
Colonel Bogey

Apr 13, 2011
Lundun Inglund
Hosted an eight player ffa recently. I was playing as France and fighting for good settling locations with Rome. Unfortunately I got the iron. Rome sent a couple of warriors and archers to harrass one of my cities, killed a couple of my units but was unable to mount a succesful assault. Quitting soon followed.

One by one players left the game until there was jsut me and an aggressive Egypt and AI who hadn't been hoovered up by myself or my now much larger opponent. He was superior in size and my advisor warned against his army but I had the technological edge. He entered the Industrial Era, a few turns later I entered the Modern Era whereupon he too quit without so much as a challenge. My army wasn't huge. He may have surprised himself.

Quitters are annoying. The AI that replaces them further slows already laggy games. Short of noting names and blacklisting people who do it without any explanation (which may prove fruitless as so many do it) could something be written into the code that penalises players for unsportsmen type behaviour?

I think its the biggest thing that spoils online games and not something that the Dev can be blamed for this time.
Thats why i keep excel spreadhorsehocky with banend people. Also, there is a difference betwen qutting and resignig , admitting a defeat.
Thats why i keep excel spreadhorsehocky with banend people. Also, there is a difference betwen qutting and resignig , admitting a defeat.

I realise that some people will quit. In the real world we have jobs, partners, sleep and other demands and Civ is a time consuming game. There also seems to be little point in sitting there if you're getting trashed by a stronger opponent if you've other things you could be getting on with. It just got my goat that like literally Everybody left the game before being conquered. Even a player with more cities and a bigger army just because I reached Modern Era before he did.

As for resigning, I wouldn't have a problem with that as long as the player says so in the chat window before doing so. It's people joining a game and then quickly quitting (presumably to join another one that may provide them a more beneficial starting position) without saying anything at all that is a bit rude and annoying. Well, it ruins games, basically.
Worst thing is when you see a player not being at war at all but feel that he's gonna lose his time if he tries something and decide to quit just because he don't ''feel'' he has a chance to win. He admits a sort of defeat but damn i hate those players who don't really want to try to win the game. Just passing by and leaving an AI.

At least they should go at war, bribe another player to help him, something like that. You can quit with some honor. I often stay until my capital is down. I even recuperated my cap in some of my games and won the game. For these ironman players you can join the Patient Civ Players group(i'm an admin) but not before testing your capacities to stay until real death. Only a few players have successfully passed the test so far.
This is why we started the league way back in the Civ3 days, human nature is that people will quit when losing, unless you make it worse to quit by rules. It is kinda like being addicted to drugs, we put poeples names in lights in the rankings, and if they don't play nice with others and obey our simple rules they get negitive publicity, or can't play league at all for a couple weeks, which is a tough thing for someone who is a "crack" addict :p

Of course this works best with people that are competetive in nature as they care about their record. But over all over the past 10 years we have been successful in mostly preventing quiting and cheating by applying some human psychology :-/

Yeah, I suppose it's trickier to quit if you're part of some (un) official playing community where such behaviour is frowned upon by your peers. Where repeated transgressions could see you removed completely.

I suppose I should get around to joining a league. Although I guess times will be more rigid where as I like firing up the PC and searching for a game as and when. Quitters may force me towards it though.
Thats why i keep excel spreadhorsehocky with banend people. Also, there is a difference betwen qutting and resignig , admitting a defeat.

Thanks for pointing out the difference. I can't even tell you how many games I've joined where (unbeknownst to me at the time) people on the server already have cooked up alliances.

Look, if I'm playing a game and 4 people all attack me in the first 100 turns at the same time, I say in the voice of Cartman "Screw you guys, I'm going home."

Maybe that makes me a baby, but I dont see the fun and ability to win in a 4v1 civ game...,
4 v 1 does seem very fishy. However I have managed to form alliances early game with players I've never met before. One occasion was when some guy was bulldozing city states and fully intended to continue sending his war machine through a player settled just to the south of me and then I'd obviously be next. We spoke to each other about it and naturally it suited me to defend his civ as it was a buffer between myself and the aggressive player. So I sent down Samurai and surrounded his closest city and he quit the game, perhaps feeling ganged up on. But it was entirely in response to his aggressive strategy that brought it about.
I love the No quitter group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/NO_QUITTERS

You will have to be invited in, it is not open, and we kick out people not worthy (which means the most of players). That way we keep a clean amount of players, the really trustworthy players that won't ruin others game by quitting. We also discuss in advance how much time each person has. Wan't to join a 6-8 player continents, you better have at least 8 hours

We never do open games, just closed hosting with members. This way you have all on your steam list, and it's easy to reload the game if it freezes or somebody drops.

If someone is interested in joining, you can send me a message here on civfanatics, and we will see. Remember you will be banned if quitting a game without a very good excuse. We want our group as clean as possible. It's not enough to admit defeat, the rule is you can only quit if you lose your capital, or if your real life house is burning. ;) We don't want AI taking over and giving the rushers an easy time.

It's really nice. If you want a good game, just enter the group chat and wait for non quitter players to arrive.

Guildelines for No Quitter Group

1) Do not QUIT unless you have a VALID REASON.
i) Something UNEXPECTED in REAL LIFE happened
iii) Try therefore not to START a game unless you have ENOUGH TIME
iv) If you QUIT without valid reason, you will be KICKED

2) If you look for a GAME, try the NQ CHAT room.
i) An easy and effective way to get games.
ii) If enough players join the chat, players can find a GG at any point in time.

3) Players can also announce games to all online NQ players by using the announcement option on group main page.
i) A good way to reach players not in NQ chat at the moment.

4) INVITE as many no quitting PLAYERS you possibly can!
i) More players mean more epic NO QUITTING games

5) If somebody quits without proper reason, tell one of the admins, so that the quitter can be removed from group ASAP.
i) Send a message identifying the quitter and the other players in the game, making it possible for the admins to double-check with them before ejecting the player from the group.
ii) It is hard to stop quitters from joining, but easy to kick them ;)

6) If GAME for some reason CRASHES, ALWAYS meet in NQ CHAT to RELOAD. NO EXCEPTIONS!

7) Since Civ V Multiplayer is extremely buggy, try to use DX9 when playing MP in order to to minimize bug issues.

8) Alliances are allowed on an ad hoc basis, depending on the balance of power in the game. Collusion will not be tolerated.

Yea the quitters are really annoying me to. Either join NQ or play with only trusted friends.
They need to fix the multiplayer, among quitters, there's a new exploit (allowing an unlimited GP pop up) spreading fast in online multiplayer games. It's really kinda boring as the single player isn't fun.
This is why we started the league way back in the Civ3 days, human nature is that people will quit when losing, unless you make it worse to quit by rules. It is kinda like being addicted to drugs, we put poeples names in lights in the rankings, and if they don't play nice with others and obey our simple rules they get negitive publicity, or can't play league at all for a couple weeks, which is a tough thing for someone who is a "crack" addict :p

Of course this works best with people that are competetive in nature as they care about their record. But over all over the past 10 years we have been successful in mostly preventing quiting and cheating by applying some human psychology :-/


Sorry for reviving a dead thread, I was browsing the MP forum, but my god. That analogy is ridiculous and almost offensive. Playing a game and quitting is nothing like being addicted to crack. As someone who has seen the effects of drugs on a number of family members I find this absolutely ridiculous. Playing civ is not something your body relies on after a while, you don't need it constantly and don't steal to play it.

Again, I apologize for bringing up a dead thread, but my god. There are MUCH better ways to describe an online game then drugs.
Sorry for reviving a dead thread, I was browsing the MP forum, but my god. That analogy is ridiculous and almost offensive. Playing a game and quitting is nothing like being addicted to crack. As someone who has seen the effects of drugs on a number of family members I find this absolutely ridiculous. Playing civ is not something your body relies on after a while, you don't need it constantly and don't steal to play it.

Again, I apologize for bringing up a dead thread, but my god. There are MUCH better ways to describe an online game then drugs.

I disagree, competitive gaming is addictive to many, though it many not have many of the negative side effects of chemical addictions, it certainly can be an addiction if not moderated.


If a Korean Starcraft gamer can die of cardiac arrest after 50 hrs of straight gaming I'm pretty sure competitive gaming qualifies as a potential addiction if not controlled.

If a Korean Starcraft gamer can die of cardiac arrest after 50 hrs of straight gaming I'm pretty sure competitive gaming qualifies as a potential addiction if not controlled.


I remember this freakin story.

The comparison to drugs is ambiguous, but competitions need supervision for sure.
Most annoying are the people who start screaming no quitters on the chat and quit them self. Or hosts that start telling people they are going to quit after 3 hours of playing.
I love the No quitter group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/NO_QUITTERS

You will have to be invited in, it is not open, and we kick out people not worthy (which means the most of players). That way we keep a clean amount of players, the really trustworthy players that won't ruin others game by quitting. We also discuss in advance how much time each person has. Wan't to join a 6-8 player continents, you better have at least 8 hours

We never do open games, just closed hosting with members. This way you have all on your steam list, and it's easy to reload the game if it freezes or somebody drops.

If someone is interested in joining, you can send me a message here on civfanatics, and we will see. Remember you will be banned if quitting a game without a very good excuse. We want our group as clean as possible. It's not enough to admit defeat, the rule is you can only quit if you lose your capital, or if your real life house is burning. We don't want AI taking over and giving the rushers an easy time.

It's really nice. If you want a good game, just enter the group chat and wait for non quitter players to arrive.

Guildelines for No Quitter Group

1) Do not QUIT unless you have a VALID REASON.
i) Something UNEXPECTED in REAL LIFE happened
iii) Try therefore not to START a game unless you have ENOUGH TIME
iv) If you QUIT without valid reason, you will be KICKED

2) If you look for a GAME, try the NQ CHAT room.
i) An easy and effective way to get games.
ii) If enough players join the chat, players can find a GG at any point in time.

3) Players can also announce games to all online NQ players by using the announcement option on group main page.
i) A good way to reach players not in NQ chat at the moment.

4) INVITE as many no quitting PLAYERS you possibly can!
i) More players mean more epic NO QUITTING games

5) If somebody quits without proper reason, tell one of the admins, so that the quitter can be removed from group ASAP.
i) Send a message identifying the quitter and the other players in the game, making it possible for the admins to double-check with them before ejecting the player from the group.
ii) It is hard to stop quitters from joining, but easy to kick them

6) If GAME for some reason CRASHES, ALWAYS meet in NQ CHAT to RELOAD. NO EXCEPTIONS!

7) Since Civ V Multiplayer is extremely buggy, try to use DX9 when playing MP in order to to minimize bug issues.

8) Alliances are allowed on an ad hoc basis, depending on the balance of power in the game. Collusion will not be tolerated.


worse then quitters are people who rather waste every1s lifetime then commiting a loss once they are defeated.

If i want play a game with "braindead" guys i can just play with ai - its same
Also in NQ group. Hi luckystrike by the way. Nice to see you in the forum aswell as in NQ games.

Anyhow. tommynt. It s not about braindead people. It is about respect for the other players time. Playing an AI is simply not fun. What you will have to do is to learn to enjoy the game even if you might not win.

To make a quote that is not 100% accurate but it goes something like this: Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.

Basicly winning is a screen that says you won that you close within seconds after it pops up. It is the game that takes you there that you find joy in. And you can, beleave it or not have fun even if you don t win.

I ve been in games (among many others with luckystrike) where I did not win but stil had a very good time an an exciting game.
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