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Random Raves XLVI: 145,784 and Counting: Every story happens one word at a time.

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Racing is an expensive sport. More so than golf. ;)
Racing is an expensive sport. More so than golf. ;)
Car is completely stock, apart from the factory installed racing package. Plus, my car is really light, so I don't need to drop money on fancier tires or track pads.
No, but I thought it was tradition.
It is.
It's a "tradition" that needs to stop. All it does is make the OP feel like crap (or at least that's how it makes me feel). That's not in keeping with the objective of the thread.
I don't remember seeing anybody complain before. I didn't think anybody took it that seriously.
When I started one, I actually thought it was funny. But I guess if one person is offended everyone should stop doing it.
Pretty sure we only crap on the title of the rants thread, not the raves thread.

I always took it to mean we have our own traditions and tiny little subculture. It's not something to be offended by.
The OT and forum rules do not address this topic.
This is the internet, someone will always be offended.
I guess the rules should be more concrete, it's obvious not all thought it was rant threads only.
I don't remember seeing anybody complain before. I didn't think anybody took it that seriously.
When I started one, I actually thought it was funny. But I guess if one person is offended everyone should stop doing it.
People spent quite a number of posts complaining about the title of my last Raves thread. It's not funny. And yes, if the OP asks you not to, you should respect that.

If you choose not to be respected, that's your right. But you don't get to choose that for other people.

Pretty sure we only crap on the title of the rants thread, not the raves thread.
No, some people here do it to everyone, regardless of whether or not the OP is okay with it. They just find it hard to be civil.

I always took it to mean we have our own traditions and tiny little subculture. It's not something to be offended by.
Yes, we do have our own traditions and tiny little subculture. But why do they have to be nasty ones?

I'm not in the habit of complaining about serial threads unless I don't understand the numbers/numerals/language used. You'll notice that both Aimee and I provided arabic numerals in the OP for anyone not up on Roman numerals.

The OT and forum rules do not address this topic.
And therefore it's open season on the OP? :huh:

Have some civility, guys. I don't go out of my way to insult your thread titles.
I don't remember being asked before. I guess that's just one more thing I'm not allowed to mention here.
The OT and forum rules do not address this topic.

And therefore it's open season on the OP? :huh:
Valka, my post was as neutral as it could be about an issue of poster behavior that was being discussed. No one was quoted; no one was mentioned; no behavior was supported nor a side taken. I am allowed to post in this thread. Please don't drag me into your "you are being mean to me" paranoia.
Google analytics tells me most current viewers of my Patreon are from the US (23) and most of those are from NY (6) and California (also 6).

Second country with most people is Greece, and then Poland and the UK :)
Valka, my post was as neutral as it could be about an issue of poster behavior that was being discussed. No one was quoted; no one was mentioned; no behavior was supported nor a side taken. I am allowed to post in this thread. Please don't drag me into your "you are being mean to me" paranoia.
Oh, please. I never said you're not allowed to post in this thread.

I am not the only OP who has had their title dragged through the mud (and other nasty stuff). If I'd meant "open season on me" that is what I would have typed.

"Paranoia" is uncalled-for. It's not paranoia if there really are people on this forum who just make a habit of incivility for no other reason than they can, and who cares about the reasons why the OP chose the title (it may have personal meaning, as this one does).

Yes, I know there's no official rule. I thought it might just fall under the "don't be a jerk" rule, or the rule regarding the behavior we're not supposed to mention, lest we be accused of accusing others of that behavior.
I don't know if this counts as a rave, but I've managed to sign myself for the drafting component of the free manufacturing pipeline program. The first step at the moment is actually passing the skills inventory portion at 70% or better.

I'm only very nervous on the math portion since calculators aren't allowed.
The reply all button usually is a bad thing. Nice to hear a story where it wasn't. Hopefully congrats will be in order.

Thanks :).
Only replying because it seems I'm not eligible for the job in France, but they'll forward my CV to someone else who probably has a suitable position :D.
Know your audience and pick your battles, sometimes we rant over titles and sometimes we don't. Don't worry, Tak will inevitably snipe another serial thread soon and we can all go back doing what we do best.
New posters don't know the audience or which posters are over sensitive. So if there is no hard and fast rule, people shouldn't be taken to task for making a err in judgement.
New posters don't know the audience or which posters are over sensitive. So if there is no hard and fast rule, people shouldn't be taken to task for making a err in judgement.
It probably is covered under "Banter and Chat"

Banter and Chat
'Banter' between 'friends' is treated no differently from any other forum posts. For example, if you flame a 'friend' and think that because you don't really 'mean it' then it is OK, it will still be considered as flaming and dealt with accordingly. Moderators do not have the time, or inclination, to check with each person whether they are offended by the flaming, and it would also result in the appearance that the rules are not applied consistently.

That said, I find the subtitle of this thread a violation of the conventions for subtitling the serial threads. Subtitles are usually general expressions, in common parlance (or adaptations of such), and therefore inviting to an entire community to come share their particular raves or rants. This subtitle refers to the OP's personal life situation, and therefore could give the impression that people who don't participate in NaWriMo are not welcome in the thread. It would be more appropriate as a post in the thread than the subtitle of the thread. I personally feel offended by that implicit exclusion. I therefore won't be posting a rave until the thread turns over--which deprives me of a month or so of sharing my good news with a group of people with whom I generally feel considerable camaraderie.
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