Quot Capita

I've never released them as standalones. So you would have to take them out of CCV. And yes, the CCV code is not released with the mod. The CCV code is not public. But that's not the main problem at the moment. Please wait for the next CCV release. I've done to major code update to CCV in the last three days. And the first games looked good after the merge. Not a single CTD anymore. :) But there are some conflicts between my code and RevDCM 2.8! When they are solved I'll release a new CCV version and we will see what can be done for you. ;) But I'm very, very short on freetime. Don't expect anything within the next two weeks. Really nothing. Sorry. :sad:

No problem, real life comes first of course. Thanks for the offer, I didn't know it wasn't public, I assumed I just missed some download link somewhere :). I'll eagerly await your new version.
Hm, is it just me or are scouts generally unable to hunt animals in the stone age while warriors can? Why, then, do scouts have 100% vs. animals?

The newly introduced pics in the tech popoups are still smaller than the old ones. (Is it because I play with "low resolution textures"?)

just played a game up to 2030 and wanted to give some feedback:
-'slash and burn' forest should be replaced by 'chop down' and not be an additional option (at least when chopping jungle becomes available), as it takes the same time and just does not give you the chop-bonus
-as planting a forest on an existing forest is not often done (I assume), maybe you can make it available only to already choped down tiles... ( I personally dont like that many items to choose from, when to me there are few I really use - same goes to other worker-icons that are shown before I really can use them just like changing the terrain in height...)

techs can be skipped which is no real problem... but maybe not intended
-parietal art and navel warfare I could just skip - they are not needed as a prerequisite... is it intended to be like this?
-as I got the great lighthouse I skipped corporation as well (so got no wallstreet...)

being the first to research 'diesel' I got a cruiser as well as the Maus, which is not stated/ shown in tech-tree

just some thougths on units:
why does battleship need radar to be built as cruiser does not? this way battleship comes really late... (prob. intended?) maybe battleship-accuracy could be improved a little to 80 to further show their increased power compared to cruisers...?

to show air-superiority using carriers over only 'normal ships' with the time maybe carrier cargospace could be improved from now 2-3-5 (first, second and last carrier) to 3-4-6 or to 2-4-6...

it would be nice to have that plane-(and ship?)-automation-mod implemented if possible - that I think allows you to autobomb, patrol borders... (guess it was part of last lor-mod?)

so thx very much for the great mod - really enjoy playing it!
Hi guys/girls,

I'm back from vacation and now processing your input! Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
If you don't get an answer to your question and it was important, feel free to repeat it.
-'slash and burn' forest should be replaced by 'chop down' and not be an additional option (at least when chopping jungle becomes available), as it takes the same time and just does not give you the chop-bonus
Except for the "at least" I would second that. "slash and burn" should be available in the beginning and only be replaced AFTER chopping has become available. Or avain could reduce the turns needed for "slash and burn" to make it less time consuming than chopping. Then they could exist side by side.
-as planting a forest on an existing forest is not often done (I assume), maybe you can make it available only to already choped down tiles...
Maybe better: make it available (more general) to tiles without forests (also to those which had no forest before and thus could not be chopped).
techs can be skipped which is no real problem... but maybe not intended
-parietal art and navel warfare I could just skip - they are not needed as a prerequisite... is it intended to be like this?
-as I got the great lighthouse I skipped corporation as well (so got no wallstreet...)
Regarding skipping corporations: isn't that the same in standard BtS?
it would be nice to have that plane-(and ship?)-automation-mod implemented if possible - that I think allows you to autobomb, patrol borders... (guess it was part of last lor-mod?)
If I am not mistaken, avain already mentioned thinking about adding this feature sometime in the future. I do second your request, though.
In addition to my previous post on sime bugs here some pics to back up what I wrote:

1.) Newly added pics in the tech popups are smaller than the traditional ones:
Spoiler :

2.) My scout can't hunt animals:
Spoiler :

Scouts can only defend.
Thanks, I know that this is the rule in stock BtS. But I was absolutely certain that in QC 8.0 my scouts had brought food to my cities after fighting with animals. Or were they able to do that (only) when they defended themselves against attacking animals? In that case I withdraw my comment.

Would be nice, though, to have a "hunter" unit that could move 2 tiles (like the scout) and thus keep up with fast moving animals (but that would not do well when defending against barbs).
First, thanks to all of you for the kind words and the feedback!

@Joecoolyo: I'm balancing QC on the recommended settings (first post). If you are using different settings,
chances are there can be differences. (i.e. weaker AI, different speed...)

@leonel: the maps included are made by Ronyboss. He claimed he was working on bigger maps, but haven't heard of him for a while now. But of course anyone is more than welcome to make maps/modmods for QC.

@Joecoolyo: I'm only supplying PerfectWorld2QC with QC. It's a slightly modified PerfectWorld2, to what I feel fits QC and my personal taste more. (less deserts and mountains e.g.)
Tribe is your first 'settler' type you can actually build and expand, hence the cost - it is so important. The settler makes the Tribe obsolete. Also, I did not raise their costs, the only thing I can think about that it's somehow linked to slowed food/growth in Stone Age era.

@French guy: if you hate Myth. creatures, I think you can just delete them from the units folder in QC.

@leonel: please provide a savegame before the crash (with info about what options you are using).

@debulm, Blue Anteater, The Almighty dF: I don't want to spam QC with too much added content for the sake of just having more. However, I'm not ruling out adding e.g. the Olympic Pantheon in the future.

@The Almighty dF: eventually I could still add some leaders, yes, but there are some ideas I want to do first.

@necxelos: creating a whole new civ is great work, and having it at the quality I like is even more. I do intend to tweak these civs more and perfect them, but anyone is free to make a new civ addon to QC.
I do intent to revisit the Future Era at some point.
I believe you are referring to the Blue Marble terrain included in QC. Well, I guess that as good as it gets! ;)

@caoimhin: Fire/forest removal: that is a know 'bug' by me, and I left it so because it's not as easy to correct. I'll see if I can think about a solution.
Lascaux paints/dye: yep, that's a bug, and I almost made the same kind of mistake in my development version for a new feature. I'm thinking about a solution.

@none: I don't know why the desert promo is not working, but appearantly that's the case:( I'll check the inquisitors.

@lymond: try not installing any of the LH packs. Also, the things the other helpful members mentioned could help, too.

@CellKu: Scouts can only defend, but yes, they do bring food home;)
Smaller tech popups: yep, donno why. It's the same with Next War for me. Will see if I can find out why.

@Joey9: 'slash and burn': the problem is there is a period between the chop and the appearance of workers. So I needed to add it as a build option to workers, don't know how to make chop replace slash&burn. But will see.
planting: there's no info about if a tile was chopped or not in the game I'm afraid, and adding it just for the sake of this feauture is not wise.
tech skipping: at the momemnt, yes. Also, corp. was not changed from vanilla.
naval units: will see if there could be some improvements

@CellKu: was thinking about the hunter unit, but currently it's represented via promotions.
Just wanted to pop-in, to say I have been playing this MoD a couple of weeks now, and I am enjoying it plenty. I have tinkered around with the starting options and found out that "start as minor civ", with a large map 9 opponents is great fun!

Current game running without the "minor civs", just as fun but this time I'm smashing prehistoric craniums :backstab:. Started with 9 civs again, but the 4; Ottoman, Korea, Japan, and Khmer, failed to stand the test-of-time. Now off to research sailing see who's out there. :hmm:

The greatness flows in this MoD, if the was anything I would add/change; opening background music for the Prehistoric age. Not at all "a need to do thing", but more-so to add a little flavor to the beginning. Especially since playing on Odyssey 2050 turns. I tried this speed to fully absorb the prehistoric, good times.
@Joecoolyo: I'm balancing QC on the recommended settings (first post). If you are using different settings,
chances are there can be differences. (i.e. weaker AI, different speed...)

I was using the slowest speed, so that might explain it.

@Joecoolyo: I'm only supplying PerfectWorld2QC with QC. It's a slightly modified PerfectWorld2, to what I feel fits QC and my personal taste more. (less deserts and mountains e.g.)
Tribe is your first 'settler' type you can actually build and expand, hence the cost - it is so important. The settler makes the Tribe obsolete. Also, I did not raise their costs, the only thing I can think about that it's somehow linked to slowed food/growth in Stone Age era.

As for the map, ok.

As for the cost, I just realized that it was probably because of the speed too. So no problems here. Thank you :goodjob:
2.) My scout can't hunt animals:
Spoiler :

Scouts can only defend, as said above. I tend to think of the application of the idea as, the scout group was never really adept at aggressive 'hunting', so instead they use cunning and traps. The scouts would rather use there skills to hide in wait, on the other hand, their warrior counterparts do the dirty work. So they do get to hunt just passive.

The only instance were in the 'civ world' were scouts are able to start melee is a fantasy based MoD, the Fall from Heaven series and maybe a few others, were the scout becomes assassins, and so forth. :hide:
Scouts can only defend, as said above. I tend to think of the application of the idea as, the scout group was never really adept at aggressive 'hunting', so instead they use cunning and traps. The scouts would rather use there skills to hide in wait, on the other hand, their warrior counterparts do the dirty work.
I do agree with you. However, I still think a hunting unit would be an awesome idea because of the game mechanic. There are animals that can move two tiles and do not attack your units. Thus, warriors (who can move only 1 tile) have seldom a chance to catch these animals. Since in the stone age food came mostly from hunting, and, on the other hand, avain wasn't sure about implementing a separate "hunter", I thought that a "tweaked" scout could mirror both unit types (hunter and scout).
Agreed. The mechanic would be a nice 'add', and clearly can be done; Fall from Heaven, but is left up to the discretion of the MoDs author.

Though in most of the games I'd played the scout does more exploring/g.huts/search out barb cities, than actually hunting. I tend to use a 'warrior' or stone spearman for hunting. The 2 move thing does not really come into effect because I generally hunt close to town, and I will pick up Double Forrest movement. The movement then is only lost on plains ect, and the maps generally are HEAVILY forested.
Though in most of the games I'd played the scout does more exploring/g.huts/search out barb cities, than actually hunting. I tend to use a 'warrior' or stone spearman for hunting. The 2 move thing does not really come into effect because I generally hunt close to town, and I will pick up Double Forrest movement. The movement then is only lost on plains ect, and the maps generally are HEAVILY forested.
Okay, you have a point here. Though I had different experiences with different maps (not all of them are heavily forested) and I usually need all my military units to defend against the barb waves that start around the middle of the stone age.

Btw, avain, I think the French (Louis) start with a scout, but IIRC at that time they don't have the required tech for scouts. Thus, IMO it would be better to change all initial (non-settler) units to warriors.
Is this mod stable for multiplayer or at least multiplayer friendly??

I was just gonna post the following bug/error: on multiplayer I'm getting many OOS failures. At each turn, they appear. Most of the times, they just disappear after a few moments, but sometimes they persist and then only reloading all players involved can solve it. Could this be related to RevDCM? In earlier versions of LoR they had this problem but with a new version of RevDCM this was solved with the last version of LoR that was released by Phungus.
I fear RevDCM is not updated to the last release in QC at the moment. And the change log of the RevDCM SVN says that there have been changes done that solve OOS problems.

@ Berenthor:
€: The new CCV 4.29 is released and Patch A is going to upload in some minutes.
I fear RevDCM is not updated to the last release in QC at the moment. And the change log of the RevDCM SVN says that there have been changes done that solve OOS problems.

@ Berenthor:
€: The new CCV 4.29 is released and Patch A is going to upload in some minutes.

I did not know that, I thought QC upgraded to the new version of RevDCM when it came out. That explains all my OOSes in multiplayer. Hopefully Avain updates that soon :)

I'll check out the new CCV version. I'm curious what you changed/added :)
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