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Is there any reason as to why not all buildable buildings show up at the start of the turn in the popup on the right side of the screen?

I was wondering why i couldnt build some buildings i researched. I then examined the city and went into buildings tab and there were a lot of them there that I could build but they didnt show in the popup ...

Im on latest SVN
Its intentional, as that thing was very slow, especially in late game.

Instead you can hide it, and check this "No Production Popup" option.
Spoiler :

Civ4BeyondSword 2020-05-19 10-28-46-43.png

Anyway you should have 5 or more things in queue, as it doesn't make much sense to put single thing here.
Is there any reason as to why not all buildable buildings show up at the start of the turn in the popup on the right side of the screen?

I was wondering why i couldnt build some buildings i researched. I then examined the city and went into buildings tab and there were a lot of them there that I could build but they didnt show in the popup ...

Im on latest SVN

Couple of screenshots:

There is not enough room in the popup. There is an option in the BUG menu (top left corner) that opens up city screen when production is finished, instead of the tiny pop up.
There is not enough room in the popup. There is an option in the BUG menu (top left corner) that opens up city screen when production is finished, instead of the tiny pop up.
It wasn't about room in popup.
It was about it being very slow.
Oh oh.

Kinda sad, i kinda liked that popup but i understand why you guys changed it.
No worries, i shall adapt :)

Thanks for your reply, it was driving me nuts thinking i ticked some box somewhere that broke it heh
Is there any reason as to why not all buildable buildings show up at the start of the turn in the popup on the right side of the screen?

I was wondering why i couldnt build some buildings i researched. I then examined the city and went into buildings tab and there were a lot of them there that I could build but they didnt show in the popup ...

Im on latest SVN

Couple of screenshots:
Yes, it was considered too slow and requiring streamlining.
What does the Sleuth promotion line do?
It gives investigation % ... what does that do? I wasnt able to find an explanation of it anywhere.
What does the Sleuth promotion line do?
It gives investigation % ... what does that do? I wasnt able to find an explanation of it anywhere.

I believe investigation % is the chance to catch a criminal in the city per turn. If a criminal unit infiltrates your city before you spot it, you have to "arrest" the unit (you can't just kill with another unit if you don't spot it before it infiltrates). So, think of spotting as a preventive measure, and investigation as a tool for after it is too late.

If you have abnormally high crime, you might have a criminal without knowing it. Get a law enforcement unit with spotting promotions, maybe a dog/scout for camouflage spotting promotions, and a law enforcement unit with investigation promotions.
Awesome, thanks!

One more question, unrelated to the above ... Did you guys remove the ability to enable/disable game settings mid game? I wasnt able to find a way to do so in the world builder.
We added the latest worldbuilder and replaced the old one and I'm not sure if that's still included or not or how to access it since I haven't been into that world builder at all yet. @Toffer90 may know more.
I recall that if I have a 2x2 plot of land (L) and water (W) like this:


And I have a fort or city on one of the land tiles, I should be able to go straight from one water tile to the other. However, I tested this, and I had to go horizontally and vertically through the city, instead of diagonally. Is it suppose to be like this? I remember cutting corners with boats like this before. Maybe that was a bug that was fixed?

On an unrelated note, I noticed some peculiarities with various mounted units. Firstly, why do alternative history mounts require a wonder? Horses, elephants, etc. only require a regular building.

I was surprised to see the rhinoceros rider can fortify. Not many mounted units can do this (mounted infantry comes to mind). This seems to go against the unit's purpose; it has a city attack bonus and causes collateral damage, making it more of an attacker than a defender (not to mention it gets a huge penalty to city defense). Giraffe archers seem like better mounts to have fortify, since they get bonus city and hill defense as well. I just put my giraffes in cities to sleep, but fortify or even a build up of some sort would be nice (it has chasing plans and escape plans, but that doesn't help with defending cities, forts, or other points of interest).
Maybe that was a bug that was fixed?
Yep. And it didn't require a fort to be there either.
I was surprised to see the rhinoceros rider can fortify. Not many mounted units can do this (mounted infantry comes to mind). This seems to go against the unit's purpose; it has a city attack bonus and causes collateral damage, making it more of an attacker than a defender (not to mention it gets a huge penalty to city defense). Giraffe archers seem like better mounts to have fortify, since they get bonus city and hill defense as well. I just put my giraffes in cities to sleep, but fortify or even a build up of some sort would be nice (it has chasing plans and escape plans, but that doesn't help with defending cities, forts, or other points of interest)
While the unit review is going to clear some of this up by making it more apparent by upgrade streams (at least with horse mounted - alt animal upgrade streams tend to alternate), there are generally 2 kinds of mounted units, those that fight from the backs of the animals and those that dismount to fight but use the animals to get from point a to b faster mostly. Those that dismount to fight can fortify and gain defensive bonuses from terrain, while those that stay mounted to fight do not. All gain penalties in attacking cities because they don't excel at fighting in cramped spaces, alleys, in buildings and at gates, but the mounted should be very good attackers in open terrain. Mounted are quite good at retreating when they need to and are the best at pursuit, though the dismount fighters are the only units that generally have both pursuit values AND get defensive bonuses from terrain and fortification, making them excellent defenders against hit and run strategies, both in the field and in cities.

Again, some of this will become more clearly visible in the benefits and penalties once the review I'm working on is fully implemented but some of that thinking is already in place in the game now, just a little unreliably.

Firstly, why do alternative history mounts require a wonder? Horses, elephants, etc. only require a regular building.
Because they are wondrous, not normal or common nor easily trained to be ridden, particularly into battle.
How can I use a "Merchant Fleet" unit?
You kinda need open borders with the person you want to trade with iirc, which is probably not incredibly fair and needs some work on naval trade unit rules.
Do wonders that are obsolete count toward the wonder limit in a city?
I'm not sure but I think they do? Growing your culture expands the limit but I don't play with wonder limits so I really don't know (I find out but then forget every time). Sorry.
I'm not sure but I think they do? Growing your culture expands the limit but I don't play with wonder limits so I really don't know (I find out but then forget every time). Sorry.

Hmmm ... I might enable unlimited wonders as well if thats the case.

With the amount of wonders there are, it would suck not being able to build more of them in my cities when i reach a later era.
We cant even demolish some of the old ones ... so yeah, i think unlimited wonders is the way to go.
1)How to found a corporation? I even checked/unchecked the auto corporation found. option in bug menu. Still no idea.
2)The interesting issue about turn time: here I have 2 saves during them I declared war to Babylon and raised 3 their cities (I thought fewer cities less turn time). But after war declaration time between turns became much less (see 2 savegames in attachments). What it can be?


  • warAD-1732.CivBeyondSwordSave
    5.5 MB · Views: 88
  • war2AD-1732.CivBeyondSwordSave
    5 MB · Views: 85
@Yura KOc Do you have realistic corporations option on? If so they will found automatically. If not you need great people and certain techs researched to found corporations.
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