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RBP10 - The Spanish Explorers - Team B

Very well--I got it, and will play this evening. Likely I will play 20, but if things get interesting (contact), I will stop earlier.
Ahhh! Sorry guys. I didn't know this started already, and I've had homework, homework, and more homework as an afterthought. Internet was down on Wed, and today I had a club after school till 5 and didn't get home till 6, from which I started the homework/dinner cycle. If only I had checked in 30 minutes sooner...

Hotrod, you work in Seymour? Where (if I may ask w/o spam?)
Glad you made it Bob! A small rubber company behind S&S.

Bob I moved you to the end of the roster but these early rounds will move quickly so you should see the game soon enough.

Pre-turn (3000 BC)

First act is to fire the musicians. Hey--Ponce de Leon is rather (ahem) effeminate, don't you think? :lol: As expected, everything is in order.

2950 BC (1)

Moving western warrior up to scout N of Madrid.

2900 BC (2)

Madrid granery -> settler

2850 BC (3)


2800 BC (4)

Madrid grows to size four--settler and growth in 4. Lux goes to 40% :sad:, but no deficit spending.

2750 BC (5)


2710 BC (6)

Road over irrigated game completes. MM Madrid for more commerce--settler and growth still in 2. The road and the mm allows lux to go back to 30%. Move worker to grassland 2 squares NW of Madrid. This reveals that the yellow dot area is an endpoint.

2670 BC (7)

Mining grassland.

2630 BC (8)

Madrid settler -> temple. I want to get Madrid producing the next couple of settlers as it is about to grow to seven. This gets us more gold. Settler enroute to red dot. Lux tax dropped to 20%.

2590 BC (9)


2550 BC (10)

A yokel shows up two squares from settler. I know--shouldn't have moved the SW warrior. Move scouting warrior that is one square north of Madrid in for MP--Madrid MP to escort settler.

2510 BC (11)

Madrid grows to size 4, lux to 30%. Warrior catches up with settler. Barb retreats into fog.

2470 BC (12)

Barb is going after our fortified warrior on SE tip of our land. I notice red borders down there.

2430 BC (13)

Madrid temple -> archer. Time for some yokel hunting--now there are two of em running around. Lux back to 20%.

2390 BC (14)

Barcelona founded on red dot--barb camp 2 squares SW. Production set to granery. Madrid grows to 5, lux to 30%.

IT: The barbs decide not to attack the warrior fortified in Barcelona.

2350 BC (15)


2310 BC (16)

Madrid archer -> settler. Settler production set so that it is timed with growth to 7. Archer enroute for yokel control. Worker to improve to Barcelona.

2270 BC (17)

Madrid grows, lux to 40%.

2230 BC (18)

Our warrior kills a yokel NE of Barcelona. MM Barcelona to work two lake squares, settler still timed with growth. Lux can go back to 30%.

IT: A barb horseman appears N of Madrid. :eek:

2190 BC (19)

Archer kills a yokel SE of Barcelona--poised to attack barb camp next turn.

2150 BC (20)

Madrid settler -> archer. Our archer attacks the barb camp, redlines, wins, promotes and sacks the camp for 25g! Lux back to 20%. MM Barcelona to the lake (shield from the cow is lost to waste :cry: ) for an extra gold and growth still in 1. I have left the settlers movement to the next leader--I recommend sending him 5 tiles SW of Madrid. Send the non-fortified warrior (also movement left) in Barcelona to meet up and escort. Madrid expands in 6 turns; that should bring the spices into our borders without having to settle yellow dot (which is a pure fishing village.

OK--my thoughts on Madrid micromanagement: Although the city screen currently says the archer is due in 4, if you leave things as they are in the city, when it grows it will pull in another forest tile for and extra two shields and complete the archer with the growth. You can then build the settler timed with growth. Remember to check the lux after the city grows, and to MM off one of the shields to the lake 1 turn before growth/settler are due (8 spt and +3 fpt will give settler/growth in 4, and the last turn can be 6 spt. I think we should pop a couple of workers out of here too--and once one of the forest squares is chopped, Madrid can produce no worse than a worker every other turn.

Below is our land, with a revised dotmap--fishing villages are in pink. I recommend dark blue first, then green or light blue (which can take either dot depending on what land is revealed), followed by the fishing villages with Madrid settlers. Black dot, white dot, and the southern fishing villages should be filled in with settlers from Barcelona, once it gets rolling.

BTW, if I am wrong about the capital border expansion bringing in the spices, then get that fishing village established quickly, we need the lux. Also, we should beeline to mapmaking after writing, so we can get contacts. It would be good to have more than one silks online before contact, and a harbor if we can.

Good luck to Coffeecup on your ten. We should play ten per from here on out.

Preturn 2150 BC

Follow BamBam’s advice, move settler & warrior, (from Barcelona), towards dark blue dot. No barbs is in sight. Madrid set to grow in 6.

2110 BC

Move archer to hill, will fortify next turn. Set settler & warrior for pairing. Barb moves towards Madrid. Archer due in 3, barb due in 1.

2070 BC

Barb to Madrid, Madrid riots, increase lux to 30%. Did not expect that. Settler/warrior pair on route.

2030 BC

Barb destroys improvements on game. Archer due in 1. Growth in 2. Stop worker, moving to Madrid.

1990 BC

Damn barb moved into the forest. I need him gone. I attack, redline but win. Swap granary in Barcelona to worker. No shields lost, growth in 4.

1950 BC

Barb horse appears out of the fog. Barcelona builds worker, worker to cattle. Archer to Barcelona, warrior to hill. Come on barb. Seville founded, warrior due in 5. Lux to 40%

1910 BC

Barb moves beside warrior, he was suppose to attack, warrior kills barb. Think I will check my lottery ticket. Looks good for land north of Madrid. Madrid expands, spices inside borders. Was there any doubt.

1870 BC

Barb out of fog in the north. Pushed my wounded archer too far. Archer retreats to forest.

1830 BC

Barb warrior out of fog in the south. Seville warrior move to pair with settler due in 1. Seville warrior due in 2, we have 2 shields there. Shuffle warior/archer in Barcelona. Northern barbs stay out of sight, I had expected to lose the archer. Swap forest tile to fresh water tile in Madrid.

1790 BC

Madid builds settler => light blue dot. Archer dispatches barb warrior, so far no loses.

1750 BC

Irrigation completes on game, move worker to start road to spices thru plains. Madrid growth in 2 settler in 3.

Uploaded a screen shot, however can not find it. rb10_1750.jpg
Ok--looked at the save. Overall good set of turns, coffeecup. Only :smoke: was the riot--but I have done that so many times I've lost count. Nota bene to all of us--Madrid has to be MM'd every turn.

Nice work against the barbs--too bad they forced us to switch Barcelona off the granery, but them's the breaks. Also, given that we are NOT on an Island, green dot should have gotten priority over the light blue. Looking at your turnlog, though--it was too risky to send the settler that way, so keep the current settler headed there. The green dot will be a nice city. Settling spot should move one tile NW of dotmap--this cuts off overlap to capital and pulls in more land tiles northward. Obviously, next settler out of Madrid should go there.

Also, lux can go to 30% without riots--another thing that has to be watched EVERY turn.
Let's get some scouting done northward and use Madrid's settlers to claim land. Granery in Barcelona should be chop-assisted directly SW of cow. (Bob--you may want to consider maxing growth for the first couple of turns to get it up in size before working on the NW forest). After that, it should probably be whipped ASAP once the spices are online. Then Barcelona can settle the south--with black dot then white the priority. Hopefully not pressing north until now will not hurt us too badly.

Good luck to Bob on his ten.
Hotrod (on deck)
BobTheTerrrible <---- playing now

Couple other things:

Turn off the governor in Seville, no governors, no automated workers. Happiness on diety is tough until we get those spices online we need to use the slider effectively.

Note: the upload utility works better for uploading pictures and saves. It is down at the bottom of the forum page and you can browse your save directory, zip the save file then select the zip file. Press upload and the file will go to the uploads4 folder. To post the link just type the address into your report. It takes some doing but make things easier in the long run.
Madrid was good for happiness, I did check, when the barb landed at the front door that was when Madrid rioted. (lack of mp's I suspect) On not turning the lux tax back to 30%, yep my bad.

Ok, I did switch Barcelona back to a granary, thought I had forgot that.

Np, will check the govenors for new cities. Just use to my own preference set is all.

Ok found the file. Thanks

ps: there is an extra warrior under the Barcelona archer.
Yeah, coffeecup, the barb landed on one of Madrid's worked tiles that had commerce--and so we lost a gold piece going to happiness with the lux--the governor moved the city worker to a forest square--so no :smoke: there.

I was :hmm: wondering why Seville had weird notations around it. You need to make sure your PTW settings are to NOT have the governor be the default for new cities. Otherwise, we are in pretty good shape--a little delay in getting north should be ok--means that we do not have to wait for MM to get contacts--that is definately a good thing for a deity game.
Hey Bam-Bam thanks for the happiness insights. I edited my original post, caught the preference set problem, however the happiness problem I had only half solved. It is worth noting that the rioting occured at the beginning of the turn following the pillaging. I would have had to of adjusted happiness the turn previous to avoid rioting.

Most certainly I did want to push north, just too much risk.

There is an extra warrior under the Barcelona archer. Perhaps rediect the warrior/settler pair to join with the warrior/archer pair, then settle in the south. This was was my first idea. I like it better then settling NE.

Good luck to Bob.

.......coffee.....................this post edited.
@ BobTheTerrrible , the worker at Barcelona is set to travel north on completing the road. You will need to catch him before that to get at the forestry cut. Just thought I should let you know.
Turn 0- Everything looks ok. I toy with the research bar a little to no avail. I think I will go for literature afterwards, to nab the GL.

Halfway between turn 0/1- Rome builds the Pyrimeds!

Turn 1- By my reckoning, Madrid will go into riots once it grows to 6, and we would either have to waste a tile or raise the lux tax. I mm it to work on the irrigated plains. Worker moves down to road off the spices. Accidentally move warrior ghuarding settler away. Move warrior north of Madrid north 1 tile, revealing barb camp. I think I will attack next turn seeing as they have horsemen

Between 1/2- A horseman comes out of fog and kills the warrior North of Madrid. Perhaps bronze working would be a better choice. Persians build the Oracle.

Turn 2- Finish MM, so settler build same time as Madrid grows. Our archer loses to a barb warrior, but our warrior finishes him off.

Turn 3- Warrior shows up in the south, near the worker who would have began chopping forest this turn. See Roman borders near where warrior came from. I will gather a party to go north with the settler.

Turn 4- Mostly uneventful, barb warrior moves away from Barcelona

Turn 5- Toledo founded on light blue dot. Mucho barb horsemen-one south two to north. North are 1 tile away from city so our archers can pick them off.

Turn 6- Zulus build the Collossus. Barbs move around- no immediate threat.

Turn 7- Archer kills a barb horseman but he will die next turn because of two more North of him. Our warrior attacks the barb one near Barcelona, and loses. I could switch granary to temple and whip it, but the barbs are unpredictible. I will hope for the best. Nooo! Accidentally moved worker within killing distance of a barb horseman.

Turn 8- Palace expands, barbs kill the worker (sorry guys) and a horseman attacks the warrior in barcelona, and our warrior wins!

Turn 9- Barbs wander around aimlessly. Madrid still builds archers to ward off the horsemen. Writing comes in, begin on bronze working. It could come in in 17 turns, but hotrod can be the judge.

Turn 10- Barbs wander around- Romans found Vicronium on OUR continent. Hotrod will have to try to make contact.

Ps not sure if I uploaded everything right. I see the file in the index of uploads, but not sure how to link.
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