RBGC SG3: (almost) ALWAYS WAR!

Umm--have we switched to republic yet? Aaberg's screenie shows us as imperial, and I forgot to check. Smegged, please remedy.
Grumble grumble. I have to fix everything around here. First it was those pesky united pooheads, and now it's these stinking barbaric governments.

Thanks for all the well wishing, I had a great birthday. I have been so busy since last friday that I haven't had a chance to get on my computer, let alone play galciv. Fortunately I should have some time tomorrow to get some in. In the meantime, I need some well earned sleep.
Hey, Smegged, whassup? It's well past your 48, do you have the game ready?
Zed and others. I really am committed to this game. I really want to play it out to its conclusion. However, my turn came up at the very worst time possible for me (party stuff + return to uni + doctor/orthodontist appointments + RL commitments). Over the last 5 days I have had a grand total of one hour of free time for computer stuff, which I used to check email and write my last post. I will, however, definately have time to play within the next 24 hours. So if my grace period can be extended until then, I would be most greatful. If, however, you wish to run with the game without me I also understand.

Consider the :whipped: applied. We will await your report in a day.

For all--if any of us sees similar issues--then ask for a skip.
My turn went smoothly. The very first turn, I rushbuilt a corvette to take out the transport coming from the Arceans. The 160 bc cost was worth it, since it got us to frigates one turn earlier.

About April I remembered to change governments (which is slack since I reread all the notes people had posted just before this turn).

As soon as we got Frigates, I changed all of our worlds from corvettes to frigates and started full military production. This is the result:

Some other significant events occured on my turn. In the screeney I just posted it doesn't list that we also stole another tech in our second invasion (I forgot to press printscreen and paste it). I also traded cultural trade for advanced engineering and turbo phasers.

The next leader will note that they have a few frigates at their disposal. They have one of two options for their turn. The first is that they use the frigates for homeland defense, spend one turn researching sensors, then build as many wonders/trade goods as possible. This may yeild us the Eyes of the Universe, the Galactic Stock Exchange and Tri Stronium Steel, all of which are absolutely vital for our chances of victory. This would also catch our new worlds up with the others. One of the captured worlds was also building a manufacturing capital, so if we let it build we would have two.

The second option is that the next leader keeps pressing our advantage with Frigates into Arcean space. This may be our only time that we have a military tech lead over the AI. We could significantly hurt Arcea by doing this.

Personally, I prefer the first option. The Galactic Stock Exchange is the next most important wonder other than the ones we already have. Eyes would give us an extreme tactical advantage, and Tri Stronium Steel would give our ships huge advantages in combat.

However, if successfully executed, our push into Arcean space could yeild us another 3-4 worlds.

Both options are risky, may not work, and once the path has been chosen there is no going back. This is going to be a crucial set of turns for our civ. If we chose wrongly the game is going to be much harder. If we chose correctly the game may be much easier. Either way, I'm glad that I'm not the one to make the choice :).

The last few paragraphs, for ease of reading for those people who have 1024x768 resolution or less.

The next leader will note that they have a few frigates at their disposal. They have one of two options for their turn. The first is that they use the frigates for homeland defense, spend one turn researching sensors, then build as many wonders/trade goods as possible. This may yeild us the Eyes of the Universe, the Galactic Stock Exchange and Tri Stronium Steel, all of which are absolutely vital for our chances of victory. This would also catch our new worlds up with the others. One of the captured worlds was also building a manufacturing capital, so if we let it build we would have two.

The second option is that the next leader keeps pressing our advantage with Frigates into Arcean space. This may be our only time that we have a military tech lead over the AI. We could significantly hurt Arcea by doing this.

Personally, I prefer the first option. The Galactic Stock Exchange is the next most important wonder other than the ones we already have. Eyes would give us an extreme tactical advantage, and Tri Stronium Steel would give our ships huge advantages in combat.

However, if successfully executed, our push into Arcean space could yeild us another 3-4 worlds.

Both options are risky, may not work, and once the path has been chosen there is no going back. This is going to be a crucial set of turns for our civ. If we chose wrongly the game is going to be much harder. If we chose correctly the game may be much easier. Either way, I'm glad that I'm not the one to make the choice .
Smegged (just played)
Zed-F (UP)

Before playing, I would suggest some discussion about our next move. Do we expose our queen to try and acheive a quick mate, or do we move our pawns for better board control?
One more thing.

I would have asked for a skip in hindsight. However, when my turn came up, it appeared that I would have more time than I did. So I apologise for the delay, and hopefully I won't have so much on my plate next time I'm up :).

It happens. I am glad the game is up and going again. :)

I think we should place a high priority on getting eyes of the universe. As this game gets on into the later stages movement rates are going to be higher then our sensor range unless we grab this wonder. If we let movement outstrip our sensors then we lose our major edge in combat and limit our ability to raid behind enemy lines. As for the stock exchange, I never build it. I think we would be better served to use the 5 turns it would take to build it for other things.

I would suggest switching to social for long enough to get the eyes and then going back on the offensive. We also need to start working toward battleships so that we get it around the same time as the AI does. Ideally we could push our advantage vs. the Arceans at the same time but keeping up in tech needs to come first. We will quickly get creamed if we don’t get battleships before or with the AI.
Social. Get the eyes, complete the 2nd manu capital and try to pull galactic stock exchange and Tri-strontium. With only tax income the galactic stock exchange will be of GREAT benefit. Tri-strontium is great for us and is useful for denial purposes. Eyes are essential.
Originally posted by Bam-Bam
With only tax income the galactic stock exchange will be of GREAT benefit.

Well the tax revenu is still capped at 4x pq even if you have no trade coming in. Unless you build few morale buildings and keep high morale by going the low tax rate way, the GSE is almost useless after you get stock markets.
Well done Smegged, grabbing those two arcean planets has given us a much sounder tactical board to play off.

(Sound of paper clips being idly tossed about while thought bubbles quietly pop, brain in gear flag set)

Eyes will give us a great tactical advantage which could be made up for with sensor drones at a pinch, but its a clutzy way to provide what eyes can do for us. Only Scotty has nano elec so no one else is even close to building it yet, so there is some more time in our favour, some 'vettes on picket duty may work as a short term stand in.

Gal stock ex may be better in our hands than someone elses, it can give the AI a significant boost to manufacture at maso level at this point in a game, but its not as vital here, and I'm fairly relaxed about not having it.

But my heart (black and evil) is telling me that now has to be the time to try and weaken the enemy.

Our transports are quite slow and from Xasica (say) will take a while to get to further Arcean space and the next two planets are probably 7B or 11B if we went after the big ones, could be interesting. The Drengin seem to be quite weak, possibly they bought their two wonders and its sent their economy into free fall, but with Aphro they could become quite a threat quite quickly. I'm inclined to press our military advantage but would consider an attack against the Dren at sauron 3B(ish) worth considering, it may give us the oportunity to mop up the outlying Drengin planets which have quite low populations before CTs become the norm for invasion.

I would have to vote for a strike against the Dren and see if we can pick up some easy meat worth developing before we have to ramp social for Eyes etc. (brain in gear flag reset) :sleep:
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