill inside a bay is so very different than expo on flat at tip of peninsula. Can your opponent hit your city with more than one melee ship per turn?
i have quite a good location im on a hill in a small pay he ondly had place for one mele + 3 2 ranged frigats but i know he wil bring 3 ranged ones realy soon afther as well since he is already attacking a city state for XP
^^ If he manages to get frigates with range and logistics, that makes things much tougher! But like Acken said, if you have castle+frigate+xb that should be enough to take out one frigate per turn. You are in a bay, so I am thinking you can have a couple more XBs for support. So build roads all around the city and have 2+ XBs hanging back, not next to city (so a spy cannot see them) and not on the coast (so they cannot be targeted by the frigates as they sail in). If you have a privateer in your bay, that gets you one more turn.

Plan for him to bring 3x frigate with range and logistics. If you get lucky, he brings only one privateer, and you sink that first, and he will be stuck. But you cannot count on that. I think 3x frigates with range and logistics can bring a city down to zero health in just two turns. You need last three turns, sinking one frigate each turn. But I would guess he stops training the frigates against the CS once he has range. XP to get both range and logistics takes almost twice as long, and your opponent does not want to give you that much extra time!

Keep in mind that ships exert zone of control on land units. Your XBs will have range 1 while his frigates have range 2. That is why you need roads and the element of surprise.

Stack a melee unit in the water under the privateer, since that take will take your opponent at least one shot to clear out. Pre-build a second privateer down to one turn, but don't finish it, so you can pop it out after your first privateer dies (and it will).

Can you post a screen shot of your city?
Just a question...how should I go about early rushing the enemy? Currently I'm playing on Marathin, turn ~200 (meaning, it's classical era, I'm currently building Petra). I'm quite constricted by Suleiman and Al-Rashid, although I managed to forward-settle Al quite well. Anyway, Suleiman's capital would be a great addition to my empire. I got a bit of technological lead thanks to ruins, but I'm broke, I have two cities, two workers and two atlatls. Playing on King...how many units should I pop, and should I wait for some specific tech, like comp bows?
Yes, there's a button Edit under the city name in the city view.

My question: Is it possible to see a leader's attitude towards you, and how do the pacts change it?
Yes. Just click on the diplomacy screen.The text will say any of the following : Hostile Gaurded Neutral Friendly Denouncing War!
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