Real Reason for the Afghan War comes out: Vast Mineral Wealth in Afghanistan

Ah, a new quarry for China.
Yes. 9/11 was a setup, designed to produce an excuse to invade.

I don't believe this. Afghanistan had no infrastructure, no educated workforce, nothing. It was a country full of unruly rebels, on the edgde of US influence sphere. It just wouldn't be worth it.
This might be an extremely good thing. If Afghanistan can build a more modern economy and support itself without having to resort to drug manufacturing, then we might actually be able to ever leave that god-forsaken place.

As John said, this money, if wisely used and invested, could enormously assist Afghanistan and allow us to get out ... [...] ... I hope for most of them to pull their heads out of their backsides and work together so they can all get rich and allow the whole nation to get more rich with them.

:lmao: :lol:

As usual, the lion share of the profits will go to CEOs and shareholders of x multinational mineral conglomorate, the change would go to politicians and local warlords, and the people gets approximately nothing.
:lmao: :lol:

As usual, the lion share of the profits will go to CEOs and shareholders of x multinational mineral conglomorate, the change would go to politicians and local warlords, and the people gets approximately nothing.

Hence the key term "hope." :p

Pessimism, sadly, is generally closer to reality than its archrival, optimism. 99% of the time, what you said happened will indeed be what occurs. :(

...I'll still hope, though! I have nothing better to do.
As sad as it is to say, I'm wondering if this will end up like another country with a vast mineral wealth that is also disconnected and subject to corruption: the D.R. of Congo.

Seems like it could end up in a similar plight: if the afghan gov't can't provide security, control over the extraction of these resources will likely fall into the hands of warlords, who will likely use the money they generate to further corrupt the political process and buy more guns.

Maybe it will work out for you guys this time, second times the charm!

But I agree, lets keep the foriegn companies out. I am sure the Aghans will be much happier herding goats on top of their now useless resources instead of taking a cut from extraction. Its working wonders for Bolivia and Venezuala.
The Afghan War gets worse each day. The true question of the conflict is, when the US leaves...probably by the middle of this decade if Al Qaeda or some other terrible Jihadist group is habouring there.. would all that fighting have been in vain?
But I agree, lets keep the foriegn companies out. I am sure the Aghans will be much happier herding goats on top of their now useless resources instead of taking a cut from extraction. Its working wonders for Bolivia and Venezuala.

Just like it's working in the Congo and Nigeria?

I agree that it's no good to just keep the stuff in the ground, but at the same time, in this kind of scenario it can make things much worse...
It'll be interesting to see how it'll progress and who'll be the real profiteers.
This might be an extremely good thing. If Afghanistan can build a more modern economy and support itself without having to resort to drug manufacturing, then we might actually be able to ever leave that god-forsaken place.

I think it means quite the opposite. The US might extend their stay there indefinitely.
So much easier for the liberals to remain in Afghanistan for the Lithium than to invade Bolivia
Potentially good news, probably bad news.
Looks like warlords will just have more to fight about.
LOL @ FriendlyFire; well played, good sir. :D

It's either the world's one stop shop for Opium, or the world's one stop shop for Opium and Lithium. I don't see how this is going to benefit anyone on the ground there unless some serious infrastructure goes in.
The Afghan War gets worse each day. The true question of the conflict is, when the US leaves...probably by the middle of this decade if Al Qaeda or some other terrible Jihadist group is habouring there.. would all that fighting have been in vain?

unless Pakistan gets serious our best shot at getting Al Qaeda in the future is if they do move back into Afghanistan where we can get at them. We need to get our butts out of there pdq, let China deal with the fanatics.
Pakistan is too busy defending the areas China invests in to be worried about the remote far flung areas America is concerned with.
And as everyone may remember, we invaded Iraq for all that free oil.
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