Quo's Combined Tweaks

Quo's Combined Tweaks v7.0.19 BETA

Playing 7.02 as Saladin, not getting trade routes from libraries or shrines. Was this fixed in 7.03? The civ SQL file refers to some global modifier for Saladin's trade route UA, but I'm not sure where that is. Maybe it's missing. I'm not sure why else Saladin shouldn't be getting trade routes from shrines and libraries.
Playing 7.02 as Saladin, not getting trade routes from libraries or shrines. Was this fixed in 7.03? The civ SQL file refers to some global modifier for Saladin's trade route UA, but I'm not sure where that is. Maybe it's missing. I'm not sure why else Saladin shouldn't be getting trade routes from shrines and libraries.

You should be getting trade routes from these buildings. I'll have to test to see if GS broke this feature.
I think this mod might not be compatible with the sukitract ui mod I'm using. There are errors with the UI.

Error opening/reading where=, file=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\289070\939149009\UI\Common\Additions\Suk_TechTree_Tooltip.lua
InGame: Loading InGame UI - C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/289070/1517706192/UI/Additions/Suk_GreatPersonTT
InGame: Loading InGame UI - C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/289070/1632664596/UI/minimap_toolbar_plugins_handler
InGame: Loading InGame UI - C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/289070/1564628360/UI/mod_settings_manager
InGame: Loading InGame UI - ../../../DLC/Expansion2/UI/Additions/DedicationPopup
InGame: Loading InGame UI - ../../../DLC/Expansion2/UI/Additions/DisloyalCityChooser
InGame: Loading InGame UI - ../../../DLC/Expansion2/UI/Additions/EraProgressPanel
InGame: Loading InGame UI - ../../../DLC/Expansion2/UI/Additions/EraReviewPopup
InGame: Loading InGame UI - ../../../DLC/Expansion2/UI/Additions/ExpansionIntro
InGame: Loading InGame UI - ../../../DLC/Expansion2/UI/Additions/GovernorAssignmentChooser
InGame: Loading InGame UI - ../../../DLC/Expansion2/UI/Additions/GovernorPanel
InGame: Loading InGame UI - ../../../DLC/Expansion2/UI/Additions/HistoricMoments
InGame: Loading InGame UI - ../../../DLC/Expansion2/UI/Additions/WorldCrisisPopup
Runtime Error: C:\Users\William\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\Quo's Combined Tweaks\Tutorial\TutorialScenarioBase.lua:68: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
    C:\Users\William\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\Quo's Combined Tweaks\Tutorial\TutorialScenarioBase.lua:68: in function 'InitializeTutorial'
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization
Yo me again, i think the Western Europe Sphere may also have a bug, i was getting promotions in every unit even on ships in my campaign, it would happen even if i just upgraded the unit.
Playing as Eleanor France.
sorry in advance if this has already been asked,but i'm kind of new to civ and modding civ and only just got gathering storm the day it came out on the 14th and i don't have rise and fall. since gathering storm comes with all of the gameplay features from Rise and Fall minus the wonders and civs, is r&f still required completely for the mod to function? i tried running the mod with no other mods enabled and all of the dlc except for rise and fall (Indonesia, khmer, etc) but it wouldn't load the game up at all. the biggest thing i'm interested are the spheres and the civ changes, particularly to France,and was wondering if there was a version with just the civ changes/spheres? can that be enabled in the MyOptions file or is rise and fall still needed? thank you
sorry in advance if this has already been asked,but i'm kind of new to civ and modding civ and only just got gathering storm the day it came out on the 14th and i don't have rise and fall. since gathering storm comes with all of the gameplay features from Rise and Fall minus the wonders and civs, is r&f still required completely for the mod to function? i tried running the mod with no other mods enabled and all of the dlc except for rise and fall (Indonesia, khmer, etc) but it wouldn't load the game up at all. the biggest thing i'm interested are the spheres and the civ changes, particularly to France,and was wondering if there was a version with just the civ changes/spheres? can that be enabled in the MyOptions file or is rise and fall still needed? thank you

Bug confirmed. Thanks for pointing this out. Looks like its from a bit ago when I commented some code out to optimize it and accidentally broke part of it.
Bug confirmed. Thanks for pointing this out. Looks like its from a bit ago when I commented some code out to optimize it and accidentally broke part of it.

ah,thank you for the quick reply :) i'll be eagerly waiting until it gets fixed,this looks like an amazingly detailed mod.
Playing 7.02 as Saladin, not getting trade routes from libraries or shrines. Was this fixed in 7.03? The civ SQL file refers to some global modifier for Saladin's trade route UA, but I'm not sure where that is. Maybe it's missing. I'm not sure why else Saladin shouldn't be getting trade routes from shrines and libraries.

I just confirmed this bug. Looks like it was introduced in Gathering Storm when I commented out England's trade route abilities. Arabia was "borrowing" some of those abilities and it removed it for them too. Trying to see if a fix is possible.
The above post states that your mod version 7.0.4 is now available. However, it looks like the earlier version v7.0.3 is still posted online.
Could you please upload the latest version?
I'm running the mod and it's working fine, except none of the changes I added with the MYScratchPad are affecting my game. I've attached the file, any clue why it's not working?

Spoiler MyScratchPad Contents (line for line copy) :

Created by Quo

The Scratchpad is intended for players who want to seize extra control of their games. It allows you to write custom code,
with some suggested ideas included.

This file is always loaded last, AFTER all files in Quo's Combined Tweaks mods. Thus, any values you edit here will be based
on values determined by the mod.

The values in this Scraptchpad are meant to be edited as you see fit. Comment out lines that arent useful for your game, and add lines where
necessary. Once you have saved a game with this mod active, you can continue to edit this file and (for the most part) any changes you make
here will appear in your game.

-- Create an entry in the debug table for bug tracking purposes
(DebugID, x_Open, x_Close, Message)
VALUES ('MyScratchpad', '1', '0', '') ;


-- Lower the cost of war mongering by era. This used to be part of the core code. Uncomment below to re-enable.
UPDATE Eras SET WarmongerPoints ='1', WarmongerLevelDescription='LOC_WARMONGER_LEVEL_LIGHT' WHERE EraType='ERA_CLASSICAL' ;
UPDATE Eras SET WarmongerPoints ='1', WarmongerLevelDescription='LOC_WARMONGER_LEVEL_LIGHT' WHERE EraType='ERA_MEDIEVAL' ;
UPDATE Eras SET WarmongerPoints ='2', WarmongerLevelDescription='LOC_WARMONGER_LEVEL_MODERATE' WHERE EraType='ERA_RENAISSANCE' ;
UPDATE Eras SET WarmongerPoints ='2', WarmongerLevelDescription='LOC_WARMONGER_LEVEL_MODERATE' WHERE EraType='ERA_INDUSTRIAL' ;
UPDATE Eras SET WarmongerPoints ='2', WarmongerLevelDescription='LOC_WARMONGER_LEVEL_MODERATE' WHERE EraType='ERA_MODERN' ;
UPDATE Eras SET WarmongerPoints ='4', WarmongerLevelDescription='LOC_WARMONGER_LEVEL_HEAVY' WHERE EraType='ERA_ATOMIC' ;
UPDATE Eras SET WarmongerPoints ='4', WarmongerLevelDescription='LOC_WARMONGER_LEVEL_HEAVY' WHERE EraType='ERA_INFORMATION' ; */

/* INSERT INTO Building_ValidTerrains
(BuildingType, TerrainType)


-- To make other civs really friendly or really unfriendly play with numbers here
UPDATE ModifierArguments SET Value='10' WHERE Name='InitialValue' AND ModifierId LIKE '%DIPLO%' ;


-- Super Sight for all units
-- UPDATE Units SET BaseSightRange=5 ;

-- Make every unit cost x hammers. Add a WHERE tag if you only want to affect certain units.
-- UPDATE Units SET Cost=1 ;

-- Tech/civic doesn't make units go obsolete
-- UPDATE Units SET MandatoryObsoleteTech=NULL ;
-- UPDATE Units SET ObsoleteTech=NULL ;
-- UPDATE Units SET MandatoryObsoleteCivic=NULL ;
-- UPDATE Units SET ObsoleteTech=NULL ;

-- DELETE FROM UnitUpgrades ;

-- Remove tech and civic pre-reqs from all units

-- UPDATE Units SET PrereqTech=NULL ;
-- UPDATE Units Set PrereqCivic=NULL ;

-- UPDATE Units SET PrereqTech=NULL, StrategicResource=NULL WHERE UnitType='UNIT_JET_FIGHTER' ;

-- Give Builder-type units extra xX Build charges
UPDATE Units SET BuildCharges=BuildCharges*33 ;

-- Build Settlers even with 1 population
-- UPDATE Units SET PopulationCost='0', PrereqPopulation='1' WHERE UnitType='UNIT_SETTLER' ;

-- Optional Unit Settings
-- The settings below are provided in case you need them. Just remove the -- comment marker to activate. Be careful, as not as all are tested.

-- All units start at level 5 (good for testing promotions)
-- UPDATE Units SET InitialLevel='5' ;

-- Purchase any unit with gold. Careful with this--not tested. If you want to exclude units bought with Faith from this update, add WHERE PurchaseYield=NULL
-- UPDATE Units SET PurchaseYield='YIELD_GOLD' ;

-- Make them all available from turn 1
-- UPDATE Governments SET PrereqCivic=NULL;


-- Change tech rate. If you want to increase costs, make the number below a number larger than 1
UPDATE Technologies SET Cost=Cost*2 ;


-- Change civic rate. If you want to increase costs, make the number below a number larger than 1
UPDATE Civics SET Cost=Cost*2 ;

-- Unlock all policies from Turn 1
-- UPDATE Policies SET PrereqCivic=NULL ;

-- DELETE FROM ObsoletePolicies ;


-- Reveal everything on start of the game
UPDATE Resources SET PrereqTech= NULL ;
UPDATE Resources SET PrereqCivic= NULL ;
UPDATE Resources SET RevealedEra= 1 ;


-- Build improvements even if you don't have the tech
-- UPDATE Improvements SET PrereqTech= NULL ;
-- UPDATE Improvements SET PrereqCivic= NULL ;


-- Build any building even if you don't have the tech/civic
-- UPDATE Buildings SET PrereqTech= NULL ;
-- UPDATE Buildings SET PrereqCivic= NULL ;

-- Buildings cost x Hammers
-- UPDATE Buildings SET Cost= 1 ;

-- Unlock all districts and buildings
-- UPDATE Districts SET PrereqTech= NULL ;
-- UPDATE Districts SET PrereqCivic= NULL ;

--UPDATE Districts SET PrereqTech=NULL WHERE DistrictType='DISTRICT_AERODROME' ;

-- Districts cost x Hammers
-- UPDATE Districts SET Cost= 1 ;

-- Districts dont require population
-- UPDATE Districts SET RequiresPopulation=0 ;


-- Make all Projects available
-- UPDATE Projects SET Cost=1 ;
-- UPDATE Projects SET PrereqTech=NULL ;
-- UPDATE Projects SET PrereqCivic=NULL ;


-- Set starting units

INSERT INTO MajorStartingUnits
(Unit, Era, District, Quantity, NotStartTile, AiOnly)


-- Give x housing and x Entertainment to all cities
UPDATE Districts SET Housing=5 WHERE DistrictType='DISTRICT_CITY_CENTER' ;
UPDATE Districts SET Entertainment=3 WHERE DistrictType='DISTRICT_CITY_CENTER' ;


-- Palace gives extra Gold per turn. Modify as needed. Can also change to YIELD_CULTURE, YIELD_SCIENCE, YIELD_FAITH etc
-- UPDATE Building_YieldChanges SET YieldChange=200 WHERE BuildingType='BUILDING_PALACE' AND YieldType='YIELD_GOLD' ;

-- Give a pool of Gold on starting

(ModifierId, ModifierType, RunOnce, Permanent, OwnerRequirementSetId, SubjectRequirementSetId)

INSERT INTO ModifierArguments
(ModifierId, Name, Type, Value, Extra, SecondExtra)

INSERT INTO TraitModifiers
(TraitType, ModifierID)

-- Give a pool of Faith on starting
(ModifierId, ModifierType, RunOnce, Permanent, OwnerRequirementSetId, SubjectRequirementSetId)

INSERT INTO ModifierArguments
(ModifierId, Name, Type, Value, Extra, SecondExtra)
VALUES ('QUO_FREE_STARTING_FAITH', 'Amount', 'ScaleByGameSpeed', '0', NULL, NULL),

INSERT INTO TraitModifiers
(TraitType, ModifierID)

-- ============ END EDITS

-- This code should go last in every file. Do not modify or remove.

UPDATE tblQuoDebug SET x_Close='1' WHERE DebugID='MyScratchpad';
isau updated Quo's Combined Tweaks with a new update entry:

Quo's Combined Tweaks v7.0.5 ALPHA

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in Victoria's text that claimed abilities that had been removed still worked
- Fixed a bug that prevented Scandinavian civs from being able to work Snow mountains

Changes to Civs
- Spain: Missions no longer can be built on Forest or Rainforest since this conflicts with the Western Europe sphere penalties
- Mapuche: Removed ability that revealed strategic resources (overpowered in GS)

Changes to Biomes/Spheres
- Native America: The Stealth...

Read the rest of this update entry...
isau, I finally downloaded an update to try with GS, and going through the myoptions file, I noticed this:

/* Set Value equal to the Multiplier applied to buildings with a radial Production effect, like Factories. The recommended value is 1.5. The unmodded game value is 1.
Setting to zero will eliminate Production from these buildings altogether. */

UPDATE tblQuoOptions
SET Value = 2

Not sure if you changed the default setting and forgot to change the comment about recommended value, or vice versa.
isau updated Quo's Combined Tweaks with a new update entry:

Quo's Combined Tweaks v7.0.6 ALPHA

Only change is to the UI (although this took a lot of time to implement).
  • Friendship gifts are now listed on the character select screen
View attachment 518871

I could probably do better to improve the icon. For now its just the war cart icon, since it kind of looked like a wheel barrow of someone wheeling a gift (I guess). May update it again later.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Not sure if it is QCT, but my Rock Bands are in another language (not sure if Spanish or Portugese)--the tool tip and the unit name in the build list. The actual band name and promotions are still in English.

Won as Eleanor; didn't notice any other obvious bugs with the 7.0.5 build.
Not sure if it is QCT, but my Rock Bands are in another language (not sure if Spanish or Portugese)--the tool tip and the unit name in the build list. The actual band name and promotions are still in English.

Won as Eleanor; didn't notice any other obvious bugs with the 7.0.5 build.

Very weird. I didn't edit rock bands. Maybe I accidentally set a devil loose tho :)

Unfortunately v7.0.6 and7.07 (which was supposed to hotfix 7.0.6) are currently extremely bugged with no ETA on release. Both got "out of the wild" ahead of schedule. The current version is currently hard crashing to desktop without useful alerts. All this just to add text to the character select screen. :)

Hopefully news soon.
No sweat; like I said, it may not even be QCT. None of the other mods I use touch rock bands either (to the best of my limited knowledge), so who knows?

It was a blast to use Quo's again. This was the first time I have tried using a Western Europe sphere civ in QCT; I usually hate hate HATE to chop, love to preserve the forests and such. This really pushed me a bit out of my comfort zone; it was fun. Thanks for all your hard work.
isau updated Quo's Combined Tweaks with a new update entry:

Quo's Combined Tweaks v7.0.8

This release is intended to fix issues introduced in v7.0.6 and 7.0.7.

New Features
  • The friendship gifts introduced for new civilizations in the Gathering Storm expansion should now actually work
  • Friendship gifts are now listed on the character select screen (this was added in v7.0.6, but that release was pulled due to crashes to desktop)

  • Hungary's friendship gift is now "+5% production to districts." Changed from "+10% production to districts and...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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